Epilogue: Happy Ever After?

Black & White

Mina, I had already prepared this long letter on my way to Momo’s apartment to find you. You are my daughter, I know you very well. It is clear that you’ve gotten some of your mother’s traits. Stubborn, that’s what both you and your mother are. Even though your mother had passed away long ago, leaving me wifeless and a widower, I still had you, and every time I look at you.. I see your mother in you. You’ve asked me before how I met your mother, and I did tell you the story about how we both met, but what you didn’t know was that her father was in the same position that I am in now. Her father despised me. He took one look at me and just knew that he somehow hated me. He didn’t want your mother to be with me, but your mother fought against him—she moved him by telling him how much we both love each other, he argued back, and so did she, but with logic. In the end, she won. We both won. We were able to love each other.


What I’m trying to say is, I know that you would somehow (a feeling in my gut is telling me this) become like your mother and fight against me too. If you are already reading this, that means that you had already won against me. It would’ve been okay if it were a guy that you’ve fallen in love with, but you fell in love with a girl, and that was why my reaction was so strong. I’m sorry for hitting you. Please forgive me.


I thought about it a lot, and you were right. Love is love, you can’t control who you love.


Anyway, because you are reading this letter that means that you had won against me, and that means that I had already pointed my gun at Momo to test her. If anyone is willing to take a bullet to fight for a will to love my daughter, you know that person’s a keeper.


I checked your bank account, seems like there’s no money left. I already transferred money to your account. Use it wisely; I’ll give you both one year.


With that said, you are always my little baby girl. I love you.




A year had already passed.


Using the money Mina’s father gave the both of them, they opened up a restaurant together. Momo’s dream had been completed, and Mina decided that she wanted to complete her studies at a law school. Business was thriving, their life together thus far had been nothing but happiness. 


One day during a afternoon where business was a bit slower than usual, an old man walked into the restaurant wearing a fedora that covered most of his face.


“Another customer!” Mina told Momo, who then showed her girlfriend where to seat that old man.


“Hello! Welcome! Right over here!” Mina said to the man, who then nodded. As he sat down on the chair, she handed him a menu and waited for him to take his order. He hesitantly looked up at her, before quickly looking back down at the menu. As she was pondering away, wondering why the man was taking so long trying to choose an order, he removed his fedora. 


Momo looked over, gaped open.


She quickly walked over to Mina and that old man, bowing a full ninety degrees bow to that old man before Mina looked at him and realized who he was.


“Dad?” Mina said, shocked.


He didn’t say anything, he only smiled.


“I would like the chef’s special for today,” He said, smiling at Momo.


“I’ll be right on it, sir!” Momo quickly said, putting on her chef outfit before quickly heading into the kitchen.


Mr. Myoui looked at his daughter, bringing his hand up to caress her cheek. He missed her a lot, but told himself that he will not see her again until the year was due.


“I miss you daddy,” Mina said, her tears dropping down her cheeks. He wiped her tears away.


“Me too. You’ve changed a lot in a year.”


“In a bad way or a good way?” Mina asked, sniffing from her crying.


“In a good way of course,” He said, and she smiled.


“Thank you daddy.”


He then proceeded to look around the restaurant, it wasn’t bad. It was clean, big, and gave off an overall cozy feel. 


Before he finished observing, the food was ready and Momo laid the dish carefully on the table and stood next to Mina, waiting for Mr. Myoui to try out the food.


Mr. Myoui studied the food carefully, taking a sniff before he exhaled out with a pleasant expression. He then proceeded to take a bite. He was pleasantly surprised—the food was good.


“I like it,” Mr. Myoui said, giving Momo a thumbs up.


“Thank you, sir.” She said, bowing a full ninety degrees again.


He chuckled, “Don’t call me sir,”


Momo was bewildered, did she do something wrong?


“Wh-what should I call you then?”


“Father in-law.”


Both Momo and Mina looked at each other in astonishment.


“I approve you both. I gave you both a year, and now that the year is up—I like what I’m seeing, looks like my investment money is worth it huh?”


“It's Japan, I don't think we could mar—.”


Mr. Myoui sighed, “I’m Myoui Shinoda. I’ll make it happen.”


“Thank you!” Momo and Mina both bowed to him and smiled gleefully to each other. They embraced each other in a hug and was about to kiss when they realized that Mr. Myoui was right in front of them, they quickly pulled away.


“What’s wrong? You both don’t have to be so awkward around me, just go ahead. I’ll be eating this delicious food.” He said and they smiled, about to lean in to kiss each other when Mr. Myoui peeked a look at them.


“Dad!” Mina said.


“What?” He replied and got back to his food.


Finally, Momo leaned in and press her lips gently against Mina’s and engulfed her in a hug.


“WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!” Momo held up Mina’s hands and yelled for everyone to hear, all of the customers clapped loudly, congratulating them.


Mr. Myoui just plainly chuckled, “I didn’t make the wrong choice,” he said, and then looked up, “I know you are proud of your daughter, just like I am.”




A/N: Welp, that's it. That's the story. Tbh I didn't change all that much from the original version in these later chapters -- primarily because I am in a creative writing slump and can't seem to muster the motivation to write. I would've completely trashed the epilogue and rewrite it. Writing is hard! Props to all the authors out there. Lowkey, highkey embarrassed since as noted before, I wrote this in 2011 so in some parts my noob-writing skills are shown and the story's plot took a downturn but that's okay. Thank you to everyone who read!

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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T