Key To Each Other's Heart

Black & White

Momo knew she wasn’t making a mistake after she had confessed her true feelings to Mina. She had no clue how someone could make her feel like this, someone who made her eyes soften every time she looks at her.


If it’s really not love, Momo didn’t know what was. If it’s really not love, what is the definition of love?


It was Saturday, finally a free day for Momo to do whatever she wanted outside of Amnesia. Her dad was slouching on the sofa, snoring loudly while she was silently watching TV by herself. It was the usual for her on her off days. She heard seven knocks on her door resembling some sort of a rhythm. 


Momo walked up to the door and figured it was those loan sharks coming to harass her and her dad again. She looked through the peek hole and saw Mina nervously clutching her hand bag. Momo quickly opened the door. 


“Momo” Mina smiled timidly. Momo didn’t say anything at first, she welcomed Mina with both arms, embracing at the door.


She slowly pulled away from the hug and stepped out of the apartment, not wanting to wake up her dad.


“Why did you come here?” Momo asked, closing the doors behind her. She realized that she was a bit harsh with her words and she shook her head, “I meant, why did you come here without telling me?” she asked again, this time her tone was softer.


Mina gave her a huge smile. Her gums showed when she did so, and Momo found the smile so attractive. 


“Are you surprised?”


Momo smiled, her hands placed firmly on Mina’s face as she a cheek with her thumb. She leaned in and Mina closed her eyes. Their lips connected momentarily before Momo pulled away, the same smile still firm on her face.


“Very,” she said, eying Mina from top to bottom, “You’re not wearing high heels”


“Didn't want to make a mistake like last time. Although, I don't think the sneakers matches with my blouse very well…” Mina trailed off.


“I think it looks fine, you look beautiful”


Mina blushed at the compliment, “Do you wanna go out today?” she asked.


“Go out?”


“On a date, like what couples do”


“Like what couples do” Momo murmured to herself, she never went out with anyone officially before.


She had flings, but she had never been attached to someone before.


“So can we go?” Mina asked again, flashing a weak smile as her hands clutched onto her handbag nervously, and just as soon as Momo nodded, a bright smile plastered to her face.


“Let me go change first, and then we can go anywhere you want,” Momo said, opening the door to her apartment.


“You can come in,” she held the door open.


Mina nodded and slowly stepped inside, she gasped when she saw Momo’s dad roll down the couch, still deep from his slumber. It startled him for a second but he quickly got back to sleep, not even noticing that Mina was present. 


“Sorry, this place is a bit of a mess, and just ignore my dad. You can sit right there and wait for me,” Momo said, pointing to the couch. Just as Mina began to walk over to the couch, Momo’s father snored loudly, startling Mina.


“Or you can just come with me?” Momo suggested as she scratched the back of her head in slight embarrassment.


“Yes, that would be great,” Mina quickly nodded as she followed Momo into her room.


Mina took slow steps inside. Momo’s room was small, but it was much more organized and clean unlike the living room. She scanned the surroundings when she spotted her picnic basket from last time. 


Noticing Mina’s gaze on the basket, Momo spoke up.


“On that day, I made the second biggest mistake of my life.”


“Second? What was your first?” Mina asked as she shifted her gaze from the basket to Momo. Her face reddened and quickly looked away when she saw Momo shirtless, wearing only a bra.


“Joining Amnesia,” Momo said, searching for a shirt from her drawers. Mina closed her eyes when Momo turned around to look at her.


“But then, I guess it was a good thing that I joined,” Momo continued.


“Why?” Mina pushed on.


“Because...” Momo trailed off and smiled. She walked over to Mina and bent down in front of her, she moved her hand to Mina's face, using her thumb and index finger to prop up her chin.


Mina slowly opened up her eyes. They both stared deeply into each other’s brown orbs.


“Because?” Mina asked, almost breathless.


“Because I met you of course,” Momo pulled away with a cheeky grin as Mina madly blushed a shade of pink. She was expecting something more. A kiss. 


“Were you expecting something?” She heard Momo’s voice say, and looked at her. It wasn’t helping her reddening cheek.


“Nothing,” Mina quickly shook her head and stood up.


“You were expecting something,” Momo trailed off, walking closer towards Mina, who took slow steps backwards. She stopped when she reached the corner of the wall. She was trapped by Momo.


“Something like this?” Momo asked, advancing even closer and Mina's heart trembled in anticipation.


No more words could be exchanged between the two of them, their lips were sealed tight.




Momo and Mina strolled the streets hand in hand, giving each other warmth in the bipolar weather. It was just the beginning of February. 


Weeks ago, the weather was unexpectedly warm and sunny, but now the sun was shrouded by the clouds, and snow were starting to fall from above. They walked with no destination in mind, just conversing with each other was enough to give them both joy and entertainment. 


They loved being in each other’s company.


“Would you believe it if I told you that this is the first time I’ve gone out with anyone?” Momo asked casually.


Mina scrunched her eyebrows and looked thoughtfully at her, “Nope,” she replied nonchalantly and smiled.


“Really? Any mixed feelings you might have?” 


“Nope,” Mina shook her head, and Momo stopped in her tracks.




She was surprised to see Mina so calm about it. 


“It probably wouldn't be a surprise if I found out you've had many girlfriends before,” Mina said, strolling ahead as the baffled Momo stayed put.


“Why would you think so?” Momo asked, quickly catching up with Mina before she grasped the girl’s hand.


“Just look at the way you made me fall for you. I'm sure you've made many hearts tremble because of you" 


“But me making their hearts tremble doesn’t actually mean that I’ve gone out with any of them”


Mina stopped and looked at Momo, she analyzed the girl’s face, her flawless, serious looking face. 


Who wouldn’t fall for this face? 


Who wouldn’t have their hearts flutter at the sight of her?


Who wouldn’t fall for her? Period. 


“All of that doesn’t matter anymore, you’re mine now. Aren’t you?” Mina remarked with confident wink. She clutched onto her hand bag and strolled ahead, leaving the grinning girl behind.


Momo mentally smacked herself. She was Hirai Momo, Amnesia’s fighter Hirai Momo, tough fighter Hirai Momo, and yet, here she was smiling like an idiot because of a girl.


But not just any girl, that girl was Mina. The girl in front of her, the girl, who from this point on made Momo believe that she will not be able to live without. 


“What are you pondering about? Let’s go! The weather is getting colder” Mina said, breaking Momo out of her trance. She smiled and ran to catch up with Mina.


“So, are we going to keep walking straight until we reach the ocean?” Momo joked, earning a playful slap on the shoulder by Mina. 


“No! It’s just that this is my first time out on a real date, I’m clueless on what we should do” Mina sighed.


“I kind of figured. But you've really never dated before?”


Mina shook her head, “Not a real one at least. I’ve been out on ‘dates’ with guys before, but only because my dad wanted me to. I didn't like any of them. They were rich playboys, wanting nothing more but to score with me" she said and paused for a second, "Since we're on the subject now. Did you really have any girlfriends?"


“I had flings before, but that was it. It wasn't serious or official” Momo said, and reached down to hold Mina’s hand.


“I just want you to know that I love you”


Mina brought Momo's hand up to her face and kissed the back of it. "I love you top"


Momo beamed a huge smile. She never thought anyone could give her this much happiness. 


Happiness was rare for her. Happiness was rare for people like her.


How could someone who was stuck working as a fighter for Amnesia in order to pay off her dad’s debts, possibly gain any kind of fulfillment and happiness? 


She brought up her free hand and caressed Mina’s warm cheek. The coldness of her hand made Mina gasped, exhaling a white cloud of warm air that mixed amongst the cold atmosphere surrounding them. Mina smiled as she unloosened the big scarf around her neck, proceeding to wrap it around Momo, noticing that the girl was shivering.


“It’s getting a bit chilly and look at the way you’re dressed up today. I don’t want you to get sick" Mina said with a pout. 


She brushed Momo’s lips lightly with her cold fingers and closed her eyes. She leaned in for a chaste kiss, their cold lips finally enveloped and found warmth in each other.


Momo pulled away from the kiss, just momentarily.


She unwrapped a few lengths of the scarf and wrapped it around Mina’s neck, sharing the warmth of the scarf together.


“I don’t want you to get sick either”


And with that, Mina leaned in to kiss her again. Momo pulled her close, pressing their bodies against each other.


They stayed like that, for God who knew how long. People stared at them as they walked by, but their eyes were closed and they didn't care what the world think. 


And they continued to stay like that, their warm lips connected, never wanting to part each other. But finally, they did.


They smiled, they chuckled. And they found themselves to be an object of envy as they watch a girl yell at her boyfriend for being not romantic enough after witnessing their intimate act.


“Is it night time already?” Momo joked, referring to their long kiss. Mina couldn’t help but laugh.


“Let’s go catch a movie, and then I have something I want to do for you tonight” Momo said, intertwining Mina’s hand with hers as they walked close to each other.


“Like what?”


“I’ll cook for you” Momo beamed a smile, “You cooked for me before, and now It’s my turn to return the favor.”


"Come to my house" Mina suggested. She knew her dad was still out on a 'business' trip and today was a day off for all of his underlings. 





“Momo...Momo! It’s out of the basket! The fish is out of the basket! Catch it!” Mina shrieked from the kitchen, running away from the splashing aquatic vertebrate as she clutched behind Momo’s back. Momo was laughing, she couldn’t help herself, Mina’s reaction was adorable and it made her smile with glee.


“It’s okay, I’ll pick it up,” she said assuringly to Mina as she walked to the fish wiggling on the floor. Using both hands, she kneeled down and grasped the salmon firmly before scooping it up from the floor.


“Is it slimy?” Mina asked from above, her curious voice rose up an octave. 


A grin plastered to Momo’s face as she spoke up, “Not really, it’s just really scaly. Do you wanna touch it?”


Mina shook her head ‘no’.


“Alright fine,” Momo smiled, throwing the fish into the sink as she grabbed a knife from the drawer and began to scrape off the scales. It was done so professionally that Mina was amazed by it.


“Are you good at cooking?” Mina asked, slowly walking over to Momo near the sink.


“Before I joined Amnesia, I was a chef at a small restaurant. Being a chef was my dream.”


Mina was caught by a surprise, why did Momo give up her dream and turned to Amnesia? She actually never knew why she hadn’t asked this question until now. Now she was curious.


“Why did you quit the job?”


“My salary there wasn’t much to pay off my father’s gambling debts, Amnesia offered much more.”


Now, Mina knew why Momo ended up in Amnesia. It was all because she wanted to pay back her father’s debts, the debts that burdened Momo into joining something that was hard to leave. Mina gripped the hem of her shirt. Her dad is the owner of Amnesia, he could easily break the contract and let Momo go if he wished to, but Momo still doesn’t know about their connection and Mina didn’t want to suffer the potential consequences that she might face, especially if her dad found out that she had fallen in love with a girl―Momo.


She didn’t want to lose Momo. Anything but that.


“Oh...” Mina could only mutter, she didn’t know what else to say.


“Yeah,” Momo flashed her a bright smile, “Amnesia is not that bad, actually. There are times that I did wished I could do something better with my life, rather then fighting. But I guess this is just fated, because if I didn’t join, how would I be able to meet you?" she said and momentarily changed the subject, "Oh yeah, what does your dad do? I mean, just look at this house! I didn’t say anything about it earlier, but just look at this house. It’s amazing”


Mina dreaded a question about her dad, because she would have to lie again to Momo. 


“He’s a big shot lawyer, that’s all” she said, smiling faintly.


“That’s really cool,” Momo said, continuing to clean and cut up the fish.


“If you’re able to leave Amnesia, would you do it?” Mina suddenly asked.


“But I won’t be able to, it’s part of the contract. I can’t back out. The club is owned by a yakuza boss”


“But, if you were able to. Would you leave?”


“I can’t, I still have to pay off my dad’s debts, all $50,000 of it”


“If you didn’t have your dad’s debts to worry about, would you leave Amnesia?”


“More than anything”


“What if I help with your dad's deb―“


“Don’t,” Momo quickly replied, “I’ll handle it by myself, I don’t want to bring you into my problems. Please.”


“But―“ Mina tried to say, but Momo cut her short again.




Mina bit her bottom lip and nodded, helping Momo with money was the only thing she could do for her.


“Go out and watch TV, I’ll be done cooking soon. I’ll make you a nice meal, I promise.” Momo smiled.





“It smells delicious!”


“It tastes delicious as well,” Momo said with confidence as she set down a dish of bulgogi salmon, and two other dishes that was covered by a lid. Tonight's speciality were Korean dishes, and something else. 


“Can I open it?” Mina asked, pointing to the lid covering her dish.


“Let me do it for you” Momo said, anticipating Mina’s reaction as she slowly lift up the lid.


Mina smiled with delight, she couldn’t contain her happiness. Momo cooked her a heart shaped steak, something that she secretly wished her lover would do for her someday.


To add more to the dish, the barbecue sauce on the plate spelt out —


“I love you,” Mina said, reading the words.


“I. Love. You.” Momo recited, “I love you,” she said once again, smiling as she leaned down closer to Mina, resting her elbows on the table.


Mina smiled and leaned in to kiss Momo. She pulled away from the kiss and they both chuckled.


“I know you do,” Mina joked and Momo pulled a chair over to sit beside her, “Now let’s eat before the food cold”


Mina nodded, but she stared at the steak for a while, musing at it.


“What’s wrong?” Momo said as she cut up her own steak.


“It looks so nice, I don’t want to eat and ruin it”


“Don’t worry about that, I’ll cook more for you, more and more until you’re sick of eating them over and over again” Momo smirked, pushing her plate aside as she slid Mina’s plate over. She cut up the steak into pieces and slid it back.


“Eat, I want you to tell me how delicious my cooking is.” Momo said, picking up a piece with a fork and fed it to Mina.


Mina opened and chewed, she was amazed.


“Is there anything that you’re not good at?” she joked, picking up another bite with her fork.


“I’ll be waiting for you to find that out for me,” 


“Maybe one day I will,” Mina laughed, clumsily dropping a piece of the steak on her blouse along the way. The barbecue sauce splattered all over and she shrieked.


“My favorite blouse!” she cried out, almost using a napkin to dab it off, but Momo grabbed her hand and stopped her just in time.


“It’ll smear and stain it even more, let's finish eating first, then you can go change, and I’ll wash the blouse for you.”




Mina sneaked a quick peek at Momo, who was in the bathroom of her room washing the stained fabric of her blouse. She could hear the sink water running as Momo hummed to a tune.


“Are you done changing?” Momo asked, breaking off her thoughts.


“No, not yet,” Mina said, rummaging through her drawers. Finally, she found what she was looking for. 


Her bank book. 


She flipped through it, “Fifty-thousand dollars,” she whispered, reading the amount. It’s exactly the amount of money Momo’s dad owed in debt. She had been saving all her money from all the hefty allowances her father had given her, and it accumulated to this amount. She doesn’t need money as much as Momo needed it. She knew that Momo would refuse her help, but Mina refused to stand by and not do anything.


She wanted to help Momo continue on with her dream, working at Amnesia just wasn’t it.


As much as she didn’t want to lose Momo, wanting Momo to have her own happiness is what matters the most to her. She couldn't be selfish.


When her dad gets back from the trip, she will beg him to let Momo go, tell him all about her relationship with Momo. He would try to cut off their contact, and Mina would reluctantly agree. Because, Momo would be free from Amnesia, she would be free from her dad’s gambling debts. She would be free to pursue what she wanted to do with her life. 


Tonight, she wanted to have a memorable night with Momo. Something she would never forget about, something she hoped Momo would never forget.


She could feel her nervous heart beating fast as she slowly removed particles of her clothing.


“Still not done with changing?” Momo asked, but Mina kept silent. She quickly slipped on her silky sleeping robe, wearing nothing but that.


“Are you there?” Momo asked again, lightly squeezing excess water out of the blouse. She looked into the mirror, seeing the reflection as Mina slowly walked up to her.


She tried to spin around to meet face to face with Mina, but Mina quickly stopped her by embracing her from behind.


Her hands gently gripped Momo’s shirt, nuzzling her head against her. Momo’s back was warm, she will miss this warmth.


“What’s wrong?” Momo asked, but Mina didn’t answer. Momo watched from the reflection of the mirror as Mina slowly removed her arms around her waist. She turned around, watching as Mina untied the ribbon on her sleeping robe, letting it go loose and steadily took the robe off, exposing her bare body to her.


Mina embraced Momo again, pressing her bare body against her, wrapping her arms tightly around Momo's waist. Mina’s heartbeat rose, and Momo felt it. 


Mina finally opened her lips to speak.


“Make me yours” She said, breathlessly. 




A/N: Mina, Mina, Mina. You noble idiot! Reading this again, I wished I hadn't went with the trope back then and I could've developed something better. Like holy , this chapter was the hardest for me to edit! So many corny lines had to be deleted LOL, but then again, I wrote this 6 years ago when I was a junior in high school so a lot of things have changed for me. Anyway, the next chapter is mature rated and won't be posted as fast as the previous chapters because I have to rewrite it from the ground up. Since the weekend has ended, it's back to classes for me :( hopefully I'll get it done by next weekend to post.

Just a note: I forgot to say from the beginning that I originally pictured this fic as an extremely long movie, with each chapter respresenting a scene from the selection screen. Anyway, again, I thank you all for your interest in this fic and I appreciate all the subs, upvotes, and comments! 

Bringing this back because MiMo:



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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T