Taekook's wine and Yoonmin's tears

The Dorm Crisis

            The scuffle escalated quickly and Hoseok became the main victim for the flying arms and legs to a point where he was sure he’d collected bruises.

            ‘Cut it out you two!’

            His booming voice poured ice-cold water into the heated atmosphere, freezing everybody in instant. Both Suga and Jimin stared at him with wide eyes. The Gwangju rapper rubbed his sore arms and rib, glaring back at them. He wasn’t exactly angry, but it was quite annoying to be the one at the receiving end of most hits in this situation.

            Jimin burst out with tears was something he didn’t expected to happen.

            It happened.

            It was Hoseok’s turn to freeze.

            ‘I just want to hold hyung’s hand…’

            That sent a pang of guilt in him.

            Hoseok sighed. He glanced at Suga, noticing that the other boy looked away immediately, eyes glassed with unshed tears.

            Wait. Suga cried too?

            Oh, this is so messed up.

            Jimin chose the same time to cry even harder.

            For the love of god. Hoseok looked up to heaven. Lord. Help me.

            The boy closed his eyes briefly before looking at the boys beside him. Wrong decision would cause another kind of unwanted scene to erupt in the living room. But he couldn’t just sit there saying nothing with the two crying like that.

            ‘Guys,’ he tried. None of them turned.  ‘Hey…’ he reached for their knees and shook it gently. Jimin looked away, still sobbing. Suga still didn’t show any sign of turning. Hoseok breathed in deeply and reached around their shoulder and pulled them closer towards him. ‘Hey, I’m sorry for yelling, okay?’

            Jimin finally turned and buried his face against Hoseok’s shoulder. Patting the boy’s head, the boy glanced at Suga – waiting. He had seen Suga cried before. However, it made him feel bad that this time around the boy cried because of him.

            Hoseok hated making people feel bad.

            ‘Hyung…’ he the dark hair gently. ‘I’m sorry.’

            Suga finally animated, wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt before turning to Hoseok; eyes red and puffy.

            ‘I’m your hyung. Don’t yell at me.’

            Hoseok nodded. He kind of think the older boy was cute being a drunken crybaby like this.

            ‘I’ve reflected. Forgive me?’

            Suga stared at him hard and long before slowly redirected his stare at Jimin who was still sobbing against Hoseok’s shoulder. For few seconds the Gwangju rapper thought that he would say or do something to hurt the maknae, but the Daegu-born rapper just raised one hand up and pat the boy’s head.

            ‘Stop crying, you idiot.’

            Jimin raised his face slightly.

            ‘Who’s crying?’

            Suga rolled his eyes and leaned against Hoseok, resting the back of his head close to the crook of the boy’s neck.

            ‘You can take half.’

            He suddenly announced. Jung Hoseok was a bit lost at first until he realized what the statement was for.

            Jimin seemed to catch up faster than him, already smiling brightly under the tears.

            The boy snuggled closer and this time, Hoseok ran out of option to protest.


            Jin woke up with a start. The scream was loud enough to wake up the dead.

            Namjoon was already towering over him, pulling the blanket down. Confused at the panic rapper’s action, he grabbed the blanket and held it in place.

            ‘What? What?!’

            Rapmonster froze again before looking back at the red blotch on the blanket.

            ‘What is this? Is it not blood?’

            Jin’s eyes followed his. The older boy sighed when he saw what Namjoon just pointed out to him.

            ‘It’s red wine,’ he glanced at the pile of sleeping Jungkook and Taehyung beside him. ‘These two drunkards spilled it last night.’

            Namjoon was this close to have a heart attack. Groaning, he sat on the floor beside the bed, feeling completely drained from panicking just now.

            Jin sat up with a grunt. Jungkook’s elbow massage last night left some part of him sore. He was so done dealing with drunken people after this. The boy most probably wouldn’t even remember anything in the morning.

            The bed was too small for three grown up man to sleep together, but somehow they managed. But that could also due to Taehyung and Jungkook sleeping on top of each other. Getting on eomma’s mode, he removed himself from the bed and pulled Kookie down from on top of Taehyung.

            ‘I’ll go sleep in your room.’

            Rapmon nodded, pushing himself up from the floor. The prospect of having Jin sleeping in his room lifted his mood in instant.

            ‘What happened?’ JHope was at the door, disheveled and slightly daze. ‘I heard a scream.’

            Jin waved his hand dismissingly before pausing, looking pointedly at Hoseok’s neck.

            ‘Is that…’ he stepped towards the Gwangju’s rapper, scrutinizing. ‘Bug bites?’

            Hoseok frowned. Whatever the hell the older boy was talking about?

            ‘Ah, Hobi,’ Rapmonster grimaced. ‘You’ll need a lot of Band-Aid tomorrow.’

            This time, Hoseok walked towards the mirror to see what they were talking about.

            Lo and behold – freaking love bites all around his neck.

            ‘What the hell…’


Like I said. Nobody was murdered. Lol. How in the hell Hobi got all the “bug bites” and didn’t even realized it, anyway? 

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I haven't got a chance to update in forever. OMG. This tardiness is frustrating even myself. Will try to be more consistent in future.

*fingers crossed*


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MonyRibeiro #1
Chapter 7: I'm so glad that I found this story!
It's so funny and light!
I really want to know what the hell is going to happen!
MonyRibeiro #2
Chapter 7: I'm so glad that I found this story!
It's so funny and light!
I really want to know what the hell is going to happen!
teddyxox #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhh cliff hanger, love the story it’s so fun. Yoonseok is my top 🤞Can’t wait for the next chapter. I need more. Namjin are such parents. Yoonseokmin are so heated and vkook are so playful. I love it.
Chapter 5: Ok wow this story has me hooked pls update!!
joicehayase #5
Chapter 4: continua,esta muito divertido.
joicehayase #6
Chapter 3: foi o jimin ou o yoongi?
joicehayase #7
Chapter 2: até eu brigava pelo Hobi
joicehayase #8
Chapter 1: muito bom
love_EXOfany #9
Chapter 4: This is getting better and better with each update.
I love it <3 have a nice day I'll be waiting for an update
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: God I love this. It's so ridiculous and funny and I was laughing the whole time while reading it. Keep it up