Intrigued? Don't be

Black & White

Another day for Hirai Momo equaled another night for her at Amnesia; she was starting to get used to her new lifestyle. She might get a few bruises here and there, but it earned her some good cash and that was all she needed; to earn some cash. Her mother passed away when she was younger and the only guardian left with her was her father and although he’s an for leaving her with such a big gambling debt, she was glad that he at least didn’t try to run away. 


“Heard some guys went after you the other night, how’d you dodge em?” Mark approached and asked her. He was also a fighter belonging to Amnesia and in Momo’s eyes, he was just an eyesore rival to her.


“Yeah, apparently it was Jisoo's brother. I went to the other side of the club and hung out there until they were gone.” Momo replied nonchalantly while doing her sit ups.


“And they didn’t find you at all?”


“No” Momo said, stopping momentarily as she pulled herself up from the sit up.


“Why are you always so cold to me?” Mark asked her and she sent him a glare.


“You’re an eyesore to me that’s why.”


“And why am I an eyesore to you?”


“How about I just don't like your face?"


"Why don't you like my face?"


That did it, Momo was not in the mood to argue with this guy blabbering nonsensical things that did nothing but annoy her. Most importantly, he disrupted her concentration on working out for the next match.


“Where are you going?” Mark asked her when she stood up from the mat and walked towards the door.


“Anywhere where I don’t have to see your face.”


Momo left the place and another fellow fighter Jackson laughed.


“What’s so funny?” Mark asked him as he walked over to the bench.

“You told me that every girl would fall for you the moment they see your face.” Jackson let out another laughter.


“Momo is different. She's not like other girls”


“Alright if you say so.” Jackson held in a laughter.




Mina laid on her bed with her arm over her head, reminiscing about her encounter with Momo. It was weird, odd, yet refreshing for her as this was the first time she had another person’s body pressed up so close to her. The thing was, that person wasn’t even a boy; she was a girl. Now, Mina believed in love in all forms; race, gender, religion, and etcetera didn’t matter to her. She believed that once you are in love, you won’t care about any of those things anymore, and it was true. Just that one encounter and her heart trembles every time she thinks about that short dance she had with the girl. Oh how she wished it was just a bit longer, or just wished that she could go back in time to relive that moment again.


Maybe it was because of the fact that Momo was the first person that made her heart beat fast like that, she however, don’t think she can deny the fact that she may have fallen in love with Momo. Yes, love at first sight; a rarity that people don’t really experience much like how Western romance films portrays.


Mina was determined to see Momo again, she was determined to leave her house tonight and bribe that bouncer again so she can come into the fight club and watch Momo fight. She wanted to get closer to this Hirai Momo. She wanted to know more about her.


She stood up from her bed and grabbed her purse as she head out of her room, and as expected, her father's minions went up to her and asked her where she was going but Mina was witty enough to make a believable excuse in order to get them off her back. A whole rush of excitement went through her as she could not wait until she could see Momo again.




Tonight Momo was faced off against Jo Seho. He was known for his big size. Momo heard that he broke a few bones of his ex-opponents before by slamming his body at them. For Momo however, he was just a slow fat boy that could be easily fought off with her agility and reflexes.


“Ya, I heard you sent my friend to the emergency room. Just how good are you?” Seho cracked his knuckles and asked.


“That’s for you to see.” Momo answered cooly.


Just when the bell rang, Momo was quick to go up against him and gave him a punch to his stomach; he groaned and grasped his belly.


“So quick I see, but not after I do this—” He tried to throw a punch but Momo quickly dodged it, smacking him right in the side of his face.


“Come and get me.” Momo mocked, jumping up and down in the ring as she threw feign punches.


“Why I oughta—” He charged up against her and pushed her, slamming her body against the metal rings and Momo grunted. That one was actually painful and Momo moved her left hand to her back, rubbing it from the pain as she winced. She however, was quick to bounce back into the fight.




“Miss Myoui, why are you here again? I can’t risk letting you in this time.” the bouncer from last time whispered in a hoarse tone to Mina but the girl was unfazed.


“There’s no one here,” she said and pointed to her surroundings, “No one is going to see that you were the one letting me in.”


“But still Miss Myoui, it’s—”


Without saying any other words, Mina silently slipped him two $100 bills like last time and he was quick to just let her in. So long for the ‘I can’t risk letting you in’ act, Mina knew these guys were just interested in money and she had the money to keep their interest.


She felt her heart drop the moment she stepped inside the club. The clouds of smoke that were making her cough like crazy was not enough to keep her out; she came here to see Momo and she will see Momo again tonight. 


Walking up close to the boxing ring, her proximity with Momo were just mere meters away. Grasping onto the insides of her jacket’s pockets, she tried not to wince every time she saw Momo get hit by her opponent in the ring. She could see Momo getting a little breathless and her face was a bit bloodied, but it in no way scared her off from the girl.


“GO MOMO!” Mina suddenly blurted a cheer and Momo briefly glanced at her. Momo didn’t know if her blurred eyes were playing tricks on her or not but she swore this was the same girl she danced with the other night. Momo didn’t want to see herself lose in front of this girl; with all her might, she threw an uppercut and Seho was immediately knocked out. He was already tired from all the running around and Momo’s punch had finally set him off the edge.


“THE WINNER TONIGHT IS HIRAI MOMO!” The referee got inside the ring and lifted Momo’s arms up. The fight tired her out, and Momo was gasping for air. She was damn tired but still, her eyes searched the audience for Mina. She slightly smiled when she saw the girl cheering for her but she quickly shook that smile off and pulled herself together. 




Mina crept closer to the locker room where she saw Momo had disappeared into. She held the ledge of the wall and took a peek; the girl was using the bottom of her shirt to wipe off the bloody mess and sweat on her face. Mina quickly looked away and leaned her back against the wall, making a few hesitations before she continued her peeking and what she saw this time made her blush; Momo’s bare back and bra strap were facing towards her as the girl took off her black tank top. Not only that her was visible to Mina, small purple bruises that covered at least half of her back were also visible. At the sight of the bruises, Mina let out a gasp and it caught Momo’s full attention.


“Who’s there?” Momo asked, quickly putting on a clean shirt.


Mina stayed silent, unable to say anything. Her back against the wall again, hiding away from Momo's sight. 


“If you don’t come out, I’m coming back there to find out myself.” Momo said and stood up from her bench. Just as she was about to walk up closer, Mina exhaled a breath out and chose to reveal herself. Her head was held down low — she was too shy to meet face to face with Momo.


“Oh, you? Why are you here?”


“I… don't know” Mina stuttered, she was fiddling with her fingers while looking down at her feet.


“You came back here to look for me and you don’t know why?” Momo asked with a raised eyebrow.


“I...just wanted to see you” Mina muttered again. She could not believe she was this shy in front of Momo.  


Momo let out a chuckle.


“I danced with you the other night, isn’t that so?”


Mina slowly nodded.


“And you’re here because—do you like me or something? Already?”


Mina was quick to shake her head ‘no’.


“N-no…I don’t! I’m just intrigued with you!” 


“Intrigued...?” Momo smiled and walked up closer to Mina. With a hand, she slowly lifted the girl’s chin up and looked at her straight in the eye, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds, until Mina shyly shifted her eyes away; but despite that, she was caught in a surprise when Momo pressed her lips against her own. Her eyes opened wide in shock at the sudden kiss.


“..don’t be.” Momo smirked, she let out a chuckle and went back to grab her belongings before she left the place, leaving Mina in awe—and even more intrigued with her.



A/N: I'm super surprised that at least 2 people commented saying that they've seen the original story on Soshified before :o I wrote this story 6 years ago, time flies! I'll be editing the chapters and most likely update every day. There are 13 chapters including the prologue, epilogue, and 1 rated chapter. I have to completely rewrite the rated chapter and epilogue because I am unhappy with what I wrote years ago. 

Anyway, thank you for the comments, upvotes, and subs! Happy that this little story is receiving love once again. I really do think it fits MiMo quite well! See you guys tomorrow night! 

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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T