A Painful Confrontation

Black & White

Mina laid inside the bath tub, still clothed, and eyes closed as memories of her and Momo together began to sweep over her. If only there was a way to relive those memories again, she’d do anything. 


She missed Momo’s kisses, her gentle touches, the sultry voice that calmed her down every time she was feeling tensed. She missed everything about Momo. 


Her heart ached longingly for her.


She held her telephone in hand—hesitating to make the call.




“It’s Mina,” Mark said, taking a look at the caller ID on Momo’s phone.


Momo didn't budge. 


“Just leave it.” She said, continuing her jump roping session.


“You’ve been doing that for an hour now,”


“Fine, I’ll do something else then. Hold up those pads.” Momo said, throwing the jump ropes aside as she walked up to Mark and attacked the pads he held up mercilessly. 


“Whoa there, you okay?” Mark asked, but Momo continued her punches. “…I guess not, but you can’t just continue doing this. Why don’t you just pick up the phone and talk to her about it?”


Momo stopped momentarily and scoffed.


“Talk to her about what? About how she deceived me? This is the only way I could unleash my anger.” She said, walking pass Mark to the punching bag stationed up in the corner. She threw straight jabs at it, showing it no mercy. Every punch she threw was like a strike to her heart, every punch she threw was to unleash out her anger on Mina.. but she hated herself for being mad at her, she was angry at herself, not Mina. She was angry at herself for falling deeply into a love, where right from the start—she knew it was impossible.


“She had a reason to lie to you, it’s not entirely her fault.”


“Why does she have to be Myoui Shinoda’s daughter? Can you answer that question for me?” Momo yelled, her voice quivering. She wanted to cry, but not in front of Mark. No. Not in front of him. She didn’t want to appear weak, even if she is. Her body was exhausted.


Her phone rang again, it was from Mina.


“Sadly, that is a question I can not answer for you.” Mark said, in an almost calm manner. “Now pick up the phone.” He said in a demanding tone as he tossed her cell phone to her.


Momo stared at the caller ID.


“No..” She said simply, tossing her phone back to him. “My match is starting soon.”


Mark sighed.


“Why are you so stubborn?”




“The person you have dialed is not available right now, please leave a message and call again.”


Mina sighed. This was the 5th time she heard the operator’s message. Momo was not picking up her phone. 


With a last bit of hope, she dialed again and waited long enough to hear the operator’s message for the nth time, until a voice startled her, making her drop the phone. She recognized this voice—


Of course she recognized this voice.


“Mina, I’m home.” A voice spoke up, banging on the door.


Mina scrambled out of the tub. Her father wasn’t suppose to come home until next week, she wasn’t ready to confront him yet.


She opened the door and was greeted by his grim presence. Something was wrong, she could feel it. It’s a fact that he was always on his business trips, but whenever he comes home, he would envelop his daughter in a tight hug, however, this time.. there was something different about him. 


Mr. Myoui tried to stay calm. Slowly, he spoke.


“Your uncle called me about something that he found out,”


“Is it about Amnesia?” Mina replied, remembering that her uncle had came to pick up some documents pertaining to the club.


“It’s somewhat relevant,” He then sighed, “You know I love you, right? And you’ll tell me the truth, right?”


“The truth about what?”


Mina was confused, she didn’t know what he was trying to say. She had a gut in her feeling that he found out about her relationship with Momo, but how could he, or her uncle could have found out before she even told any of them?


He threw a series of photographs onto the floor——Mina was stupefied.


“Wh-what is this?”


“Someone working at the club took these shots. He had a feeling that it was you, my daughter. Imagine my embarrassment as he showed me the pictures, one by one. Pictures of my only daughter and that lowlife fighter locking lips.”


Mina opened , but no words could come out. tightened. 




She wanted to tell him ‘I could explain’, but what else can she explain when the pictures have already proven her relationship with Momo?


“I love her.” Was all she told him. 


His eyes widened and he lifted up his quivering, shaking hand. Mina closed her eyes, expecting a slap from her father but he however, calmed himself down.


“You love her? How can you love her? She’s a girl!”


“So what if she’s a girl? I know that you would have this kind of reaction, and if you really want me to stay away from her.. there’s only one thing I want to ask from you.”


He scoffed, “My daughter is giving me a condition. Fine, tell me. What is it?”


“Make her leave Amnesia, void the so-called contract she has with the club..”


“Why would you want me to do something like that for that lowlife fighter?”


She clenched her fist.


“Then what are you? You and your criminal activities?”


As soon as she was finished—he slapped her across the face, hard. Hard enough that all five of his fingers had an imprint on the side of her face. Mina held onto her face, grasping it as she sobbed, tears freely flowing down her cheeks. 


“How dare you say something like that about your father. All because of that girl? Do you love her that much?”


“Please.. she would have a better life outside of Amnesia. Let her go, please.” She said, her voice quivering, “I won’t see her anymore, I won’t love her anymore. I’ll do anything you want me to do, I’ll listen to you.”





“Your match tonight is canceled.”


“What? Canceled? What do you mean?” Momo asked, perplexed.


None of her matches had been canceled before, there had been postponement, but there were never any cancellations.


“It’s also canceled tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after the day after tomorrow. Basically, you’re out. You should be happy.”


Momo looked back at Mark in bewilderment. He was confused also.


“Can you please elaborate? What do you mean?”


“The boss voided your contract, you’re free from Amnesia. You can go.”


Momo shook her head, “This doesn’t make any sense. Why would he void my contract?”


“Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know. But I did hear it was about his daughter or something. Either way, why are you questioning? You should be jumping up and down from happiness right now, do you really want to stick here all your life? Go.”


Mark nodded, “She will,” he said and pulled her out of the office.


“I don’t understand..” Momo shook her head. She then scoffed.


“Do you think Mina did this?” She asked Mark.


“She wouldn’t have the power to do it herself, she probably asked her father.. but that means he knows about your relationship with her.”


Momo looked up at him, “Does she think by doing this, that she’s actually doing something good for me? How am I suppose to pay my father’s debts now?”


“Why are you putting all the blame on her? You know she loves you. She doesn’t want you to get hurt, that’s why she did something like this. But here you are, berating, yelling at her. She’s probably at home crying her hearts out after she confronted her father about you. Her dad is a scary man—he wouldn’t let anyone go off easily like this, and yet he let you get off the hook this easy. Who would you think begged him to spare your life? No one else but Mina.”


“No. I don’t blame her. I blame me.” Momo said, looking around her surroundings. “I’ll miss this place, and I’ll miss you, Mark.” She said and walked over to him, giving him a hug.


“Thanks for everything. You’re an , but you’re also my good friend.”


“Friend with benefits?”


“I’m not in the mood.” Momo pulled away and gave him a punch to his shoulder.


He pretended to groan and rubbed his shoulders, “That hurts, you know?”


Momo smiled but that smile soon faded as she recalled something.


“If you didn’t have your father’s debts to worry about, would you leave Amnesia?”


“I’ll keep in contact! I have to go somewhere right now.” Momo said, quickly grabbing her jacket.




“Tell me, did a girl named Mina come here asking to pay my father’s debts for me?” Momo asked firmly in a calm manner.


“Yeah. So what? Why are you here? She paid for your debts, my boys won’t bother you or father anymore.”


“Give me the money back, I have to return it back to her.”


The loan shark scoffed, “Why would I give you back the money that was rightfully mine?”


“I will continue to make those monthly payments to you, don’t worry. Just give me back the money.”


“The girl paid your debts for you already. Get out of my sight.” The loan shark said in a angry tone.


“Give me back the money.”


He chuckled and turned back to his boys, “This girl is really funny isn’t she? She got her friend paying her debts for her, and yet she wants to return the money back?”


“I don’t want to owe her anything.”


“Owing her something is better than owing something from me. Go home.”


“Give me the money and I’ll go back home.”


“You know, I would’ve had my boys beat you up by now but I promised Mina I wouldn't out of respect for her father. Promises were made to be broken though, right?"


“Right.” His boys replied.


“Right. Send out some people"


“JUST GIVE ME BACK THE MONEY!” Momo yelled out one last time before she was approached by two guys. 


They ran towards Momo in an effort to grab her, but she quickly swerved them. However, it was two against one, and she could not defend herself very well. She tried to fight back but punches were thrown towards her face, her chest, until the pain became unbearable enough that she fell onto the ground. 


“Enough,” He said, “I run a legitimate business, I don’t want anyone dying here.”


Momo tried to stand up, but as soon as she did, she fell back down. She groaned in pain.


“Call a cab for her and tell them to take her home. Pay extra money, make sure they brings her up to her door steps. ” He said before walking up to her, “You’re lucky she has a powerful father, and the fact that I still a heart. That doesn’t mean I’ll give you the money back, though. Stop being so stubborn and just take the fact that she paid for your debts with a gratitude.”




“My f-father will come out. Th-thank you, you can leave now.” Momo said to the taxi driver, groaning from her pain.


The guy nodded and left.


“Bastard’s probably sleeping.” Momo mumbled, knocking on the door once again. 


“Who is it?” Mr. Hirai mumbled as he walked towards the door.


“It’s me, you bastard.” Momo groaned.


“Momo you’re ho—“ He gasped as soon as he saw the state that she was in, “What happened to you?”


“Bring me in first, will you?”


“Right.” Mr. Hirai said, quickly bringing his daughter in and laid her on the couch.


“Tell me what happened?”


“Did you take Mina to the loan sharks?”


Mr. Hirai stayed silent. He promised Mina he wouldn't say. 


“I know all about it, you can just spill it. How can you let her pay off the debts like that? I’m like this because of you. I went to the loan sharks trying to get the money back in order to return it to her.”


“You stupid, stubborn girl! Why would you do something stupid like that? AND NOW LOOK!” He yelled at her for the first time, “For God’s sake, she paid the debts already. You don’t have a huge burden on your shoulders anymore. She did this because she wanted you to follow your dream of being a chef, and now you can do it!”




Mina laid in her bed, still crying about the earlier events. Her father locked her inside the room, confiscating her phone and even had his boys guard her from outside of her room. She was basically a prisoner, but she was somehow happy. Momo is freed, freed from Amnesia with a burden gone.


She was slowly drifting off to sleep when a voicemail came through her laptop. A voicemail that was forwarded from her phone.


“Pick, pick up Mina! Momo.. she’s injured. She knows all about you paying off the debts, and who your dad is. She went to the loan sharks trying to get the money back so she can return it to you, but she got beaten up by them. I know she might wouldn’t want me calling you, but she needs you the most right now. Can you please come over?”


Mina quickly closed her laptop, she had to find a way how to get out of this place. Asking her guards would be no use, she looked around her surroundings and stared at the window leading to the balcony outside. She walked out into the balcony and observed the place, there was a big tree with its branches close by. Bingo.


“Sorry dad, I have to go. This will be the last time I’ll see her. I promise.”

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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T