BomHyun out on a romantic date???

Loving you 100% more (on hiatus)

(continued from previous chapter-Bomhyun's part)

Bom: Here you go, my sweet corn. (handing over one big corn to Jonghyun)

Jonghyun: smells nice.

Bom: It taste even nicer.

Jonghyun took a bite. He thought to himself "all corns taste the same. why does this girl likes corn so much?"

Soon, they've reached their destination.

Jonghyun: We've reached. :)

Bom: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! The amusement park!!!!!

Jonghyun: Yeah. What do you wanna play first?


So, the couple went and took a ride on the roller coaster plus other rides.. Bom is so happy to be able to spend her time in the amusement park since she don't have time to do so because of her hectic schedule. Jonghyun took all those rides with Bom, but he cant take it no more. He feel like vomiting. While Bom was choosing the next ride that she wanna play, Jonghyun jumped into an empty seat and took a rest.

Jonghyun: Noona, can't we take a rest first?

Bom: Aww..i still wanna play. There's not much time left. I want to play as many different rides as possible! (saying and getting more excited)

Jonghyun: (idea pops out!! ) Oh yes, noona. I have another place to bring you. Let's go. (grabs Bom's hand and run off)

--Roadside stalls--

Bom: Hey, why did you bring me here? For a date here?

Jonghyun: Didn't you say you liked to eat corn? There's one stall here where it sells very delicious corns.

Bom: Hey Ya, you think i'm a corn eater??!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonghyun: .... (thinking to himself: Yes)

Bom: This date isn't romantic at all. I thought you are a romantic guy. (pouting her lips)

Jonghyun: Then what do you want me to do?

Bom: Hmm.. i thought boys are the one who decide it? (But in her mind, she was thinking to herself: If someone could make me touched, the date will be the most memorable date)

Jonghyun suddenly grabs onto Bom's hand and brought her to the center of the road. Many passers-by were shooting weird faces at the couple. Bom was startled. Jonghyun started to sing...and it was REALLY LOUD:

Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady

(English translation:
Why are you doing this to me
Who's fallen in love with you?
Don't step back, saying you're afraid
Just leave it up to me
How's that, my lady?

Jonghyun sang it in a beautiful way. His words and voice melted Bom's heart.

Some fangirls who were passing by stopped and took a fanvid of it, while some were totally squealing and going crazy.

Bom looks lost. Then Jonghyun held out his hand and hold onto Bom's. He continued singing :

Nae gaseumeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae?

(English translation:
I can't stop my heart, oh crazy
You're too pretty, I can't take it, oh crazy
If it's not you, I don't need it, crazy
Why am I like this?)

Fangirls were screaming madly while some were preparing to shoot arrows at Bom.

Bom came back to senses (she's was so into the song) and suddenly realise that Jonghyun is really attractive!!

Jonghyun then also realise that there were a huge crowd surrounding him and parkbom.

Jonghyun: (whispered to bom) Do you think we're in trouble now?

Bom: (looking around at the faces of fangirls). Yeah. But shouldn't they be running towards us right now?

Jonghyun: I think so. Then.....Let's RUN! (holding hands with Bom and started running together)

Because the fangirls were so into Jonghyun's short performance as well, they didn't run up to the couple. They also suddenly realise that they should have gone up to the couple and do some crazy things!
So as the couple succeed in squeezing through the crowd and started running across the road, the fangirls started to chase after them.
So, BomHyun's date ended off with hundreds of fans chasing them for more than an hour around the city. Jonghyun managed to call up his manager, along with several bodyguards, and thus ending this DISASTER!

Bom: It was fun today. (sending text message to Jonghyun)

Jonghyun replied: Yeah. But it's all because of you, noona.

Bom: Kekeke. I will never forget our date today.

Jonghyun: So is this the reality you want? A romantic date?

Bom: Haha. YES. Without the chasing fangirls of course. Goodnight, bling bling.

Jonghyun: Goodnight, noona.

End of Chapter5


Finally i'm back to update my story! But i will do one chapter at a time.

Next chapter: CL and MinHo!!!

Thank you to those who have read my story!! xD

Hope you guys liked the pairings i've chosen!

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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
Chapter 4: LOVE TAEMINZY !!!!!!
2NE1Blackjack000 #2
oh please update this really is a good story !!
sandarapark1090 #3
mostly key and dara moments... or when key gets jealous
pandawriter #5
SHINEE!!! update soon!!
ambzchan #6
Update soon
kekeke, its ok Im Dara bias also but of course Im not the only one reading your story, kekekeke so better to make other couple story longer.... It will add some spice in your story and please add some BOMINATOR moments, I like it...<br />
dakotasanify #8
new reader here...<br />
<br />
keydanew hwaitting!!!<br />
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update soon...
guitarist811 #9
Hey, please make more Taeminzy. I want them so badly. Hehe<br />
<br />
Update soon
That was nice.Key is sweet for buying her the dress.Update soon.:)