
When True Love Spreads

“Yah~ It got dark so fast…” Sandeul glanced over to Baro who was looking up at the sky. He fallowed Baro’s gaze and looked up himself, 

“Yea, I guess.” As the pair continued walking on the sidewalk of the flashy town square, still hand in hand, Baro continued to stare at the twinkling stars. The two remained quiet, listening to the busy night life of Korea. Sandeul looked down at his intertwined fingers and smiled to himself when Baro finally spoke again, 
“Sandeul…” He started. The boy looked up confused and stopped walking, interrupting Baro, 
“Sandeul? You're suppose to call me hyung.” He demanded. Baro finally took his gaze off of the clouds, wiping his head around, 
“Lee Jung Hwan, I am trying to tell you something important and you interrupt me?” Sandeul puffed out his cheeks, 
“But I’m older than you!” He whined. Baro rolled his eyes, 
“Only by a couple of months, pabo!” Sandeul looked down, still pouting, 
“So…” He argued. Baro bit his lip and smiled, 
“Hyung is so cute~” He then ruffled Sandeul’s hair with his free hand, as if he was the older one. Sandeul narrowed his eyes, 
“Ruffling my hair like a child doesn’t help…” Baro’s eyes clouded with worry, 
“Please don’t be upset with me Deuli~ I was only joking. And besides, I was going to do something that would make you happy~” 
“Like what? Kiss me? You ert.” Sandeul snapped back. 
“Would that make you happy?” Baro questioned, smiling when his hyung blushes a bright pink. 
“Y-you pabo! Did you not just hear me call you a ert!?” Baro’s smile grows wider as Sandeul continues to yell in frustration, trying to deny the truth. Then something catches his eye. He slightly tilted his head, looking past the flustered Sandeul, when he realizes what it is. 
“Oh no.” He whispers. 
“Yah! Are you even listening to me? Pabo!” Baro snaps back to his hyung, but quickly looks back behind him, 
“I-I’m sorry…but… wait here please.” He quickly lets go of Sandeul’s hand and walks past him, leaving the elder alone. 
“Baro-ah…?” Sandeul mumbles, watching Baro’s back fade away in the street lights.
Gongchan rolled over, not wanting to open his eyes. “Yah~ What time is it?” he grumbled to the air. He slowly got up, lazily stretching while walking down the hallway. “Hyungs?” He called out, waiting for a response. He looked in Baro and Sandeul’s room, only to realize that he was still home alone. “Yah, I’m the youngest. They should know better than to leave me home alone at night.” He commented under his breath, walking into the kitchen. He rolled his eyes and scratched his head, still half asleep. “What to eat, what to eat. I’m so hungry~” the small boy sang to the walls, “And the bad bad hyungs won’t take care of me~”  Gongchan opened the fridge, bowl of cereal in hand, when he heard the door open. He quickly laid the milk carton back and turned around to see which hyung it was, closing the fridge door with his foot. When Gongchan finally saw who opened the door, he dropped his bowl of cereal, creating a loud shattering sound. Not even carrying that milk was all over the floor and slowly spreading to his foot, his mouth dropped open and his eyes became wide, “S-Shin Woo Hyung!?”
The surprised elder laid the bag he had in his hand down and cleared his throat, “Uhm, don’t you think you should pick that up?” Gongchan quickly looked down as if he hadn’t noticed the broken bowl scattered across the floor, 
“Omo.” He said before kneeling down and picking up the pieces. CNU walked around, 
“Yah, You’re here alone? Where is everybody?” The youngest sneered, 
“Humph. Like I should no, they're all doing their own business while I’m stuck here.” Gongchan complained. CNU settled down on the couch, laying his arms out, 
“So they're all by themselves doing different activities? Well that’s good I suppose, but we have a schedule tomorrow!” Gongchan picked up the final pieces and threw them away, 
“Well, Leader is by himself. But the duck and squirrel left together a while ago.” CNU sat up with interest, 
“A while ago? How long?” Gongchan walked over and shrugged innocently, 
“I don’t know, a while ago. They’ve been getting pretty close if you know what I mean.” Gongchan smiled to himself while CNU stood up, 
“Where are they?” He said sternly. 
“Hm?” Gongchan hummed. 
“Where. Are. They?” CNU repeated himself. The maknae shrugged, 
“I don’t know. They never tell me or Hyung where they’re going.” CNU nodded before heading for the door, 
“Yah. If Jinyoung comes back, tell him I’m home and went to scout out the two idiots.” Gongchan nodded his head, not that CNU noticed. CNU simply closed the door behind him swiftly, 
*Yah, he seemed in a rush...* Gongchan thought while puffing out his cheeks. He then plopped onto the couch himself, sprawling his arms and legs every which way. “Yah, even CNU hyung leaves me alone! Ottoke~”
“Yah~ Your so silly oppa! Now don’t go away, arasso? I’ll be right back!” Ji Yan kissed Jinyoung on the cheek before entering into one of the brightly lit shops. 
*Aish, this girl* Jinyoung thought to himself before smiling like an idiot. He then looked around, taking in the scenery, *Yah- This is really it. When we debut soon, we won’t be able to just walk around freely like this…I really shouldn’t be doing this though* Jinyoung continued to look around, kicking a stone that laid next to his foot, *I wonder what Channie is doing…*
“Yah Hyung!” Jinyoung quickly looked up, recognizing the voice as if it were his own. 
“B-Baro-ah?” Jinyoung called out, watching Baro jog across the street to the elder's side. 
“Hyung! We have to leave now.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened at the alarm of Baro’s voice, 
“Why? Did something happen?” Baro shook his head and grabbed the leaders arm, 
“Hyung, let’s just go. Now!” Jinyoung stayed in place, 
“W-wait, why? What happened?” 
“Who were you with? Huh, hyung? Who! We need to leave, right now!” Jinyoung rolled his eyes and put his hand on Baro’s shoulder, trying to calm the other down, 
“Ne, just breath. Where did you come from anyways?” Jinyoung looked around the busy square, unable to find any of the other members. 
“Hyung! Just…listen to me! We have to leave, that person… she’s very bad!” Jinyoung’s worried face turned into a stern look, 
“What are talking about?” Baro looked into Jinyoung’s cold eyes, pleading that hopefully he would understand what he means by simply looking back at him. 
“Hyung…please…” Baro whispered. A bell rang, making Jinyoung look over to the shop, 
“Oh, you're back.” He announced. Baro automatically took his hand off of Jinyoung’s arm and stiffened. 
“Yea, and I come back with gifts~” Ji Yan grabbed a hold of Jinyoung’s arm, pulling him close to her. “Oh, hi Sun Woo-si~” Baro narrowed his eyes, not wanting to see the all-to-familiar smirk growing on the witches’ lips, “I haven’t seen you in a while, have I?” Jinyoung just looked at the boy, noticing little sweat drops start to form on his forehead and his lips becoming chapped. 
“I-I have to go.” Baro croaks out, revealing that his throat became dried as well. He quickly glances back over to his hyung one last time, hoping he will read what’s on his mind, Run.
Baro run’s back to wherever he was before, leaving the couple alone. 
“What was the matter with him?” Ji Yan asks innocently. 
“I’m not sure.” Jinyoung comments back, confusion twisted in his words. Ji Yan look’s back over to the boy, lowering her body to show off her chest, 
“Yah, I say we continu-“ Ji Yan stops talking when Jinyoung’s phone starts to ring. They both look down to his pocket, wondering who could be calling. Jinyoung takes the device out and flips it open, 
“Yoboseyo?” He questions, “… Ah, manager hyung, so nice of you to call! Huh? No… w-well, I’m out right now. Why do you ask?” Jinyoung’s eyes widened, “What?!” He yells out, not caring if it’s disrespectful. “O-okay, good bye.” Jinyoung quickly shut’s his cell phone and puts it back in his pocket. “I have to go.” He announced abruptly. He tired to walk away, but Jin Yan held on to him, 
“Yah, where are you going suddenly?” She asked. Jinyoung tried again, 
“I have to go. My band mate…” Ji Yan held on, 
“Yah, don’t just leave me! This was supposed to be a date!” She argued. Jinyoung struggled to break free, noticing that they were creating a scene, 
“My Channie is in trouble! I’m sorry, but I have to leave now!” Jinyoung called out, forcefully pulling away. He quickly gave Ji Yan a bow, and sprinted off.
Sandeul continued to wait. He felt like an idiot, just sitting alone in the middle of a busy square, at night. He let out a sigh, “Yah Baro~ Where did you go?” He asked himself, looking up. He continued to stare at the sky until he heard someone running towards him with heavy breathing. He quickly looked forward with an awkward face, “Baro? What’s wrong?” Baro stopped running and put his hands on his knees, 
“We, we… we have to go.” He panted out. Sandeul stood up, obviously concerned, 
“Yah Baro, where did you go?” Sandeul lays one of his hands on Baro’s shoulders and looks back, “Why are you like this?” Baro finally cached his breath, though he was still nervous. He quickly stood straight up and looked at the elder, 
“S-Sandeul, I don’t want her to hurt you.” He whispered, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. 
“Who?” Sandeul asked, slowly guiding the younger to somewhere more private. After making sure they were hidden, Sandeul sighed and looked back at the crying boy, soon being pulled forward into a hug. Sandeul’s cheeks became pink, mentally slapping himself that it’s not the time to be nervous. “Baro-ah, who did this to you? Please tell me.” Baro continues to cry, his face hidden in the nook of Sandeul’s neck. 
“I, I just… I don’t want to be weak any longer. Sandeul, I… I want to be with you. And protect you.” Baro tightens his grip on the boy he’s holding, “I- I’m so sorry I’m weak.” He starts to sob again while Sandeul stands there astonished. 
“Sun Woo…” Sandeul held onto him, letting him cry on his shoulder.
CNU walked, hands in his pockets, the scene he just witnessed replaying in his head. I don’t want to be weak any longer, Sandeul. I want to be with you. He clutched his fist and clenched his teeth, *Damn it* He thought to himself, *I knew this would happen… Why did I go out and look for them? Why did I hide myself instead of confronting them?* CNU felt tears threaten to fall, trying to hold them back he looked around, *…* Suddenly he felt something in his pocket, pulling out his phone he answered it. “Hello?” He asked carelessly. Jinyoung answered on the other side of the phone, sounding weak, 
“Hey, Gongchan told me you came back. Uhm, I just figured when you find the guys go to the hospital. Gongchan got hurt…” CNU’s eyebrows rose, 
“He’s okay?” Jinyoung was hesitant for a while, 
“Uhm, yea. He’s uhm…okay.” CNU narrowed his eyes, 
“Are you okay?” It was silent, he heard some scuffling and then the leaders voice, 
“Yea. Just go get those two.” CNU hung up and turned around, 
*Do I have to?* He asked himself before sprinting back to the alley.
He arrived at the same place he spotted the two earlier. Baro and Sandeul were still holding each other, so CNU cleared his throat before approaching the two. “Yah, there you two are. We have to go.” He ordered, trying to avoid eye contact. Baro looked up, his teary stained face surprised, 
“CNU Hyung!? Why are you here?” Sandeul’s eyes widened, soon turning his head slightly, “How did you know where we were?” CNU bit his lip and looked straight into Baro’s eyes, 
“We have to go. Chan Sik is hurt.”
Omo we haven't posted anything in a very long time! >x< I am very, very, sorry for our little hiatus!
It is almost the ending soon~
We actually finished writing it and now we are just waiting to post them up. ^^ Thank you for staying with us untill the end!
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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />