Dance Practice.

When True Love Spreads


“Hyung! What is it?!?!” Gongchan shouted with concern. Jinyoung stood in the doorway of Sandeul’s room. Well, Sandeul and Baro’s room. Gongchan peered into the doorway to see why Jinyoung had shouted.

“What’s wrong, hyung?”

“B-Baro and Sa-Sandeul…”

“I don’t see a problem…” The maknae didn’t see anything wrong with Baro and Sandeul living together, now that CNU was gone. He was usually very open minded. Sometimes he tricked himself into thinking things weren’t bad or wrong, only to uphold his innocence. More-so his outlook on life.

Jinyoung thought hard about what Gongchan said while rubbing the back of his head. *I guess nothing’s wrong… I just didn't expect to find them sleeping together when we got home...*

 “Come on hyung, I don’t want to disturb them,” The young member tugged on his leader’s arm. Jinyoung smiled at Gongchan and they went to their room.

The next morning Sandeul woke up with Baro’s arm around him. “Huh? Whaa-” Sandeul didn’t want to disturb Baro, but he also didn’t want to switch positions. He liked that him and Baro were close. At that time, Baro awoke with his arm around Sandeul.

“Yahh!~ Why are you in my bed?!?!” Baro yelled as he grabbed his arm, as if somebody would after burning it on a stove, “Wuhh--?" Sandeul said wearily as he pretended to be asleep so Baro didn’t notice anything unusual.

 “Get out of my bed!” The younger snapped.

“Wait, WHAT?!!” Sandeul shot up from the bed and continued shouting… “This is MY bed! You fell asleep in MY bed! Where was I supposed to sleep?!?” Sandeul said without concern.

“Oh, Mi-mianhe hyung…” Baro bowed his head and looked down.

 *Was I that aggressive?* Sandeul began to feel guilt for yelling at Baro. “Oh, I-I’m sorry Baro, I didn’t mean…” Baro cut off Sandeul, “Maybe I should just go back to my old room…”


“Jinyoung-Hyung!!!!” Gongchan hollered from the kitchen. *I hope he likes my breakfast* Gongchan smiled to himself, feeling confident about cooking his first full meal.

“Aish~” Jinyoung walked down the hallway towards the kitchen rubbing his eyes, “Is something burning?” Jinyoung asked while walking sluggishly and scrunching his nose. “Huhh?” Gongchan turned around to realize he left the chopsticks he was cooking the eggs with, on the burning stove.

“Ai-YAHHH!!!” Gongchan quickly cleaned up the mess and hoped Jinyoung would still trust his breakfast. “Why are you cooking?” Jinyoung asked completely clueless. Gongchan bowed and handed Jinyoung a plate of eggs, rice, and Kimchi.

“Uhh… Oh-Oooh, this is for me?” The older hesitated.

“Well I was hoping it would make up for last night. You got really cold and I had to repay you with something. So-sorry if it doesn’t taste too good… I’m not very experienced in the kitchen… Not like Sandeul-hyung anyways...” Jinyoung smiled and began to taste his food cautiously. *Was Gongchan lying? He cooks really well!* Jinyoung slowly sped up his chewing pace and continuously devoured his food.


Baro got up and left Sandeul’s room to go back into his “old” room and change. On the way he smelled Gongchans’ cooking and led himself into the kitchen. “Who made all this?” Baro asked. Gongchan smiled and raised his arm with pride.

“Ca-can I have some?”

“Sure! I’ll make you a plate!” The maknae jumped out of his seat, excited to feed his hyungs.

“What’s gotten into him?” Baro spoke softly to Jinyoung. Jinyoung smirked and shrugged his shoulders. The maknae happily passed Baro his breakfast. “So what do we have planned for today?” Baro asked his leader. “We have to practice our dancing for debut, so we’ll be heading down to the dance studio in an hour or so.”

Sandeul sat there in his room wondering what to do. *Aish~ I always ruin my chances with him. Ottokeee~”

An hour had passed and all the members got into their van but sat differently than usual. Sandeul decided to sit next to Baro in CNU’s seat. Hopefully being able to spark a conversation and apologize to his dongsaeng.

“Why are you sitting there?” Baro asked annoyed.

“I th-thought you might want some company…”

“Well I don’t.” Baro began growing more comfortable with Sandeul and didn’t show much respect.

When they reached the studio they warmed up a little and waited for their trainer. It was a woman, her name was Ji Yan. When she finally arrived to the studio all the boys shot up, ready to dance. Ji Yan was a very bias trainer, and She favored Baro. He wasn’t the best dancer of the group, but the most attractive in her eyes. Every time he would mess up, she would get up close and personal to help him.

“Ahh,” Baro sighed when he messed up for the third time in a row. “Here let me show you,” the excited trainer said.

 *I don’t like this one bit* Sandeul thought to himself as he watched while practicing the routine himself.

“No, you have to move your leg THIS way, then move your arms like THIS,” the touchy trainer explained while moving Baro’s arms and legs. She gave him a flirty smile after showing him what to do.

 *Aii, why does she keep looking at me like that? I don’t understand women…* Baro thought to himself confused.

Meanwhile, Gongchan and Jinyoung went to the break room to get some water. “Need anything Sandeul?” Jinyoung asked. “Uhh, no I’m fine.” Sandeul sat down and leaned against the wall. Watching Baro and the Trainer, making sure nothing happened between the two.

*Look at the way she touches him… I bet she has a boyfriend too… she’s probably a cheater… look at the way he accepts her touching him like that… wait a minute… why is he accepting her? Does he like it? Is he interested in her?*

 “Uhh trainer!” Sandeul shouted without thought.

“Yes?” She looked up with response.

“Ca-Can you help me with this one step?”

“Sure!” The trainer sounded glad to help, but it was obvious that she didn’t want to leave Baro’s side.

“Which part do you need help with?”

 “Well I can’t really-”

*Yahh~ does he always have to do this? He knows this routine backwards! I bet he could do it in his sleep if he had too… I actually need help unlike some people. Not everyone is born naturally talented, smart, funny and handsome… wait did I just say handsome? No, no I’m thinking too hard. Just practice Baro, Practice!* Baro was mentally slapping himself for thinking about things other than training. He wasn’t always in the mood to train but whenever he did, he made sure to keep himself on track and stay serious.


“Hyung!” Gongchan shouted at Jinyoung while shaking his head back and forth. “Is there a leak in here?” Jinyoung asked sarcastically. “Im gunna get you!” The maknae ran after the leader. Once he got close he jumped onto his back, dumping water onto his head. “How you like that?!?” The maknae said jokingly. “Yahh!~ Gongchan-ah!” The leader kept running down the hall trying to loosen the maknae’s grip. Before they knew it, they ended back up into the dance studio. They continued to play and didn’t realize everyone’s eyes were on them.

“Yahh! Why are you guys messing around!” Baro’s yelling broke the silence.

“So-sorry.” Gongchan jumped off of Jinyoung’s back and began wiping the water off of his face with his dampened T-Shirt.

“We’re sitting here practicing hard for our debut while you two are giving each other piggy back rides?!?!” Baro continued to yell, not caring that he was disrespecting his leader.

 “Hey, we’re sorry okay! We just went to get some water and started messing around. We’ll start working now, calm down.” Jinyoung assured Baro.

*He’s not usually like this. Why is he so angry? I know he takes his work seriously but he’s never yelled at us for goofing off…* Jinyoung thought to himself and pondered many reasons to Baro’s anger. “Why is hyung so angry?” Gongchan asked while tugging on Jinyoung shirt. “I wonder…”


O hohoho~ There’s a woman in the mix… *that !*  ;___;

Kind of a long chapter! ^^ Hope you guys like it <3

Thank you so much to the people that comment and subscribe…keep it up! And to the people that don’t…start!! Don’t be silent! And we promise that there will be more suspense and drama in the next chapter… Please be patient!!

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />