Jealousy Game

Black & White

She was a fool, a complete idiot. She was a fool for letting Mina go like that―for not chasing after her. She was a fool because she let go of someone who cared more for her than her own family. It was the first time Momo had someone care for her like this, but she, a ing idiot, blew it all. She made Mina leave her, and now she is regretful over what she had done. It was a huge mistake saying all those things she didn't really meant to Mina. What a ing idiot she was. 


“The winner is Hirai Momo!” The referee announced as the crowd went wild. Momo was panting and out of breath from her fight. She searched the crowd, hopeful for any traces of Mina. It has already been a week that Mina didn’t show up at Amnesia. She missed her. She didn't know the girl’s address, phone number, nothing. The only way for Momo to see Mina again was if she showed up here, but this was already a sign for Momo. Mina had really meant what she said. Was it goodbye for real? 


Carrying her disappointment with her, Momo walked inside the locker room only to be greeted by Mark. She was in no mood to talk to him, or anyone else for that matter.


“What? That Mina girl didn’t come tonight again?” Mark asked her and she sighed, slightly nodding before she seated down on the bench.


“You know, she’s not the only girl out there. Cheer up.” He said and patted her on the shoulders with an intent of trying to comfort her, but it only made matters worst.


“That’s not it,” Momo said, standing up as she headed towards her locker.


“Well, what then? You’ve been really moody for the past few nights, did you know that?” Mark said with irritation, standing up as well. “You can’t just act like this every day, get a hold of yourself! You don’t need her, go to the club next door. I promise you, you will find someone willing to throw their body at you.”


“Do you think love is all about ?” Momo asked with a serious tone.


Mark lightly scratched the side of his head and sighed, “Well, no. But just go okay? Go out. Have fun. You might find someone special tonight, you’ll never know.”


“Yeah, I’ll think about it.” Momo took out her belongings and slammed her locker.




It has only been a week since Mina had last seen Momo and it's like hell to her. She missed Momo, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. She didn’t want to be a burden when it seems like she was unwanted in Momo’s presence. She knew Momo had to have some feelings for her, but she was tired doing the chasing. 


But, that wasn’t the only problem she should be worrying about right now.


“Why are you here?” 


Mina held the doors from opening any further as she glared at her cousin, Namekawa Yasuo. He was supposed to be in Korea, studying abroad. Why the hell was he here? In front of her doorsteps?


“Well, Uncle―your father, said that I could crash here for a few nights while I’m on my winter break,” Yasuo said, pushing Mina’s arm aside as he walked into the house, carrying his luggage with him in.


“Wow, everything still looks the same after all of these years huh?" He said, and turned around to face Mina, "Oh, and by the way, Uncle told me to tell you that you should be taking me out since you know, Tokyo probably changed a lot after all these years. I also definitely want to check out Amnesia, I heard it's his most popular club”


“Amnesia?” Mina asked back. Of all places he wanted to visit, it had to be there. Where Momo was at. 


“Yes, his night slash fight club. Have you been there before?”


Mina quickly shook her head, “Of course not,” she lied.


“Well, let this be a new experience for the both of us then”


“New experience?” Mina dazedly asked.


“Yes, new experience. What’s up with you? You seem a little bit off?” Yasuo bent down to Mina’s eye level and stared at her, waving his hands in front of her face.


“Nothing, let’s go already!” She pushed him off as she grabbed her coat and quickly slipped on her shoes.


“You’re driving,” She said, throwing him the keys in which he quickly caught in time. He stared at her with a confused look on his face.




“Nice fight tonight”


“Thanks,” Momo said to the bartender, taking a sip of her beer. What the hell was she doing? Listening to Mark, she went on over to the club only to be bored with watching people dance in front of her. It was a slow song and the couples on the dance floor were intimately dancing with each other, holding each other tight. Just like the first time Momo met Mina. 


If she didn’t beat Jisoo that night, her brother wouldn’t have gone after her and she wouldn’t have to come here and hide. She wouldn't have used Mina as a ploy to hide herself from them. She wouldn't have ended up hurting Mina's feelings. 


She closed her eyes and gulped down her glass of beer. Reopening her eyes, she was surprised to see a person in front of her.


“What are you doing here?” Momo asked and the girl chuckled.


It was Jisoo standing in front of her. Speak of the devil.


“I don’t know, what are you doing here, drinking beer and being all miserable?” Jisoo asked back as she asked the bartender for a cocktail and sat down next to Momo.


“Is it really that obvious?” Momo asked, rubbing both of her temples. She usually wouldn’t be showing her emotions to anyone, but things have changed when it comes to stuff pertaining with Mina.


“Not really, I was just trying to make fun of you”


“Yeah, thanks for that” Momo said with sarcasm.


“I’m sorry” Jisoo suddenly said, catching Momo off guard.


“What? Sorry for what? For saying that I look miserable?”


“About my brother coming after you that night and stuff. He’s always protective of me, and I just want to say sorry in place him. I admit being defeated by you, but apparently he can’t.”


Momo sighed, not saying anything. 


“So, truce right?” Jisoo held out a hand, Momo hesitated for a bit but ended up grasping the girl’s hand, giving it a shake before releasing.


“So truce it is!” Jisoo said happily, turning her whole body to the counter as she sipped her cocktail, “So what are you doing here all alone? Love problems?”


Momo immediately glared at her, only to soften her eyes afterwards.


“What, did I say something wrong?”


“No, you’re right.” Momo said nonchalantly. 


“Hm, love problems huh? Who’s the unlucky girl to leave you?”


“How did you know it’s a girl?”


“Well, it’s kind of obvious. It’ll just be too weird to picture you with a guy you could easily beat up. So it’s a girl, am I right? or am I right?”


“Yes, and it's giving me a headache―wait, why I am I even telling you all of these things again?”


“It’s because you’re on a verge of becoming drunk and you need to release all that stress from your heart” Jisoo said, matter-of-factly.


“Whatever,” Momo said, she turned away from the counter and faced towards the dance floor. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Mina walking into the club, and her eyes furrowed when she saw a guy trailing behind her with that stupid grin on his face.


“What?” Jisoo asked, waving her hands in front of Momo. She turned her head towards the direction Momo was looking.


“Oooh, so that's the girl right?” Jisoo stopped her hand movements and stared at Mina. “Oh and the guy she’s with is pretty cute.”




Meeting her gaze with Momo's, Mina suddenly stopped in her tracks and quickly turned around towards Yasuo. She fiddled with her fingers, not knowing what to do next until she exhaled out a breath and turned her attention back to Momo. They were both staring at each other until Mina grasped onto Yasuo’s hand and dragged him into the dance floor, much to his bewilderment. 


“What’s going on?” Yasuo asked, clearly confused over Mina’s sudden behavior. Mina shushed him and held him tight, her eyes still gazing upon Momo’s.


“Just dance a song with me, it’s my favorite” Mina whispered to him and she felt him nod his head. She didn’t know what exactly she was doing, was she trying to make Momo jealous? Obviously enough, that was her only motive for dancing with Yasuo.


Knowing the game very well, Momo couldn’t just stand there and witness that kind of joke Mina was pulling on her. She turned around towards Jisoo and gave her a smile before extending her arm, “Care for a dance?” Momo asked, nodding her head towards the dance floor. Without a hesitation, Jisoo went ahead and held her hands, willing to help Momo with this ‘jealousy game’ the both of them were childishly playing with each other.


“You're paying for the drinks after this” Jisoo wrapped her arms around Momo’s neck and whispered to her. She tried to make it look seductive as possible as Mina was witnessing their sudden intimacy. Mina knew who Jisoo was, she remembered her as the girl Momo had fought with in the night she first met Momo. It was surprising see her this close to Momo. She hated their closeness. 


Momo smiled and nodded, “Drinks are all on me,” she said, wrapping her arms around Jisoo’s waist as she pulled her in closer, almost embracing her, but they were dancing rhythmically to the song.


“Can we stop now?” Yasuo said, never wavering his eyes away from the sight of the two girls dancing in front of him. His eyes were locked on with Jisoo’s. They were both were sending flirtatious gestures and smiles to each other.


“Hold on, the song is almost ov―“ Mina started before the DJ interrupted her with a sudden stop of the music playing.


“Change partners!” The DJ yelled and Yasuo was quick to trail over to Jisoo’s side. Looking at Yasuo’s newfound infatuation with Jisoo, Mina gave up and tried to head towards the exit of the club. She tried, but were stopped in place when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, embracing her from behind. She knew it was Momo. Momo released her grasp and slowly turned Mina around, embracing her in a hug as they move haphazardly to the rhythm of the song. 


It was the same song that played on the night they first met.


“Do you still remember this song?” 


“Yes” Mina replied.


“It’s our song. The night we met, we were dancing to this song”


Mina slowly nodded.


“I don’t regret meeting you one bit that night” 


“What are you saying?"


“I just want to say I’m sorry for everything. I doubted you, I doubted your love for me. I doubted myself. I was plain stupid for thinking about all of the horrible things I said to you. My heart had doubts before, but I know for certain now that in my heart, there’s a special place for you. It only contains you. I am regretful over what I had said and done to you. I’m so sorry. I want us to stop this joke right now, this jealousy game we’re playing with each other. We both know that our hearts only contain each other, and no one else. Please tell me that’s true.” Momo spoke, her voice quivering. She finally told Mina her true feelings, but she wasn’t confident about it at all. She didn’t know if Mina would forgive her.


“Is everything you said true?” Mina asked, her eyes hopeful like she was before.


“Yes. The week I've gone without you have been hellish for me.” Momo confessed.


“I want you to prove that everything you said was true” Mina said, her heart beating fast when Momo quickly grasped her by her wrist as they head out to the back exit towards the alleyway. The dim lighting of the alley flickered as Momo stared intensely into Mina’s eyes and gently pushed Mina towards the brick wall. No words were exchanged between them, and they weren’t needed at this moment. Momo’s arms rested on the wall beside Mina’s head as she leaned in, closer, and closer until their lips gently touched, and Mina shut her eyes tight. 


Their soft lips connected with each other as they both kissed each other with need and passion. Mina lightly tugged Momo’s jacket, pulling her closer until Momo stopped her by intertwining their fingers. Their lips never separated one bit as they continued to kiss with tongue, the taste of each other was euphoric for the both of them. Their bodies were pressed close, and their heartbeats mingled with each other, thumping rhythmically.


Moving her free hand up to Mina’s face, Momo gently caressed her cheek before they both finally pulled away from the kiss to catch a breath of air.


“I love you, do you need anymore proof?”


Without saying anything more, Mina shook her head as she pressed her lips against Momo’s and wrapped her arms around her neck. She gently pulled away and rested her head on Momo’s shoulders.


“No need, I’ve gotten enough.” 




A/N: Fyi, Namekawa Yasuo is Kangnam's Japanese name. Next chapter is going to be cute :') once again, thank you for all the subs, comments, and upvotes!

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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T