The Frozen Hourglass

Exo 12: Unknown Enigma

Tao has always been a fighter, metaphorically and realistically speaking of course. Tao is one that has very high self-confidence but very much so, he deserves it all; he is handsome, the top martial artist in Asia, and very smart. He is a gentleman that many of ladies swoon over on a daily basis, but Tao never lets too much of this go to his head. Actually, if we were to break down his actual personality, deep down in his heart, you will find the most soft heart for others and even for himself. He is fearless and fearful mixed together with bucket full of intense and powerful.


Tao's mother graciously packs his bag with all his martial arts athletic gear.

"Mom! I don't need all that! I just need my uniform and towel.. I will be fine.." Tao says with a stern voice.

"Oh honey, it's your last competition. If you win this, you will be going to the World Finals. Oh I am so proud of you my son," Tao's mother says in a gentle tone as she starts rubbing her sons cheeks, growing closer to kissing them.

Before she could do so, Tao quickly but gently kisses his mothers soft and tender cheek.

She smiles happily, "What did I do to receive and have such a sweet and caring son like you, Tao?"

"I love you more than anything in this world mother, thank you for all you do to help me. I am very nervous but you are helping to calm the storm inside me. I can't help but think what would happen if I lose, I will feel so bad... Like all my work would be for nothing," Tao whispers as he hangs his head low.

Tao's mother gently lifts her son's head, "Now don't talk like that. You always do your very best and always succeed that way. Continue with what you do and don't worry about winning. Conquer yourself and better yourself through this."

Tao is always strengthened by his mothers words, she is the only woman and person in his life that completely has faith in him without doubt. She has never missed any of Tao's martial arts competitions.

"We are in a different land Tao, so try not to wander away from me," Tao's mother whispers to him.

"I won't mom. I will stay at the arena," Tao says as he hugs his mother.

Tao's mother gently wraps her arms around her son as both embrace eachother.

"I get so scared of you competing. I am always afraid that you are going to hurt or injure yourself. I could never forgive myself if you got hurt," Tao's mother says softly as she holds Tao even tighter.

"I am bound to get hurt sooner or later but just know that I tried my best not to get injured. Please don't be afraid mother, I got this!"


"Well Happy Birthday my son! Today you turn 18 years old! I will buy you a cake when you get off of this ridiculous diet you have to be on," Tao's mother laughs as she lets go of Tao.

"Alrighty then! I am going to kick ... Maybe even literally," Tao laughs as he picks up his bag and walks out the door.

"Yes KICK !" Tao's mother yells, "I will be over to watch you when I finish up at home."


Tao quickly runs into the arena as his Martial Arts Master meets him.

Tao's master is quite the character. He is so dedicated to teaching martial arts that he refuses to tell his students his real name for "respect" reasons, so they all simply call him Master Lee.

Master Lee quickly runs toward Tao and yells, "Where have you been? You are almost 23 minutes late!"

"Well... I... had to... I ran...." Tao studdered.

"I don't want to hear it, I have every right to make you do 200 sit-ups, but there is no time for that. Quickly!" Master Lee yells as he begins to push Tao in the direction of the locker rooms.

Tao quickly changes into his uniform and runs out toward the arena.

Master Lee quickly follows behind and heads toward the direction of the table to check Tao in.

"You got here just in time, he is up next. Please get him on standby on the mat."

Master Lee greatly gestures for Tao to get on the mat.

Tao runs to his end and patiently waits....

He gazes at the thousands upon thousands of different faces all ready to watch him..

Suddenly his nerves begin to shake and his confidence begins to drop.

He grabs his hourglass necklace underneath his uniform (which he is not supposed to have but considers it a good luck charm) and begins to whisper, "You got this Tao! Don't hurt youself, you can better yourself than the last tournament. Don't focus on him!"




Tao gracefully walk to the middle counting each step till he arrives in the middle.


He begins to shake and become fearful as he notices his opponent is almost 10 times bigger than himself with muscle mass expanding that of Tao.


Both bow in respect of one another and take their stance.

The gong is rung and the opponent is first to take the punch. Not only is his opponent strong but he is also lightning quick.

Tao quickly dodges almost scraping the very air made by the force.

His opponent goes all in and begins throwing punches accurately toward Tao. Tao continues to dodge as he has no way of throwing in a punch.

Without notice, a punch targets his left jaw as the force from the blow sends Tao falling to the floor.

Tao quickly gets back up and and throws a punch and a kick all but missing his opponent.

The opponent performs a round house straight for Tao's chest as he flies backwards.

Tao quickly gets up and holds his chest...

Fear begins to creep into his heart and mind as he begins to lose focus.. His vision falls into a blurry state as Tao frantically tries to focus on his opponent.


But all he could see was a huge boulder of a man running toward him.

Frantically, Tao holds out his hands and closes his eyes in fear...

Silence fills the entire arena as Tao breathes heavily waiting for impact...

..... But....

Nothing happens....


It's pure silence as the only noise to fill the arena is Tao's breathing.

He lifts his head up ...

And sees that the entire arena including his opponent is frozen even in midair.

Tao stands up and begins to frantically look around the arena, "What is happening? Who's there?" he yells!

He slowly walks over to his opponent and touches him. In the form of a kick, his opponent is frozen..

But as he touched the opponent, his motion slowly starts to come back... in slow motion. Tao quickly touches him again and then he stops moving again..


"What just happened?" Tao says as he holds on to his hour glass necklace...

Suddenly without warning, everything comes back into motion as Tao is kicked and thrown off the mat.


Tao not focusing on his loss instead stares at the floor and begins to wonder what he just did.


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Chapter 10: YAY update!!
Chapter 7: I really like this so far~~❤️