Diffusion of Feelings.

When True Love Spreads

“So where should we go Hyung?”

“Like I told you before, were ever you want.” Gongchan just nodded his head trying to think of a place. *I wonder why Hyung wanted to go somewhere…and without the rest of the members?* Jinyoung noticed Gongchan staring down at his feet with a red face.  *Hmm*

“Did you think of a place? I’ll take you anywhere you want, my treat.” Jinyoung said while taking a hold of Gongchans hand. The maknae looked up surprised and turned his head the opposite way.

“U-umm...” He started to look around to see if anything caught his eye. “L-lets go there.” Jinyoung looked at the direction that Gongchan was pointing to.

“You want ice-cream? Even though it’s cold outside?”

“W-well if you don’t want to…” Gongchan bit his lip in embarrassment.

Jinyoung looked down and saw how shy Gongchan was being. *He’s so cute~* “If that’s what you want… ice-cream it is.” Gongchan looked up with a bright smile, “Thank you Hyung!”


While Baro was brining some of his things into his new room he glanced at Sandeul who was on a chair next to his desk with a blank face.



“I just noticed something…”

“What is it?”

“There is only one bed…”


“I want that kind.”

“Okay, go sit down and I’ll bring it over when it’s ready.”

Gongchan saluted Jinyoung like a little soldier while giving him a wink, “Yes sir!”

When Jinyoung came back to the booth with the two ice creams he sat down across from Gongchan. “Here.”

“Gamsahabnida, Hyung!” Gongchan took the ice cream and took a small bit. His eyes widened with awe in them, “It’s so good!” Gongchan started devouring the ice-cream and was done with it in no time.

Jinyoung started chuckling at his cute maknae.

“What is it?”

“You have ice-cream on your chin from eating like a crazy person.”

Gongchans eyes widened yet again, but this time it was from embarrassment. While yipping off the ice-cream from his now red face, Gongchan turned his head and mumbled, “I-it was just so good.”

It was quiet until Jinyoung finished his ice-cream. “You ready?”

“Y-yeah” Gongchan looked back at the clear case full of different types of ice-cream when they were about to walk out. He gave a frown wanting more.

“You want another one?” Jinyoung said with some teasing in his voice.

“K-kinda, if you don’t mind Hyung.” Jinyoung took Gongchans hand yet again and went to go order another ice-cream cone.


“U-Umm” Sandeul stared at Baro with a shocked face.

“W-Well we could bring your bed into-“ Sandeul stopped talking when he noticed Baro looking down at his feet while biting his lip.

“We can solve that problem when its get’s later, for now just get settled.” He stated coolly.

“Oh, O-okay” Baro said with a little disappointment in his voice. He rushed out of his and Sandeul’s room to go get the last of his things, and to hide his red face.

*Aish~ that boy...* Sandeul just sat there...staring at the one and only bed in the room.


Jinyoung glanced at Gongchan; he had a huge smile on his face while staring at the ice-cream, “Is it that good?” He questioned, obviously amused.

“Yes! Didn’t you like the flavor you got?” The younger asked.

“Not that much.” Jinyoung replied.

“Oh…” Gongchan started liking his ice-cream once more.

*He is so adorable… that’s the cute and innocent maknae for you* “Can I have some?” The leader asked.

“U-uh, yea hung… you can have some.” Gongchan was about to hand the ice-cream to Jinyoung when he leaned in and the ice-cream that was on Gongchans cheek.

“Ahh!” Gongchan jumped back in surprise. “Hy-Hyung!”

“It IS good!” Jinyoung smiled at the confused maknae.

“I was going to give you some...you didn’t have to do that!” Gongchan said while rubbing his red cheek with his sleeve.

“I like it better that way though.” Gongchan flinched when he saw Jinyoung pouting. *H-he’s so...*  

“Come on Chanii~ Where do you want to go next?”


“I think that’s it…” Baro mumbled to himself while scanning the room. He put his hands on his hip and nodded in approval. Sandeul opened the door, coming back from the kitchen and notice all of Baro’s stuff.

“Yah, Baro! Why is all you’re crap in here? I thought you were done putting stuff in here!”

“B-because this is my room too now...”

“I know that but can’t you just walk down the hall to get stuff? Where are we going to put your bed!”

“I-I thought maybe…” Baro looked down while biting his lip, it was a bad habit.

“Uhhg, just never mind. I made some food. Go eat.” Sandeul shooed Baro off to the kitchen and closed the door. He flopped onto the bed and covered his eyes with his arm. *Honestly, that boy…does he want to sleep in the same bed?* Sandeul started blushing. He sat up quickly and ruffled his hair in confusion. "Aish!"


“Hyung, it’s getting late… Let’s just go home.”

“Huh? You don’t want to go shopping or anything?”

“I don’t really want to go somewhere where there is a lot of people…” Gongchan thought for second, “Let’s go to the park. We can watch the sky change colors!”

Jinyoung nodded with interest,  “Okay”.

When they got to the park they sat down at a bench surrounded by trees. *I love the park. It’s so calm and pretty* The younger thought. Jinyoung stole a glance at Gongchan and saw that he was staring at the sky.

“You like the park?”


“You liked today?”


“You like being with me?”

“Mh-.. Yah! Hyung!!” Jinyoung started laughing when he saw how embarrassed Gongchan got. After that the sky started getting darker, but neither one of them wanted to leave. It was silent until Jinyoung noticed Gongchan shaking.

“Pabo… you know how cold it get’s, why didn’t you bring a jacket?”

“Huh? Oh, I must of forgot.”

Gongchan just realizing that he was cold, looked down at what he was wearing.

“Here.” Jinyoung took off his jacket and handed it to his dongsaeng.

“But… wont you get cold?”

“I’m fine, take it.”

“Th-thank you.” Gongchan stuttered, receiving the jacket.


Baro walked back into his new room, “Sandeul-hyung?”  He questioned.



Baro then heard a noise that sounded like running water. *Aish~ He should of told me he was taking a shower, I was getting worried…wait worried?* Baro didn’t think much of moving in the same room as Sandeul, he was just lonely…That’s all. But being worried about Sandeul was completely different. *Why would I be worried? It’s not like he’s nice to me. Or even a friend for that matter. I just moved in with him because I didn’t want to be alone in that room any longer. Anybody would do what I did…right?* Baro sat down in a chair near Sandeul’s desk, looking around. *At least he won’t be able to fit another bed in here. Good.* Baro noticed Sandeul’s bed and walked over to it. He laid down, *It’s normal to sleep with someone. Especially if you don’t want to be alone…right? I’m just making sure he doesn’t leave me in the middle of the night...That’s all* Before Baro could realize it, he drifted off to sleep.

Sandeul came out of the bathroom, rubbing the towel on his head. He walked in and noticed Baro passed out on his bed. “Honestly…this kid.” Sandeul mumbled to himself with a sigh before getting into the bed next to Baro.


Gongchan looked at Jinyoung who didn’t look to good. *He’s paler than usual…* He then looked down and noticed that the leader’s hands were shaking. Gongchan gathered a load of courage and took a big gulp before taking Jinyoung’s hand.

“Hyung, you lied and told me you were use to cold weather…”

Jinyoung’s face turned bright red, “Th-that’s…”

“It’s okay hyung, I’ll warm you up.” Gongchan flashed a bright smile which made Jinyoung’s heart beat faster.

“Gongch-“ Jinyoung was cut off by Gongchan putting his finger up to Jinyoung’s lips.

“Hyung, your still cold.” Gongchan then leaned in and kissed Jinyoung on the cheek. “Come on, let’s go home. It’s getting late.”

When Jinyoung and Gongchan finally got home, they were still holding each other’s hand. They walked in and heard nothing but silence.

“Maybe there both sleeping, it is pretty late.” Jinyoung suggested.

Gongchan nodded and started walking towards their room when he saw that Baro’s room door was opened. He peeked inside the dark room and the light. It was almost completely empty. Gongchan gasped making Jinyoung come over to see what he was looking at.

“What the…?” Jinyoung ran to Sandeul’s room to see if his room was the same. He opened the door only to see Sandeul and Baro passed out. Jinyoung did a sigh of relief, “Gongchan he’s in he—wait WHAT!?”


Cliffhanger? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN~~~

Will Sandeul ruffle his hair is confusion yet again?

Wil Baro and Sandeul become closer?

Speak silent subbies! We want your input!~~~

Thanks!~  :3

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />