What Happens In The City...

When True Love Spreads

Jinyoung was in the kitchen, making him and Gongchan some breakfast when Baro walked in and gave him a warm smile, “Good morning oh great leader~” He sung. Jinyoung gave the younger boy a confused look, “Why are you so disgustingly happy today?” Baro gave him another smile while simply replying, “Disgusting? Is that so…” Jinyoung nodded and turned his attention back to the food on the stove, “Did something happen to you last night to make you this way?” Baro could hear the teasing in his hyungs voice and just ignored it, “Actually the complete opposite, but I’m done talking to you if you’re going to be mean.”

Baro quickly opened the fridge and took out two bags of frozen peas, trying to hide them so the other boy wouldn’t notice. He was almost out of the kitchen when Jinyoung called him, making him turn around. “Hey, did you… do you know what’s wrong with Gongchan?” The elder asked. Baro gave Jinyoung an innocent, confused look, “There’s something wrong with him? No, I don’t know. Although he was up pretty late last night…” Jinyoung raised his brow, obviously wondering why he knew that. “A-ani...” Baro said waving his hand, “I just woke up from the noise he was making...” Jinyoung simply turned back to the stove and gave a sigh, letting Baro return to his room.


“Here you go. Sorry if it isn’t that good, you know I’m not a cook.” Jinyoung laid the bowl besides the bundle of blankets that was covering the maknae. “Yah, Gongchan…” Jinyoung poked the younger, making him squirm underneath the covers. Gongchan poked his head up to give a death glare at Jinyoung, only allowing his hair, forehead, and eyes to be seen. Jinyoung couldn’t help but smile at the sight, “Eat before it gets cold.” He narrowed his eyes down to the bowl, making Gongchan mock his movements. The younger quickly grabbed the bowl and scooted over, allowing Jinyoung to sit next to him. This made the leader smile, taking his seat humbly and stole a glance of the maknae who was devouring his bowl of food.

“Is it that good?” Jinyoung’s cheeks became pink as he took a bite, chewing slowly. “Ehhhg!” He quickly spit the food out, whipping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt, “It’s disgusting!”  Jinyoung quickly looked over to Gongchan who was still eating the food as if he had never ate before, “Gongchan, you like it?” The younger boy stopped eating, bowl still to his mouth, and looked over to Jinyoung’s bewildered face and nodded.


After a few moments of silence, Gongchan got tired of staring at Jinyoung’s confused face and motioned his eyes back to his bowl, eating yet again like a savage.  Jinyoung set his bowl on the desk and laid down, arms behind his head. “So…” Jinyoung looked over to Gongchan, who was wiping his mouth and putting his empty bowl on the floor, “Are you going to tell me what’s the matter?” Gongchan turned over and covered himself with the sheets, his back facing the leader. Jinyoung puffed out his cheeks and scooted closer, “Gongchanii~ Why won’t you talk to me?”

“Don’t call me that.” The other stated bluntly.

“But Chaanniiie~” Jinyoung poked Gongchan’s back, trying to be annoying as possible.


“Why don’t you want me to call you that? You’re my Channie, B1A4’s puppy.”


Jinyoung nervously backed away at the volume of Gongchan’s voice, his eyes widen. “Gongchan…” He whispered, concern written all over his face and in his words.

“Just, please... stop.”  

Jinyoung nodded, slowly getting up with his back against the head board. “Hey, Gongchan? How about we go somewhere today?”


Baro peeped his head through the door, scoping the room for any unnecessary Sandeul’s. When the coast was clear, he tip toed into the room and walked over to his bed, frozen peas in hand. He quickly removed his blanket and set the bags of peas down, removing his shirt carefully so he wouldn’t hit the bruise on his shoulder blade. He then threw his shirt down and scooted into bed, resting the peas on his back and covering himself with the blanket. “Ahhh~” Baro sighed and wiggled his body, trying to sink deeper into the bed. ”Damn you Sandeul, making me obsessed with cold things now…” He slowly huffed out, letting his body become numb.

“What did I do?”

Baro nearly fell out of his bed with shock, making him grab a hold of his blanket, “, you scared me.” Sandeul laughed and walked across the room. “What are you doing anyways?” Baro’s cheeks started turning red, making him cover his face with his arm, “N-nothing… just, trying to sleep.”

“U-huh…” Sandeul said, not convinced at all. Baro could tell that Sandeul didn’t buy it and tried to change the subject, “W-what are you doing today hyung?” Sandeul rubbed the back of his neck nervously, *hyung?*

“Oh, um… Nothing really. Although Jinyoung and Gongchan are suppose to be going out today, at least that’s what leader told me… why?” Baro shook his head, making the whole bed move, “Nothing, just wondering.” Sandeul nodded, about to leave the bedroom when he had an idea, “Ne… You wanna go out today?” Baro lifted his head lightly, his expression surprised. “I-I mean…” Sandeul quickly looked away, his face becoming a deeper shade of red, “I figured sense the Jinchan couple were going out,  we would be alone here-- I-I mean!... It would just be boring, to sit here all day… don’t you think?” Baro nodded quietly, his eyes as big as saucers, “S-So you want to?” Baro continued nodding, trying to find the right words to say, “Y-yeah. I want to.” Sandeul puffed out his cheeks and sighed a sigh of relive, “Okay. I’ll go take a shower first.” And with that he left.


“So where are we going hyung?” Jinyoung raised his eyebrow out of habit, but continued walking with his hands in his pockets, “Oh, so you are talking to me? I think that’s the most you’ve talked all day.” Gongchan pulled his scarf closer to his face, why did it have to be so cold?

“Well, if you must know... Since I’m the best hyung ever, and can tell something is wrong with you…” (as if it wasn’t obvious) “I decided to go to the place I have seen you the happiest.” Gongchan just continued to keep his distance, staring down at the moving ground beneath his feet, despite his confusion.  *The most happiest?* Gongchan was so concentrated on the ground, he didn’t notice that Jinyoung stopped in front of some shop, “Yah! Where here!” The younger slightly flinched and quickly turned around, realizing what kind of shop it was. Gongchan tried to hide his smile with his scarf, but his red face gave it away. “See, your already getting better!” Jinyoung grabbed a hold of the maknae’s hand with a cheekish smile, and pulled him into the ice-cream shop.

When he opened the door, a small bell rang, telling everybody in the small building about their entrance. Jinyoung scanned the room and pointed to a booth in the far corner, “Over there! Go sit and I’ll get the ice-cream, k?” Gongchan hesitated, biting his lip he finally nodded and released his hand from the other. Jinyoung simply shook it off and went to the counter. Gongchan walked past the several chairs and booths, looking at each one individually until he went to the one farthest in the corner, the one Jinyoung told him to go to. He slowly sat down, the cushions making him sink deeper into the seat then he really wanted, “Really…this guy.” he mumbled to himself, only moments before Jinyoung walked up, one ice-cream in each hand. “Ne, here you go.” Gongchan narrowed his eyes, taking the gift respectfully, “Thank you.” Jinyoung simply nodded with that idiotic smile of his plastered onto his face. Both boys started eating, saying nothing.

It continued to be quiet for quite some time, that it is until Jinyoung decided to break the heavy atmosphere, “Ne, do you like it? I wasn’t sure what kind you had last time. Is it the same one?” Gongchan looked down and shook his head, “Oh…” Jinyoung looked down in disappointment then liked his own ice-cream. “Try this then.” He stretched out his arm so the ice cream was right in front of the younger’s mouth. He hesitated and looked up to Jinyoung, who had his smile back, and glanced back over to the cold treat that was put in front of his face. His cheeks started to turn a light pink, and Jinyoung knew it wasn’t because it was cold outside. He then in the same spot Jinyoung did. The younger’s eyes widened a bit with excitement, but it was quickly replaced with the coldness they were holding in all day. He then cleared his throat and laid back into his seat, “I-its fine…”  Jinyoung chuckled and motioned the ice-cream closer to Gongchan, “You might be upset, but your still my Channie. It’s obvious to me when you’re lying.” Gongchan narrowed his eyes and folded his arms, looking like a stubborn kid, with his face now a bright shade of red, “S-shut up.”


Baro and Sandeul walked the streets of downtown Seoul in awkward silence, besides the occasional sigh from one or the other that is. Baro decided to take control of the situation and spoke first, "Hy-hyung?"

*h-he's talking?* Sandeul thought before answering, "Ne?"

"Where are we going?"

*Yah, why does he always do that? Gets me all worked up and nervous for the dumbest things, aish~*  The older let out a sigh, "Never thought about it really..." Sandeul ruffled his own hair in anger.

"Are you hungry hyung?” It was practically a rhetorical question, Sandeul was always hungry. The older grabbed hold of his stomach holding down the hunger, then turned to the younger, "Well... I was kinda hoping we could go somewhere fun. We haven’t done anything exciting recently."

"Ne, that's true. What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know- something invigorating, something that'll give me adren-" Sandeul looked down to see Baro’s hand clasped to his. He began blushing slightly but continued to over exaggerate the joys of excitement. "Hyung do you ever shut up?"  Baro asked while giggiling. Sandeul got offended quickly, "You're one to talk! Mister 'I'm blood type B!' the loudest of them all!" Baro shoved Sandeul playfully, "Yah- I don't sound like that!"

The two continued to snicker and joke until they reached their destination. Sandeul brought them to his idea of 'Invigorating and adrenaline rushing.' "You're joking right?" *Is this a hidden camera?* Baro questioned.

"N-no... I like this kind of fun..." Sandeul had brought the two, to a build your own animal shop.

"Hyung, you can't be serious... I- I mean how is this... invigorating?"

"Because! There's so many options and it's so hard to decide! And each and every animal is personal and unique!" Sandeul continued his thought aloud in a softer tone "Li-like you. When will you realize how special you are?"

*Di-did he just say what I think he said?* Baro stood in front of his older dumbfounded. "C'mon! Let's start making our animals!" Sandeul grabbed Baro’s hand and pulled him to the animal selection and acted as of nothing occurred. *What is wrong with him? First this animal idea, and now sappy phrases? This is unlike him... does he even realize he’s acting this way? Maybe he’s sick or something…*

"Should we pick for each other? Ne? Okay I'll go pick from over there." Sandeul walked towards the direction he pointed at and began scoping the area for the best animal. *Aish, what is wrong with hyung? I can’t even begin to tell why he’s acting this way.* Baro grabbed the cutest looking animal on the shelf despite the fact that Sandeul likes wild animals. Without putting much thought into Sandeul’s gift, Baro purchased a colorful vest and silver chain to dress the animal in. “Ah, this is the BEST one! I hope he likes it!” Sandeul snatched the animal and walked over to the attire section. *Hmm… Baro likes hats…* Baro let out a sigh as he waited at the entrance of the shop for Sandeul.

He slightly smiled as the idea to sneak up on his hyung got caught in his mind. Baro sneakily walked up behind his hyung and slid his arms around his waist. Sandeul’s mind went blank as Baro let out a barely audible whisper, “Gotcha…” Sandeul whipped around to find a hysterical Baro laughing insanely at the event. “Yahhh! Who do you think you are?!?” *He’s back* Baro thought to himself. “What if I got violent and elbowed you in the gut?!? Who would be laughing then?!?” Sandeul warned. “Hyung calm down! I was just messing around with you.” Baro’s voice softened “You haven’t been yourself lately.” Sandeul puffed out his cheek, “You know, I could say the same to you Baro. I know that we’ve been training hard for Dream Team and all, but there is no way we’ve been working enough for you to be bruised all over. How could you have been the only one? We all work the same and not to mention you’re the toughest out of us all…” Sandeul felt his eyes begin to tear, “I’m not sure what’s going on with you but you need to put a stop to it. You could seriously hurt yourself Baro.”

 “Jinja? Ah, gwenchana? Keke, Mwoh? Can you hold on just a minute? Ne~” *That figure looks familiar* Peering into the shop window for a better look, a crooked smile curved on her face. “Can I call you back later? Ne, Annyeong!” She walked into the shop and stood secretly behind a shelf in front of the two members. *Kekeke, so he has kept it to himself. That naïve brat, he’ll never tell~ He’s too caught up in those boys. First the oldest and now him? I wouldn’t blame him if it were actually an attractive member, sheesh. Well, I guess it’s not my business, but since when has it been?* Sandeul and Baro tightly embraced each other before getting their items together and leaving the shop. *Hahaha, maybe I should take more advantage of this situation? I mean how often do you see famous rookies fall in love with their members? Let alone form a love triangle for the whole public to see* Ji Yan took a few photos of the two and left the shop closely behind the members, making sure to keep her distance, but for how long will she?


Jinyoung and gongchan strolled down the road after "enjoying" their frozen treats accompanying one another. "I still don't understand why you've been so harsh to me." Gongchan continued to ignore Jinyoung and made it obvious with his childish acts. "Poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue isn't distracting Channie~ Unless you have ADD or something..." Jinyoung knew how to tease Gongchan, so he took advantage of it every second. It took gongchan every ounce of control within him not to snap back at the leader. *Aish I cant believe he still doesn't know what he did*  

"Channieee~" Jinyoung cooed, noticing the anger forming through the maknaes clenched fists. Gongchan wasn't the hardest nut to crack so the repetitive disturbances got to him easily. "YAHHH! Could you just let me be for 5 seconds?!? Pabo!" Jinyoung was slightly taken aback by the name calling but was used to the rest of it. "Channie-Ahh, are you... angry?" The leader spoke in a sarcastic tone as if he couldn't tell already. "Of course I'm angry! You don't even know how I feel right now, so can you please just shut up and leave me alone!?!"

*Mwoh? I didn't mean for him to get so upset... * the two continued walking for another mile or so until Jinyoung genuinely asked the younger what his problem was. "It's terrible how nobody sees it..." Gongchan mumbled with his head down. "Sees what? I don't understand..." Jinyoung responded. The younger was quick to reply, "Exactly, nobody does." "You know what Gongchan? Playing these guessing games doesn't help. Just flat out say whats making you upset or don't expect the correct response."

*Aish~ he's so arrogant, the leader of a group should recognize when it's falling apart like this* Gongchan continued, "I shouldn't have to tell anyone anything. The maknae should be the last to realize something like this. Apparently I'm the intelligent and caring one here. How else would you guys come to realize such a thing?"

"REALIZE WHAT?!?!" Jinyoung shouted.

"How can you NOT see it?!?! First CNU left us, then we divided and have no connection with each other! Sandeul and Baro barely communicate anymore! If you were a good leader and better yet a good friend, you would be here to pick us up when were down!" Gongchan left the leader stunned with his remark.  Jinyoung stood in front of his younger with his jaw hanging and teary eyes. "Exactly, no sympathy. I'll see you later hyung."  Gongchan left Jinyoung standing alone to collect his thoughts. *Did he really just say that to me? He might as well have left out the hyung, there was no respect in that whatsoever.... *

Jinyoung slugged back to their empty dorm after gathering himself together. "G-gongchan-Ahh?" there was no reply. "Aish~ what is with these people?" Jinyoung figured nobody was home yet so he brushed off the awkward silence. Then a creaky noise came from the living room. Jinyoung saw a figure step inside from the patio shouting, "Haha, I still win!"

"B-Baro-Ahh?" Jinyoung asked a little confused.

"Mwoh? It's Sandeul. Who's there?"

"It's me... Jinyoung..."

"Oh." Sandeul continued smiling as he ran to his and Baros bedroom to get the camera. "Well you two are sure having fun..." Jinyoung thought, *What was gongchan talking about? Everyone is fine... Is he the only one with a problem?* 

"Do I really have to do it?" Baro whined. "NE! Yoooouuu loooost!" Sandeul cooed. The younger was feeling regretful for choosing scissors. Baro posed with his new squirrel stuffed animal and Sandeul took a picture. "You're so...so cute!"  Sandeul laughed. Baro's checks flushed a deep red and he snatched the camera from Sandeul. "Yahh! You like this don't you?!?!"

"How did you guess?" Sandeul stood smirking in front of his embarrassed younger.


No more making promises I can't keep -.- *I'm telling you, It's all my Unnies falt!*

Well, I hoped you like it... If you got this far I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart~ <3

*bows with a cup of tea* ;D

So how about that comeback? Come awwwwn? *wiggles eyebrows*

Dont be afraid to release you inner fangirl/fanboy in the comments :3

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />