Water in a Fountain

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

"But I don't want to go..." Suho said as he almost felt as if he was going to cry.

"Suho will you please stop," Suho's father said with a stern voice, "All you have to do is attend, it's not that bad."

"Can't we please have my party somewhere else? I will be all for this if we have this party at our house," Suho said as he held back tears.

"SUHO!" Suho's father yelled, "We were gracious enough to buy you a yacht for your birthday, so why can't we celebrate your 18th birthday on it?"


"I am so thankful that you care about me so much as to buy me such an expensive gift but... I would of preferred a car... that we could of celebrated at our house, its not too late, I'm sure, to take back the yacht and get me a car." Suho said begging.

"You bought your own car with your own money, now just be grateful that mother and I bought you this," Suho's father yelled even louder, "There is no excuse Suho, you have no excuse not to attend since you are the guest of honor."


"Fine!" Suho whispered under his breath.

"Great, I don't want to discuss this further. Mother and I are planning everything, all you have to do is stand on the yacht and have a fun on your 18th birthday, we will invite all your friends," Suho's father said as he placed his hand on Suho's shoulder.

Father walked out of Suho's room as Suho could not help but feel paralyzed as he stood in place. He continued to just stare at his door.

Suho whispered quietly to himself, "I don't know how to tell you this father, but I don't want to celebrate my birthday on water because.... I'm terrified of water..." Suho's whisper quickly turned into yelling, "I don't want a yacht because I will never use it anyways." 


Suho's father and mother were both CEO's of a successful marketing company and soon, as Suho grew older, he will inherit the company to run. Suho always enjoyed taking care of others and pleasing his parents, so he was "okay" with inheriting the family company.


Suho fell to his knees as he began to cry, "I don't know what friends you plan on inviting to my party... because I have none."

Since Suho is considered the rich kid amongst all the rich families in Seoul, he rarely had friends that were simply his friends. They were more like competition partners that will later become enemies in the marketing world.

Suho raised his head from his knees and dried his own tears, "I shouldn't be complaining. I'm sure many families would be so honored to receive this gift. I am not one to cry of what I don't have, I will be thankful and try to fight my fear. I just need to remember that I will not be swimming in the water, simple just riding on top of it. As long as I stay on the boat, I will be fine."

Night fell upon their mansion, as Suho prepared for bed. But Suho could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness as he realized that he is alone in his own life. There were no close friends to comfort him and not even acquaintances to ask for advice during difficult times.

Suho layed his head on his pillow as he stared out his window that overlooked the beautiful Seoul city lights, "I love you mother and father, you are all I have and I love you with all my being, but... All I want for my birthday is a friend. I want to go eat junk food together at midnight and go to a video arcade and spend lots of money just playing video games. I want to know what its like to wear a uniform to school and hang out with friends after school. I want to skip class to go on a date with a girlfriend..."

Suho continued to look out his window as he realized his private school life was coming to an end. After he graduates, he will start his internship to study under his father. Suho turned away from his window as he stared at his dark door, "But it's too late now, I've had my chance. I guess some are destined to be alone," he said as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

That tear being a symbol of all that Suho is, lay close to his cheek as if it was his being hugging him to sleep. This perfect tear drop shaped that of a perfect rain drop as it falls from the heavens. This single tear drop is what sang to Suho as he fell into a deep sleep.


"Suho..... Suho....." a gentle voice of a maiden echoed in his dreams, "You are not destined to be alone for no one is ever alone. You will have 11 that will join you in your battles... Don't be scared of what is to come,  for you were chosen to lead this group. You will lead Exo! Take heed of my words Suho and always remember what I am about to tell you. Whatever happens to Exo in your battles together, whatever fears and unknown futures you all have together, remember, it's not your fault if something happens. You are to lead this group, but all are independent in who they are. You are all individuals with different gifts, but you are all one. Don't be afraid Suho!"


Suho gently opened his eyes as the warm sunlights heat caressed his back. Suho suddenly remembered the instructions he was given in a dream when he was 13 years old about becoming an Exo. At that moment, a radiant smile spread across Suho's face.

"Today is the day..." Suho said to himself as he sat up in his bed. "I will not be hurt today for I am destined to lead Exo, whoever they may be."

Suho began to stretch his arms until he felt something cold on his cheek. Suho quickly jerked as he slowly brought his hand toward the cold spot on his cheek, he gently felt a water droplet on his cheek. He stepped out of bed and walked toward his mirror. With wide eyes he stared at the single tear drop that still lay on his cheek. He led the tear drop on to his finger as he continued to stare at it.

Suho never liked water since he nearly drowned in his family's water fountain that stands in front of the family's mansion. But something was oddly comforting about this single water droplet that Suho produced.

He looked at it, brought it in front of his face and whispered a simple, "Thank you," but as he whispered these gentle words to the fragile tear drop, it evaporated into the air. Suho watched gently as the one tear drop became many then disappeared.

"Well... I guess I should get ready for the day... Tonight is my birthday party..." Suho said happily.

He quickly got on sweat pants and a sweat shirt to get ready for his morning walk. Suho always went for a jog in the mornings. His route consists of running on the family's property that consisted of miles and miles of property. He always ran around the large estate then around the family's fountain which measured the size of a swimming pool.

Suho quickly ran down the large staircase and out the front door.

He ran around the large estate three times before finally stopping at the fountain. Suho, dripping in sweat, cautiously walked toward the fountain.

He stopped in front of the concrete wall as he admired the fearful killer that almost murdered him 7 years ago. He sat down in front of the fountain. "Why did you do that to me? You have always been a sign of our families wealth but to me, you have always been a sign of death. Now because of you, I fear water," Suho said angrily to the fountain's waters.

Without thinking, Suho felt a sudden urge to simply set his feet into its blue and cool waters. He took off his socks and shoes and gently placed his feet in. He now sat on the concrete edge but suddenly an overwhelming sense of fear flooded Suho's inner being. As he frantically began to remove his feet, the waters begin to rise by itself up Suho's legs. Without warning, the water dragged Suho into the deep fountain.

Suho began to spin frantically as he tried to reach for the surface but instead of fear, Suho began to feel... comfort. Instead of spinning in fear, he began to spin in enjoyment. With a swoop of his hand, he felt the water began to push him upward as he finally broke free on the surface. He glided toward the concrete edge and quickly climbed out.

Suho, now frantically breathing hard, began to wonder what happened. He crawled away from the fountain, soaking wet. As he turned to stare at the blue sky, he began to feel the water droplets on his skin feel as if they were moving. He quickly sat up and looked at the water droplets and each droplet was moving its way toward his open palms.

Fearfully, he shook both of his hands as each drop of water went flying off but almost magnetic would come flying back to his hand. Without warning he moved his hand in an upward motion, at the same time, the gallons upon gallons of water in the fountain shot up in the sky in following the motion of Suho's hands. Suho, not knowing how to control this, threw both of his hands up in the air in terror, sending all the water across their front lawn leaving giant puddles of water everywhere.

"Oh my word, my... What did I just do?" Suho asked himself as he frantically begin running toward the house.

The house staff all stopped what they were doing; all they could hear was Suho repeating, "I'm so sorry!" as he ran from the fountain, in the front door, and into his room.

Suho quickly grabbed his chair and sat it in front of his door, so know person could come in. Suho dropped to floor and began to laugh, "Wow, is this my power? I control water? Really? Oh why?" Suho quickly looked up to the ceiling and raised his pointer finger and began to yell, "Why? Is... It... Water!! You know how much I'm afraid of water!"

"Wow, life sure is cruel to the people it takes care of," he whispered to himself. But the water bottle on his desk quickly got all his attention and an intense form of curiosity overflowed through Suho. He quickly ran toward the desk, picked up the water bottle, opened it, and spilled it on the floor.

Suho ran to where the water puddle ended, got on his knees, and kept the open water bottle on the desk.

He hesitantly held out his hands and suddenly felt that magnetic feeling in his hands. Each individual water droplet gathered together and came towards Suho's hands. In a matter of seconds, the water droplets formed a puddle that hovered in air in front of Suho's open hands. Suho directed his hands toward the open water bottle and thought of each droplet going in the water bottle. To his surprise, the water puddle followed suit and went directly back into the water bottle under Suho's command.

Suho screamed at the top of lungs and fell back to the floor. "Wow!" was all he could say as he stared at the water bottle.

At that moment, a loud bang rang through Suho's room, "Suho are you okay darling? I heard you scream," Suho's mother said as she frantically knocked on the door.

"I won't be able to go to my party mother, I think I'm sick," he said as he layed on the bare floor.


That was my 18th birthday and the story of how I learned to control water. I still wait for the day when Exo is all gathered together. Being leader, I think its my responsiblity to find each member of Exo.


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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️