Lies and Relaxation.

When True Love Spreads

Jinyoung yawned while rubbing his eyes after a not so deep sleep. He turned to the opposite side of the room to see an empty bed. His eyes grew more awake as he fought with the sheets to leave the bed quickly. "Gongchan-Ahh! Channie! Gong Chansik where are you?!?" The leader ran down the hall as he shouted for the missing maknae.

"Yahh,  what's with all the noise?"  Sandeul croaked groggily while exiting his shared bedroom. Jinyoung grabbed ab hold of the younger and shook him feverishly, "Where is he?!?"

"Who?" Sleepy Sandeul retorted.

"Gongchan! My precious channie! Where is he?!? Did he come back to the dorm last night? Did he lose his way home? He's so naive, maybe some -" Baro walked out of the room and interrupted the older, "He's on the couch, chill out." Jinyoung looked past the cheap plastic dining table towards the lumpy corner sofa. Before he could sprint his way to the maknae, he had already arose from his sleep from the commotion. "Channie! Your okay!" Jinyoung tackled Gongchan as he fought helplessly to get out of the leaders grip. "When did you get home? Did anything happen last night? My poor Channie I'm so sorry!" The younger struggled under his grip, "Why do you all of a sudden care so much?" Gongchan sensed the hurt in Jinyoungs' eyes from his heartless remark. He didn't care though; he released himself from the orders arms and walked agilely to their bedroom.

Jinyoung gulped, holding back tears, *Even though he's mad, he's still so... beautiful. The way he walks is like the lightweight of a sparrow perched on a high branch. Aish, why is he so angry? It can't be because of the group, everyone is fine. It has to be something more than that. At least he's safe. I'll never let him leave in downtown Seoul again.* "Hyung? hyung!" Jinyoung shook his head and blinked a few dozen times before snapping out of his trans. "Do you need some water or something?" Baro asked worriedly. Jinyoung responded with an evident no and left to cheer up Gongchan. 


Sandeul plopped onto the oversized cushiony sofa and Baro followed. "So what's the plan for today?" Sandeul questioned with dancing eyebrows. Baro smirked at his hyungs playful action and placed an arm around his shoulders before responding, "We already took a day off, so no play time today deuliiieeee~" Sandeul became flustered by such suggestiveness of his Dongsaeng. "A-Ani-" Sandeul managed to form while shaking his hands in front of him. Baro chuckled at the sudden shyness of his hyung and hugged him tighter. Sandeul cleared his throat before speaking aloud once more "So... How have you been Baro-ah?"

"Mwoh? Fine, Wae?" Baro chuckled a little at the spontaneous question. "Oh, that's good... But I meant about your bruises. Have they went away?" Baro widened his eyes, "Wh-what do you mean?" Sandeuls' face grew cold, "You know what I mean." Baro gulped as his throat grew dry at Sandeuls remark. "I-Im fine, just fine. N-no w-worries. Arraso?" Sandeul nodded his head and  leaned on his younger "Stay out of trouble, Ne?" Baro didn't make another sound but continued to hold Sandeul there in his arms as a tear rolled onto his cheek. "Ne."


"Go away," Gongchan said sternly.

"Wae?" The other pleaded.

"Just leave, alright?"

"Channie what's wrong?" Jinyoung asked as if he had absolutely no clue.

"I already told you. This is why are group is in such a bad state... And don't call me Channie." "B-but Channie-" "Leave, now." Jinyoung knew that something was wrong with Gongchan. But no matter how many times he blamed it on the group; Jinyoung felt it was a personal problem. Including only him and Gongchan. Without further hesitation Jinyoung left Gongchan alone. He went to the back balcony of their dorm to relieve his mind.

*Aish, why can't I ever understand this boy? And why is he always on my mind?* Jinyoungs' thoughts were interrupted by a message alert:

'Hey sweetie, are we still up for tonight?;)'

Jinyoung replied, 'Of course, why wouldn't we be? ^^'

*I can't keep doing this* Jinyoung thought to himself. *I shouldn't keep seeing her, this can affect our debut... But aish, sometimes...* "Agh!" Jinyoung shouted to express his frustration.




"Ne, tommorow? Arraso. Kamsahabnida!"

*Guess I'll have to call off my date. Well, maybe if I just hang out for a little bit and don't stay out too late... Yeah I can do that.*

"Who was that hyung?" A curious Sandeul asked once appearing from the hallway.

"Yah! You scared me! I-it was just our manager. Dream Team practice is scheduled for tomorrow so make sure you're well and rested." Jinyoung stated. "Ahh, ne. Baro-ah!" Sandeul called for the younger to inform him of their schedule and then they headed off to a mini-spa retreat. It was their way of "resting" for dream team practice.


The two young males entered the sauna hand in hand. Baro was wearing a thin white muscle tank top with navy basketball shorts. Sandeul wore the same shirt with red bottoms. "I'm glad we can just rest today from all of this exercising we've been engaging in these past few weeks." Sandeul stated in relaxation.

“Ne, I needed this rest.” Baros skin was slightly exposed through the thin white fabric, not to mention the humidity from the sauna. Lets just say Sandeul could see everything.

"Baro-ah, your bruises are gone!" Sandeuls gaping mouth expressed his astonishment. "How did you heal so fast?"

Baro let out a nervous smirk and played it cool. "I just made sure to use ice packs daily."

"I-Is everything okay now?" The elder questioned, cautious to his words.

"Everything has been okay. I told you, I can handle everything for myself. I'm not a child Deulie."

"You don't have to be a child to be used. You don't have to be a child to be abused. You don't have to be a child to ask for help. You know that right Baro-ah?"

Baro felt the warmth of his hyungs hand on his shoulder. Before responding he took a big gulp, “Im not getting used, Im not being abused, I don’t need help. Im NOT a child!”

“Baro-ah, I can help you.” Sandeul said in a softened tone.

“You said so yourself, my bruises are gone. It was from the hard work we were pushing ourselves to do. I told you that.”

Sandeul stuttered, “B-but you s-said-”

Baro interrupted, “I didn’t say anything. This conversation is over. Im fine now, just drop it.”


It was nearing 7PM and the silence in the b1a4 dorm was broken by Jinyoungs phone alert.

It read, ‘Are you coming? Noona is getting anxious (;’

Jinyoung was in the bathroom getting ready for his date when the alert was sent. Gongchan, heard the ring and when he saw it was from their dance instructor, Ji Yan, he figured it was something the whole group needed to know. He opened the message then narrowed his eyes, *He STILL doesn’t know this is the reason… He’s been sneaking around with her for too long. I need to do something about this-*

“Gongchan? What are you doing?” Jinyoung questioned after entering their bedroom.

“Oh n-nothing hyung. You got a message. Here.” Gongchan tossed the phone to his older and watched as he read the message. Jinyoungs' eyes widened and he began rushing to finish getting ready to pick up Ji Yan.

“Hyung?” Gongchan asked with amusement. “N-ne?” Jinyoung responded quickly, he wanted to end the conversation that had barely started so he could hurry up and get Ji Yan. “Could you help me with something tonight?” Jinyoung stopped in his tracks and replied, “O-Oh, s-sorry Gongchan I have to be somewhere. Can I help you later?” “Mwoh? Where are you going hyung?” Gongchan obviously knew that Jinyoung had a date with Ji Yan. “Uh-Uh I-I have to go, g- r-run a few errands. Mhmm.” *Aish I have to leave soon!* “Wae? Can I come?” Jinyoung shook his head nearly a thousand times and waved his hands in front of himself, “I-It’s a surprise. You can’t come, mianhe.” *Why is he talking to me all of a sudden? Should I go or stay? AISH, now isn’t the time Gongchan!* “Oh. Well I’ll see you soon then hyung! Make sure you get home before midnight because we have Dream Team in the morning.”

Jinyoung nodded before leaving in a rush. It was already 7:30PM and he knew Ji Yan hated to wait. He arrived at the dirty old complex they always met up at. Gongchan peered out of the window and watched his hyung run down the road. *Yah, he’s such an idiot. Why doesn’t he just tell everyone already? I might as well just expose him myself* He leaned back in his bed and continued to watch the television before him, trying to get his mind off of the leader.

“Annyeong!” Ji Yan greeted Jinyoung with a smile. She stood on the tip of her toes and kissed his cheek. Jinyoung grew flustered after the key of events that took place beforehand. “Annyeong, where are we going tonight?” Jinyoung asked. “Molla, I thought you would have chosen a place. You know that I only know Seoul, and it’s too dangerous to go on a date in the open city like that, pabo.” *Yah Im not a pabo.* Jinyoung thought to himself, “Uh, I guess we can just…”


Sandeul leaned on Baro’s shoulder.



“I-I’m sorry.”

“For what? Nothing is your fault. None of it.”

“B-but I lied. I told you it wasn’t anything serious. It is though… It’s really serious.” Baro became teary eyed in the steamy sauna.

“It’s okay. I’m here for you Baro-ah.” Sandeul cupped the younger’s face and stared deep into his dark brown eyes. “You know you can always come to me for anything, anything. Right?”

I-I know hyung. Thank you for that. I’m glad I can trust you.” The two males leaned closer to each other and the sauna grew heated. (no pun intended XD) Baro stared into his hyungs’ round eyes. *He’s so perfect. He accepts me. I-I enjoy his presence- his warmth* Baro’s eyes wandered to the olders’ lips. *His lips are so… pretty. So… plush and smooth.* Sandeul followed the younger’s eyes, *Is he...? No… it can’t be that. Although, this is what I wanted. Ever since we started working together as trainees; from the start I’ve had an eye out for Baro. I know everything there is to know about him. Ever since then we’ve grown closer, ever since CNU left, I feel like his feelings for me have grown. But he doesn’t, no, he can’t have feelings for me. He loves CNU. He’s never told me, but I can tell. I saw the hurt in his eyes when CNU left. I see the hurt in his eyes everyday.*

“Hyung.” Sandeul snapped out of his deep thought and responded to his dongsaeng, “Mwoh?” “Should we get out of here? The sign says we shouldn’t stay in here for more than 20 minutes…and your face is really red.” *MWOH? I’m blushing? Aish Baro-ah~* “Ahh, ne! W-we should leave! Mhmm!” Sandeul extended his arm towards the younger, “Wae?” The younger asked.

“You’re supposed to hold it pabo.”

“Yah!” Baro yelled. Sandeul smirked as the two exited the sauna just how they entered. 


Oh shnap it's the bi- I mean Ji Yan again! That hoe trynna steal our boys! xD

Anyways... YAY 10 Chapters! :DDD

Thank you for being patient with me and my dongsaeng!

*bows with a cup of tea ;3* Comments are love <3

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />