Night-Out and Sleeping Buddies.

When True Love Spreads


Back at home Sandeul couldn’t get Baro out of his mind. *Why did he act like that? Its not like he was in a bad mood…he actually seemed happy to have that girl all over him! That dam trainer, we need a new one!*

Baro walked into Sandeu- their room and noticed his roommate pacing back and forth, deep in thought. “Yah…what’s your problem?” Sandeul was about to ruffle his hair when he turned and noticed Baro,

 “What’s your problem!?”

Both of their eyes widened at Sandeul’s random outburst, “I-I mean…just never mind.” Sandeul walked passed Baro and was about to exit the room when something held him back…

 Baro had caught a hold of Sandeul’s wrist, making him turn around. “What’s the matter with you?” Sandeul looked down, not wanting to confess what was bothering him.

Baro looked straight into Sandeul’s eyes *that look… he’s hearting inside… he’s confused*.

The space between them started getting smaller as Baro inched his way closer, “Hyung…” They were only inches apart, both with red faces, staring at each other’s lips…still getting slowly closer when…


 Both of the boys jumped back, startled. They gave each other a quick glance before turning their heads and biting their lips. Baro let go of Sandeul’s wrist and grabbed his phone from his pocket, “Y-yoboseyo?”

“Yoboseyo~! Is this Baro-ahh?” Sandeul glanced over at Baro, meeting each other’s eyes. Both of them quickly turned their heads again, “U-uh Y-yes… Who is this?”

Sandeul grew curious and looked at Baro again, seeing that his red face was disappearing and soon replaced with a questioning look. “U-uhh yea, sure. At 8?... Ok... By.” Baro hung up and looked at Sandeul.

“What’s with that look? Who was that?” “Ji Yan…She wants to go out tonight.” Sandeul’s eyes widened “What!” Baro just nodded, not really knowing what to say. “Weird…right?” Baro looked down at his phone, *How did she even get my number?*


“Look! It’s Hyung!” Jinyoung turned his head away from the papers he was messing with and looked at the TV.

“Yes, I’m really excited. Even though I’m not with my members right now, I know that they are working very hard.” Jinyoung noticed CNU do a small smirk while looking straight at the camera, as if saying ‘at least I hope so’.

 “Well that was meant for me…”

“Shhh Hyung!” Gongchan grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. “Ohh~ it must have been hard to leave you’re members!” The spoke person hit it on the head, CNU’s face softened and his eyes went dark,”Y-yea it was…”

He then looked up from looking down at his hands, and gave a small smile, “But I believe that they understand and realize why I decided to go... I just hope they miss me as much as I miss them.”

 *And that was for Baro…*

“Ne Chanii… Don’t show this to Baro-ah” Gongchan turned from his position on his bed, his arms still behind his head. “Oh?…I wasn’t planning on it anyways.” Jinyoung just nodded and went back to his papers. The younger got up and stretched, letting out a yawn.

 “Yahh~ Hyu-“Gongchan stopped talking and looked towards the door, “Did someone just leave?”


Sandeul was lying down on his bed, face first. “Whyyyy…”

 “Did he dump you?”

Sandeul looked up and saw his leader leaning against the door.

“Shut up”

Jinyoung gave a small laugh and walked over to Sandeul. He crouched down so they were at eye level, “Yah, you’re so mean~” He gave a small pout, only to receive a death glare from Sandeul.

“Fine. Don’t talk about it… I just figured I would tell you that you can’t keep it a secret forever~” Sandeul slid his face back into his pillow, “I have no idea what you are talking about…” his words come out muffled and slightly muted.

 “Humph? What was that? ... Did you just confess!”

Sandeul took a pillow and threw it at the older. “Go away!” Jinyoung dogged it with ease and let out another small laugh while getting up, “Where did he go anyways?”

Sandeul sat up and narrowed his eyes. *I need to tell him…*

 “W-we almost…” His face started getting red again, he then looked at Jinyoung who had his brow raised “You almost…?”

Sandeul turned his head and looked down, “He went out… with the bit-- trainer. With our dance trainer…” Jinyoung simply just turned around and started walking away from the door as if it was nothing. He then he called out, “Ohoho~ Looks like Deuli has some composition!”


“What did he say?”

 “He just said he went out for a while…to get some air.” Gongchan just nodded, not thinking twice about it.  Jinyoung hated lying to his dongsaeng, but he knew it was for the best to just keep all of this away from him, at least for now.

 “It’s getting late, let’s get to sleep.”

 “Waa? Its only 8!”

“It’s almost 9! And were going to get busy from here on out so we need our sleep.” Jinyoung walked over to Gongchan and grabbed a hold of his hand and led him to the younger’s bed. He tried to pull him down so he would sit but slipped in the process and fell.

“Ahh Hyung!”

”Mianhe…” Jinyoung lifted himself up and blushed when he saw the younger underneath him. “Why are you blushing at a time like this? Get off me!” Jinyoung’s eyes widened from the volume of Gongchan’s voice, but he didn’t move.

*My face is red?*

Jinyoung’s lips curved into a small smirk. He leaned his body closer to the boy’s and put his forehead against his. “Why are you blushing?”

The maknae’s eyes widened, *I-I’m blushing…?* He put his hand against his cheek, feeling the warmth of his hot face. “U-uhh…” Jinyoung just chuckled and got up, leaving Gongchan still lying where he was with his hand against his face.

Jinyoung walked to his bed and turned off the light, “Now get to sleep!”


The clock read 12 o’clock.

 *I hope he doesn’t take it the wrong way…* Sandeul sat with his knee’s against his chest on his bed, starring at the new bed that filled up the room. *I-it would just be weird…especially with what happened tonight.*

 Images of the two almost kissing filled Sandeul’s head. He quickly hid his face by lying his head down on his arms. *Why couldn’t of I just pushed him away and act like I didn’t know what he was doing? Or why did that phone have to ring? What would of happened if it didn’t…*

New images started coming into his mind. Ones of that day at dance practice. *And it had to be her…* Sandeul looked back up at Baro’s bed. *He won’t be mad…right? It’s not like we could of slept together forever…or-*

Sandeul was cut off from his thoughts when he heard the house door close. He quickly laid down in his bed, pretending to be asleep.

He heard the bedroom door opened and slightly opened one of his eyes to see. He noticed Baro wiping one of his eyes and giving a sigh, “Good, their all-“

Baro stopped speaking to himself when he noticed something different with the room. Sandeul could see Baro’s eyes staring at the bed, when suddenly Baro glanced over at Sandeul. He automatically closed his eye and tensed up, *Did he see me?*

He could hear Baro’s footsteps getting closer to him.


Baro bent down so he was eye level with Sandeul, giving him a little push on the shoulder, “Ne, Hyung…” Sandeul just laid there, hoping Baro wouldn’t realize that he was awake. He could feel the heat from Baro’s breath on his cheek, *Why is he so close!?*

 Right before Sandeul’s cheeks starting turning red, he felt a slight breeze on his face and twitched, making his eyes accidently open.


“Yah! Why did you blow in my face?” Sandeul sat straight up in his bed, rubbing his cheek.

 “I was trying to wake you up.”

“Well you succeeded…” Sandeul quickly laid back down with his back facing Baro, realizing that he was suppose to be fake sleeping.

“But hyung…”

“Go to sleep.”

 After a few moments of silence he heard Baro walk over to his bed and starting getting undressed.



Gongchan turned. And then turned again. Laid down for a while, then turned again.

*Aish… why is it so cold?* He sat up, rubbing his arms for warmth.

He turned to look at the digital clock that sat on top of the TV, *Almost 12:30…*

He then looked over to the leaders’ bed and saw Jinyoung knocked out with his arms hanging half off the bed. *Him and that big blanket…he must be very warm over there.* Gongchan furrowed his eye brows and puffed out his cheeks in annoyance.

 *There is only one thing to do…*

He slowly got out of bed, not wanting to wake up his Hyung and tip toed over to his bed. “Time to share Oh great leader…”


*I can hear his breathing…but I can’t tell if he’s sleeping or not* Sandeul stayed lying down on his bed, not to dare steal a glance at Baro, to worried that he would still be awake. Sandeul turned his head slightly when he heard Baro coughing,

*Is he sick?*

After a few moments, Sandeul starts to drift off to sleep and Baro gets up from his bed. He walks over to his roommate, making sure he was asleep before going down to the kitchen to get a drink. *I can’t do this... I can’t be alone right now*


Jinyoung flinched when he felt something slip into his bed. Suddenly he felt two cold hands touching his back, and a small forehead resting right beneath his neck. He slowly opened his eyes,


 He turned his head back and saw black hair hiding underneath the blanket.

“G-Gongchan?” Jinyoung slowly mumbled, still half asleep.

 He shifted his body so he was facing the maknae. “Why you so cold?” Jinyoung slowly wrapped his warm arms around the little bundle of coldness, still half asleep.

“It’s okay…Jinyoungie is here for you~” Jinyoung heard Gongchan mumble something in his sleep that sounded like “Jinyoungie”

And that made him smile, still half asleep.


IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER *bows a thousand times*

This chapter is horible considering how long it took to get it up sorry ;__;

its just both of us have been busy with school... but i SUPER DURPER PROMISE that next chapter will be:: longer, better, have more action/drama, and wont take as long to post it up here...

Agian, so sorry! But thanks so-so-so much to the suscribers and readers that put up with us! And dont forget to comment... Let us now what you think, k?? Love you guys<33 ^3^

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />