Difference Between Black & White?

Black & White

A/N: I apologize for the long wait. I finished editing the story finally and will be posting up the remaining chapters. 




“I think I saw someone from Amnesia walking out of the house,”


Mr. Namekawa removed his gaze from his phone, looking grim. “What are you talking about?”


“Ms. Myoui’s house, I think I saw a fighter from Amnesia walking out of her house when you called me to come inside.”


“Why would a fighter from Amnesia be associated with her?” Mr. Namekawa asked, bewildered. He knew Mina’s father was strict about his daughter’s activities and he also ordered all the bouncers and security guards to not let Mina come in. 


“Actually, I’ve heard the boys have sighted a girl that looks strikingly similar to Ms. Myoui at Amnesia, for quite a few times now. Could this be how they know each other?"


“I’ve ordered all the boys to not let Mina in,” Mr. Namekawa said, firmly, almost in an angry tone.


“From what I know, she entered the club once, with your son. Apparently he insisted on going.”




“Yes, sir. They were at the dance club side of Amnesia.”


“How come you didn’t tell me about this earlier?”


“I thought it was not that important, I’m sorry.”


“Who is the boy that you’ve seen walking out of the house?”


“It was a girl, sir.”


“A girl? The only girl fighter at Amnesia is Hirai Momo.” Mr. Namekawa rose his eyebrows, “If the girl is just Mina’s friend, why would she hide her from me like this?"


“Their social class is quite different, maybe she was afraid of you not accepting of their friendship?“


“Go to the club tomorrow and investigate. Find out how Mina could’ve gotten inside the club without me knowing, and how she and Hirai Momo met. I want to know everything about their relationship with each other.”


“Yes, sir. Will do.”




Soooooooo…” Mark sat on the bench and scooted in closer to Momo, “Did you two do it?”


Momo turned around and shot him a glare, “What does that have to do with you? Mind your own business.” she said, trying to contain her blush. Her strong persona was hard to keep whenever Mina was mentioned. 


Mark scooted back and held his hands up, surrendering to Momo’s rebuke. “Nothing, it got nothing to do with me—“


“—But we’re really curious, though.” Jackson jumped in the conversation, throwing her a towel.


“You too?” Momo asked and shook her head. She was exasperated with their nosey asses poking for information. 


“C’mon, we’re curious! And we ask you this as brothers, ya know? Let yo bro, know! There shouldn’t be any secrets!” Mark exclaimed, and Momo gave up.


“Yes, we did it. Okay? Happy now?”


“WHOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!” The two boys whooped out loud at the same time, causing Momo to roll her eyes at their immatureness. 


“Good job,” Mark said, giving her a sleazy wink.


“Shut up,” Momo laughed.


“So how did you seduce her?” Jackson asked.


“I wasn’t seducing her,” Momo explained, “She actually initiated it first.”


“Damn, I wish my girl would do something like that,” Jackson muttered to himself.


“As you were saying?”


“It was nothing—“


“Psh, you know it was something,” Mark cut in.


“Whatever. So she hugged me from behind, and—“


“?” They both exclaimed, “DO CONTINUE ON!”


“Don’t worry, I’m not going into the details.” Momo smiled, causing them both to groan.


“I asked her ‘do you really want this?’, and she said ‘make me yours,’ and yeah that’s it.”


“And you two did it afterwards?”


“Yeah, pretty much.” Momo nodded.


“No details?” 


“No details.” She stated firmly with a smile. “Don’t we all have a match tonight? We should be training, instead of you two being so damn nosy.” 




This was it. Mina held in her breath and exhaled gently, clenching her hand into a fist as she rose it up to the door—firmly knocking until Momo’s father walked up and opened the door. He was surprised to see Mina here.


“Momo’s not home today.” He said, and Mina nodded.


“I know. But the reason I am here today, is—“ Mina paused, she didn’t know exactly how she should say it, or how to word it.


“Working at Amnesia isn’t the best option for Momo, don’t you think?” she decided on saying.


He nodded slowly, “It’s all my fault. As a father, I let her down, and now I even left her with a huge debt.”


“I want to help Momo, but promise me you can’t let her know about it.”


He nodded again, cautiously. “How would you be able to help?”


“Take me to the loan sharks.”




Yugyeom was the guy that saw Momo coming out of Mina’s house, and he was also the guy that Mr. Namekawa had sent to acquire more information about the girls’ relationship with each other. It was an easy task, he determined. Momo was fairly known at Amnesia.


He arrived at the locker room but Momo wasn't present.


“Alright, the boss sent me here to ask you guys a few questions. You must comply with me, you got it?”


They all nodded.


“Do you know who Mina Myoui is?”


Mark’s ear perked up at the name, but didn’t say anything.


Most of them shook their head, ‘No’.


“Mina Myoui is Mr. Namekawa’s niece; Mr. Myoui’s daughter. She’s about 165 cm tall, mid length straight hair. She's not allowed in the club but a few guys said they spotted her here a few times. Have you seen anyone that matches her criteria?”


Jackson stupidly rose his hand up, Mark couldn’t stop him in time.


“Goddammit.” Mark muttered to himself.


“I think know who she is,” Jackson said, oblivious to Mark’s intention to stop him.


“She came over a few times, to see Momo.”


Yugyeom rose his eyebrows, “Is that so? What is their relationship with each other?”


Mark quickly wrapped his hand around Jackson, “Don’t tell him.” he muttered underneath his breath.


“Oh.. that, I don’t really know. Sorry.” Jackson said.


“I know you guys are tight with Momo, and you might try to hide the truth because of that. I’ll find out no matter what, though. Good luck at tonight’s match.” Yugyeom said before he hastily moved along.


Mark was fuming, “What the ?” he yelled at Jackson, “You almost ratted them out!”


“I didn’t know it was such a big deal!” Jackson quickly rebutted.


“Of course it’s ‘such a big deal’! Momo’s been dating Mina, and Mina is Myoui Shinoda’s daughter. Do you know what kind of Momo would be in if he finds out that his daughter has been dating her?”


“Oh crap, you’re right.” Jackson nervously ran his fingers through his hair, “Does Momo even know about this?”


“.” Mark muttered, scratching his head, “I bet she had no idea.”




“A girl about 165 cm tall. Mid length black hair?”


“Yes, have you seen anyone like her around?” Yugyeom asked the DJ.


“Yeaaah, I’ve seen a girl that matches your description. She was with someone else, I think it was Hirai Momo? The fighter from the other side?”


“Did you know what they were doing together?”


“Last time I saw them, they were out on the dance floor. There's no doubt about what kind of relationship they were having. At the end of the song, I remember Momo grasping the girl’s hand and they both left through the alley. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen them here, though.”


“I see, anyway, thanks your help.” Yugyeom smiled. This was far easier than he expected. He walked away and took out his cellphone, dialing for Mr. Namekawa. 




“How much did he owe you?” Mina asked firmly, clutching her hand bag. Momo’s father was standing beside her, nervous.


The loan shark chuckled, “What? Are you going to pay off his debts for him?” he asked.


“I did come here for a reason.” She stated firmly.


“Hm. I like you. You’re straight to the point.” He said, tossing a baseball up before catching it. “He owes me fifty-thousand dollars.”


“Fifty-thousand dollars?” Mina said, taking out her check book. “Fifty-thousand dollars,” she repeated again, signing the check before she detached it from the book and handed to him.


He rose up an eyebrow. “How do I know this check won’t bounce?”


“Read the name on the check. Myoui Shinoda is my father.”


Momo’s father looked at her, bewildered. His eyes opened wide, and so was the loan shark.


“He's your father?” he asked her again. Mina nodded.


“Is there anything else you need?”


“You and your boys can’t bother Hirai Momo, and her father anymore.”


“Okay, deal.” He shrugged.


“That’s all. Thank you for your time.”




“You’re.. Myoui Shinoda’s daughter? He's your father?” Mr. Hirai’s voice almost squeaked out.


“Yes, sadly I am.”


“Does.. Momo know about this?”


Mina sighed, “No. She doesn’t, and she won’t—hopefully. I will tell my father all about my relationship with her, even though I know what his reaction would be like.”


“What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. Why would you go tell your father about you and Momo?”


“Because—“ Mina stopped momentarily, she didn’t know how to exactly answer this. “In order to keep me away from Momo, he will kick her out of Amnesia. Momo’s dream was to be a chef right? Once she leaves Amnesia, she could pursue that dream without worry, because the debt that had been burdening her is gone.”


“Thank you for doing this for her and me. I wish I could do something, instead of saying thank you—but thank you, is all I can offer you.”


Mina smiled, “I should thank you instead, without you and Mrs. Hirai… Momo wouldn’t exist in this world"




“Momo! Momo!” Mark called out, running towards her.


“What do you want?” Momo said in hostile manner. Mark looked around for anyone and pulled her aside by the lockers, leaving her in a confused state.




“Do you know who Mina’s dad is?” Mark asked, both hands on his waist.


“I haven’t met him personally yet, but all I know is that he’s a lawyer?” Momo replied. She sensed Mark’s urgency, he seemed tensed. “Why are you asking me this?”


“Mina told you that her dad is a lawyer?”


“Yeaaah? Is there is a problem?”


“Dammit..” Mark mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. He exhaled a heavy breath.


“I don’t know how to break this to you, but.. Mina lied.”


Momo scoffed in disbelief, “What are you talking about?” she said. She couldn’t understand what Mark was trying to tell her at all. What does Mina’s dad have to do with anything?


“I kind of figured you’d have that reaction. Mina’s dad is not a lawyer. Her dad is Myoui Shinoda, MIYOUI SHINODA.” He said, his voice quivering. He was afraid for Momo. Messing with a gangster was bad enough, messing with the boss of gang—there’s no clue to what the consequences would be.


“W-what?” Momo froze.


When the other fighters were starting to come inside the room, Mark quickly pulled her frozen state to a secluded area.


“Mina lied to you. But I could see why she would lie.”


“M-Mina..” Momo mumbled.


“I don’t know if he knows about it yet or not, but Mr. Namekawa sent a guy over to question us. He asked if we knew who Mina was, and that she wasn't allowed to enter the club, but apparently she got inside anyway. Jackson—that idiot stupidly rose his hand up and said he knew Mina, and that she came to see you. Thankfully I stopped him from ratting you both out.” Mark explained. 


Momo’s face was emotionless. She felt betrayed. 


She didn’t feel betrayed because of Jackson, she felt betrayed because of Mina.


“You gotta break up with her before her dad finds out.” Mark said, and Momo’s heart was broken into a million pieces.


There was no such thing as happiness.


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Chapter 13: GEEEZZ!! THIS. IS. SO. BEAUTIFUL!! The character- it fits so well!! I've been searching for this kind of plot/fic and I'm so happy that I found this fic of yours. ^^ Thank you, authornim! <3
Chapter 13: That ending was so beautiful!!! This story shows perfectly how love and happines is not about money or material things, and doesn't matter things like social class or gender, if you really love someone you could do anything for that person. I really enjoy the story, keep the good work!! n.n
Chapter 9: Oh, she got caught...
Chapter 4: Mina is determined n.n
Chapter 13: This fic made me grin from ear to ear and made me screamed internally in every chapter. Loving the story! I think this will be my favourite fic starting today! More MiMo pls authornim! Fighting!
AugustK88 #6
Chapter 13: Great story! MiMo feels! I hope you continue writing more MiMo :)
Chapter 13: Wooahh~ this is the BEST
D'x waaa <3
Chapter 13: Wow! What a great story no amazing! So good I love it thank you so much for writing this story! Simply beautiful TT.TT so sad it's over
318 streak #9
Chapter 13: My MiMo heart. OMG. I'm crying. Whyyyyyy. Thumbs up author-nim <3 T T