Bruises and Confusion.

When True Love Spreads


“Yah! We’ve been practicing for three days already, and you still can’t even pin me to the floor! Let’s take a break.” Baro rolled his eyes and threw a towel at the lifeless body on the floor, otherwise known as Sandeul.

He walked out to the kitchen to get a drink when he noticed Jinyoung sitting at the counter, “Giving him tough love I see.” Baro rolled his eyes once again and stole a water bottle from the fridge.

 He leaned his back against the counter and wiped off his forehead before taking a sip, “Ne. Why aren’t you practicing? It’s not like you couldn’t exercise with him.”

Jinyoung raised his eyebrow and set the pen in his hand down, “You’re the one that decided to practice in pairs. Don’t you remember? ‘I- I could teach you’.” The older mocked.

Baro twisted the cap back onto the now empty bottle and looked up at his leader, “Tch, don’t act as if you weren’t happy with the pairs. We hear you and Gongchan even if we put our pillows over our heads.”

The older boy smirked before getting out of his seat, “It’s better than fighting. What kind of love is that?”

“Yah! Whoever said it was love?”

Jinyoung turned around before leaving the room, “Who ever said it wasn’t?” He began to walk away, when he remembered something. “Oh, and about when we start the show. We have to go and meet everyone this weekend, then we actually air in a couple weeks.”

Baro his dry lips, “This weekend?”

Jinyoung simply nodded and walked away, leaving Baro alone in the kitchen. Baro gripped the side of the counter to stable himself, closing his eyes and using his free hand to run it threw his sweaty hair, *, what am I suppose to do now?*


 “Y-yes. This is Baro. I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to make it to our date this weekend. I’m pretty busy with the group for the next couple weeks…Huh? Tonight?” Baro looked at the clock and cleared his throat.

“I-it’s pretty late…Oh- um, yes, I understand. At 12? Okay. See you there.” Baro shut his cell-phone and gave a big sigh.

“Damn it!” He took the little devise and threw it across the room, making it slam against the wall, separating the case from the battery. Baro quickly threw himself and turned over, planting his face into his pillow so he could scream.

“What the hell was that?” Someone called. Baro’s body automatically became stiff to the sound of Sandeul’s voice as he opened the door, “Why is your cell phone on the floor?”

Baro made no attempt to sit up, but he could hear Sandeul picking up the remains of the cell phone scattered across the room. Sandeul slowly walked closer to Baro’s body, “Ne. Are you sleeping…?” Baro just laid there, not wanting to look up and try to explain why his face was wet and red.

 “Hey…” Sandeul poked Baro’s back, trying to wake him up. “Your still in your clothes and you haven’t taken a shower yet, get up.”

Baro let a small groan escape his throat, making Sandeul’s eyes widened a little. “Fine. But you can’t stay like that, you’re going to stink up my room!” Sandeul stood up and walked out of the room, soon returning with two wet wash clothes.

“Lazy.” Sandeul scowls, but still having no affect of the lifeless body on the bed. He scooted Baro’s leg over and settles onto the bed, whispering so low that its barely audible, “This is going to be cold, k?”

Baro scrunched his nose in the pillow, *What is he-?*

He was cut off from his thoughts when he realized that Sandeul was slowly moving the little bits of hair away from his neck, and suddenly laid something very cold onto the exposed skin. He slightly flinched, not because of the cold towel, but because he could feel Sandeul trying to raise up his shirt without ‘waking him up’. He soon manages to lift up the t-shirt half way, and Baro was met with yet another very cold towel.

A slight sigh comes from the younger boy and it makes Sandeul smile. “Am I waking you up?” Baro was about to shake his head, when he realized he was suppose to be asleep. So he simply staid still while the other rubs the cloth along his back.

It’s nice and peaceful, with the room being quite and all. Baro starts to drift off into a slumber when Sandeul suddenly stops, leaving the cloth still on Baro’s back. “What is this?” The older boy lightly rubbed his thumb along a spot on Baro’s side.

 “Why do you have a bruise? …Did you really train me that hard?” Sandeul asked the air. Baro slightly twitched at the feel of Sandeul’s soft hands on his body, making him remove his hand. “I’m sorry, I promise I won’t make you hurt yourself anymore.” Sandeul then removed the washcloths and leaned down to give the bruised skin a kiss, before pulling the t-shirt back over the boy’s body.


The red lights on the clock beamed 11:55 P.M. when Baro decided to head out. He grabbed his jacket and sighed, turning his direction towards the sleeping Sandeul, “I’m sorry.” he whispered to the cold air.

He was soon out the door and walking to the abandoned building a couple streets away that Ji Yan told him to go to. He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky, thinking about the first time he meet Jin Yan for a 'date’.


“I called you down because I have important business with you.” Ji Yan commented, folding her arms together.

 “And that is?” Baro questioned, raising a brow.

 “I have a proposal for you. This way your cover won’t get blown, being with a boy and all. You wouldn’t want that to get out to the public, would you?” The women raised an eye brow threateningly.

“I’m not with a boy.” Baro stated matter-of-factly.

 “Oh? That’s not what these pictures say.” Ji Yan replied with a mocking tone.

“What pictures?” Baro asked confused. Why was she acting like this?

 “I have a few pictures of you and your precious hyung being pretty close in a, I don’t know… Ferris wheel maybe? You should be more careful when it comes to stuff like this, I was just minding my own business when I saw you two. Now what would of happened if the press were there? You guys would have been ruined, even before your debut.”

“That was a mistake, I know. But he’s not here anymore and there’s nothing between us. We were just saying good bye.” Baro's face was stone cold. Is this how she trully acts?

 “Is that so? Well then you wouldn’t mind him coming back, right?” There was a soft tone to her voice, giving off an innocent vibe.

“What are you talking about?” Baro asked, letting his face give away that he was trully confused and tired of this whole thing.

“I called him down. He’s going to be participating in a reality show here.”

“W-what?” The black haired boy muttered.

“You should know I’m not just a dance trainer, my father is a high ranking man in the music business. So I suggest that if you don’t want to ruin you and your friends’ carriers, you would do what I say.” Jin Yan threatened.

 “ you.”  Baro spat. That’s when a bat suddenly collided with the right side of the boys stomach, making him hunch over.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, but if you keep that bad act up, you won’t be any more. So either listen to me, or all your dreams will be going down the drain.” The woman threatened.

“W-what if I don’t care? What if I go and t-tell the police?” Baro stuttered, still in pain.

“You try to tell somebody, my friend here will mess that pretty face of yours up.”


Baro stopped walking for a moment and touched his bruise on the side of his stomach, remembering what Sandeul said. *Thank god he’s dumb enough to not realize it’s been there for a while. But still…* Baro’s face started turning pink when he remembered the touch of Sandeul’s lips on his back. *That idiot*

It wasn’t long until Baro crossed the rode and walked into an old looking factory building. He let out a sigh before sliding the metal door open a bit and walked in, “I’m here.” he called out, his voice echoing throughout the abandoned building.

He looked at Jin Yan who was sitting down on a chair, then narrowed his eyes to the body guard next to her, which had the bat he hit him with the last time he was here, in his hands. Baro automatically tensed his body and tried to clear his dry throat.

Noticing this, Jin Yan smirked and rested her head on her hand. “Good.”


Back at the house, Baro quickly changed his clothes and walked into the bathroom. He took a look in the mirror and traced his finger over the greenish mark on the left side of his face. He sighed and hung his head down, trying to clear his thoughts.

“.” He mumbled.

He then the facet, low enough so he wouldn’t wake up the other members, and washed his face. Next he checked out the damage on his back, making him give himself a face in the mirror.

He was too afraid to touch it, worried that it would make it worse. The bruise that ran along his shoulder blade had the same color of the one on his face, only it was much bigger and it hurt much more.

He pulled his shirt back down and decided to head back to bed when he heard a noise come from the kitchen. He quickly turned off the light and squatted down next to the door, turning his head to peek to see who was up this late. All he could see was a faded shadow on the wall, but with the messy hair the figure had, he figured it was Gongchan.

Baro let out a sigh of relief and stood up, not really caring if the maknae saw him. If it was Jinyoung, he would have caught him and started yelling at him for being up so late, and if it was Sandeul, he would of asked why he was up and notice the bruise on his face. That wouldn’t be so bad, it’s just Baro didn’t feel like making up an excuse right at the moment.

Still, he wondered why was the maknae up? Out of all the people in this house, he would of thought that Gongchan feel asleep first.  He shrugged it off and tip toed into his shared room, slipping into his bed without making a noise.


The sun peaked through the curtain, telling Jinyoung that it was a new day and to get up. He slowly blinked his eyes, trying to completely get out of sleep, and turned over to stretch when his hand hit something. He quickly turned his head and saw Gongchan sitting in the desk chair next to his bead, with his head down.

Jinyoung smiled brightly at the sight of the other, “No breakfast today?” he asked jokingly.

 Gongchan tightened his hands that were resting on his lap and shook his head, never meeting eye contact with Jinyoung.

“That’s a shame… what’s wrong? You wanna lay with me?” Jinyoung patted the bed next to him, inviting the maknae over. Gongchan simply narrowed his eyes and nodded, his face becoming pink. “Then come here.” Jinyoung said bluntly.

The younger puffed out one of his cheeks and stood up, slowly sinking into the bed, making sure to stay close to the edge. “Channie, why aren’t you talking?” Jinyoung tried to pull the maknae closer and put his hand up to his forehead, but Gongchan quickly hid his face into the blanket. “Don’t call me that.”



Yes, finally some drama in there! ^^

I wasn’t sure what to name this one, and my partner doesn’t even know I wrote this… Don’t kill me unnie? XD

It wasn’t the best and I’m sorry for that, but the next chapter is going to be for all you Jinchan fans~ *And I believe you are going to be happy ;D*

So what do you guys think? Is CNU really going to come back? What’s going to happen to Baro? What’s wrong with Gongchan?                                                     Is anybody going to kiss anybody any time soon!?

I really want to know what our readers think! So don’t forget to comment, k? <3

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XieLee #1
Please, please update soon, I love your story and I'm biting my nails in every chapter!!!
I love BaDeul, but I'll be frank, I started reading this fanfic because it was about ShinRo and there are no many ShinRo fanfics over there (which is sad, I love ShinRo too *-*) but i didn't expect it to turn to a BaDeul fanfic, despite that, I like it like it like it XD no seriously, up to now, I like your fanfic so much :D

So good. Enjoying your fanfic! So please update soon!^^ dying to know what happens next
will you update soon? i still don't get enough with badeul...
i love badeul moment the most... what is the plan?? im very curious... update soon please...
I want CNUxBaro :3
Can't wait for the next Chapter!!!!<br />
I love this story, its so exciting!~ Badeul forever haha (hope it ends with Badeul though :s)<br />
Update soon!
epic XD
Patience is a virtue, Expect the unexpected :3<br />
Thank You for your comment!~ *bow with a cup of tea*<br />