Differences Between Us

Black & White

Today was her first date with Momo and Mina tried to do everything she can to make this day perfect. She woke up early in the morning and started to surf the web for recipes of how to make futomaki for a picnic on the beach. It was what Mina had in mind for a few days now, she tried to think of other locations for a picnic but ultimately decided on a beach because she thought it was the most romantic spot. Today was also much warmer than usual and sunny out.


The chef offered to make the futomaki and bento boxes for her but Mina insisted that she’d make them herself. She wanted to make it more meaningful instead of having others do it for her. She wanted that effort to be known to Momo.

She knew how to make pasta, but rolling up a nori right was entirely different. 


“Miss, do you want me to make some rice cakes as well?” The chef offered and Mina froze. She had forgotten about the rice cakes and forgot to look up the recipes for it. Looking at the clock, she had no time to prep and make them herself.


“I forgot about that, yes please! Hurry!” Mina said as she hurriedly placed the futomaki nicely into the bento box. The chef watched her with bewilderment, he hadn’t seen her so excited and nervous like she was today.


“Miss Myoui, if you don’t mind me asking...you seem happy today, who are you going out on a picnic with?”


Mina smiled, “Just a friend of mine, we haven’t seen each other for a long time now” she told a white lie, she didn’t want any staff at the house to know just in case it reaches her father—and that wouldn’t be good.




Now in her bedroom, Mina combed through her closet trying to find something perfect for her to wear. First she tried on a black and blue mini-dress but it was too revealing and wasn’t suitable for the occasion, the second dress she tried out was a red thin strap dress and although she loved this one, she ultimately chose a cute pink and white A-line dress that ended just above her knees. She wondered how Momo would react if she saw her in this dress. She blushed while thinking about that and quickly shook her thoughts away. She headed down the spiral staircase to her kitchen, picking up the picnic basket the chef had helped her prepare.


“Do I look okay?” Mina did a twirl with the basket and asked him.


“You look beautiful Miss Myoui. I’m sure your friend will like it very much” He said with a smile and it made Mina smile with glee.


“Thank you, it was my intention. I’ll see you when I get home”


He nodded, “Have fun, Miss Myoui!”


And with that, Mina left her house with a big smile on her face. Today is going to be the best day ever, she just knew it would be. The idea of getting to know each other more excited her and she just couldn’t wait to see Momo again.


She started up her car and entered the address Momo had given to her in the GPS system. 




Driving through the streets neighboring Momo’s apartment was a bit of a surprise for Mina, old buildings that needed some serious repair filled the area and shady looking people roamed the setting. As Mina drove deeper into the neighborhood, she could hear these people wolf-whistling at her as she passed by them and there was these teenagers who tried to throw rocks at her car.


It was crazy, everything was crazy for her. She had never experience something like this before, her family was rich and never in her life would she think that she’d come across a shady place like this. But this was where Hirai Momo resided, and she knows that Momo was not a bad person; where you live does not make who you are.


“You have arrived at your destination.” A female voice on her GPS system announced the arrival and Mina parallel parked between two cars under the apartment building Momo lived in.


Two guys were smoking in front of the building and as soon as Mina got out of the car, they sent lewd remarks to her.


“Hey y girl, it’s been a while since we’ve seen someone like you here.” One of them remarked.


“Are you here to come see us? You dressed up so nicely too, you came to pick us up with your pink car?”


Mina shook her head in disgust and immediately ran up the creaky stairway, dodging the two guys who laughed at her.


“We were just playing you know!” They shouted and Mina shivered. How could Momo live in this place in peace? But again, Momo was a good fighter and those guys wouldn't dare to make such remarks to her. 


There was no elevator in the apartment and Mina had to make her way all the way up to the 3rd floor on foot—she was wearing heels too. Mina persevered however, as much as the high heels were killing her feet, she limped all the way to the 3rd floor and finally sighed a sigh of relief when she reached the floor.


‘Not again,’ She thought in her head. There was a guy sleeping at the top of the staircase, blocking it. He looked like he was in his 60s;  She tried to step over him but he woke up and grabbed onto her leg, making her yelp.


“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked and she tried to shake her leg out of his grasp but with no avail. 


“Let go!” Mina shouted and he moved his hands up to her bottoms, coping a feel before making a squeeze.


“Hey, Let go!” she cried out this time, helpless as she tried to slap his hands away.


Suddenly she felt someone yank her away and a punch was thrown at that man, making him grasp onto his face.


“Go back inside, you old man.”


It was Momo, dressed in a plain white shirt and jeans. 


Momo was the one who saved her and Mina couldn’t find any words to express how happy and relieved she felt at that moment.


“I'm so sorry. That was my dad. I’ll teach him a lesson when we get back” Momo said, feigning a punch to her father before he flinched and went inside their apartment. 


“Your dad?” Mina asked in surprised. She couldn't believe Momo had this kind of erted father.


“Forget about him. Are you okay?” Momo asked, seeing how Mina was rubbing her ankle. Clearly this place was not suitable for a girl like Mina, why was the girl so determined?


“I’m fine.” Mina muttered when clearly she was not fine.


“You see? This is not the place where you should be. Can’t you see the difference between us? You’re rich, you don’t have to degrade yourself for me” Momo said angrily, sitting down by the steps.


“I’m not degrading myself. I’m willing to accept these differences between us so why can’t you acknowledge it? I won’t give up.”


“You are really, really stubborn do you know that?”


“You are just as stubborn as well.” Mina retorted and Momo let out a sigh.


“Sit down, let me see your ankle” she said, helping Mina sit down at top of the stairs. She stepped down and sat a step lower than her. She took Mina’s leg with the swollen ankle and rested it on her thighs, slowly slipping the girl’s heels off.


“Do you really have to wear heels all the time?” Momo asked.


“This dress only looks good with heels” Mina reasoned and Momo chuckled, shaking her head.


She slowly pressed a thumb on Mina’s ankle and the latter winced, slightly jerking her feet.


“It hurts” Mina muttered.


“Just a bit. Hang on” Momo said and began to softly rub the girl’s ankle, she made circular motions with her thumb and fingers over the swollen area, making Mina shut her eyes, suppressing herself from wincing. Using both hands, Momo diligently massaged her ankles, rubbing it as she relaxed its sore muscles.


"How do you feel now?" Momo stopped and asked.


“Much better. Thank you” Mina said with a smile.


“Let's go” Momo said as she extended an arm out to Mina.


“What are you doing?” Mina asked, a bit confused.


“Grab on, I'll help you down the stairs"


Mina smiled ear to ear and limped over, linking her arms to Momo's. 


“Am I burdensome?" 


“What do you think?” Momo asked back. 


She sounded serious, but that smile on her face meant something else. 



A/N: Thanks for the subs, comments, and upvotes! I appreciate it very much. I'm going to edit chapter 6 after I study and will post it up a couple hours from now. 

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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T