Chapter 6

Ballet Boy

Vernon was officially ed. He was ed because of a certain red headed, chubby cheeked boy named Boo Seungkwan. Vernon couldn't get Seungkwan's voice off his mind. It was so beautiful that Vernon expected angels to come floating out of the roof. He knew that Seungkwan could sing but he didnt know he could sing like a fricking song bird, all soft and calm but powerful and loud. Sofia's voice fitted perfect with Seungkwan's voice, it was like a natural harmony.

Vernon groaned against the pillow he had his head shoved against. "Damn you Boo Seungkwan!" There was a knock at the door and a soft voice. "Vernon honey, are you okay?" Vernon's mother walked in and sat on the edge of his bed. She put a gentle hand on his back and started to rub circles. "Honestly, no." Vernon mumbled, his voice was muffled by the pillow. "What's wrong honey?" Vernon sat up and crossed his legs, facing his mam. "Boo Seungkwan, that's what's wrong." Vernon let out a sigh before resting his face in his hands. "Who is this boo Seungkwan?" "Boo Seungkwan, the boy with red hair and chubby cheeks that I just want to squeeze. The boy that has deep brown eyes and a voice like a freaking song bird. His laugh is adorable, he's loud and flambouyant and funny and URGHHHH." Vernon let out a frustrusted sigh before face planting back into his pillow. "Oh, and I did I mention that he's Sofia's singing teacher?!"

Vernon's mother started to laugh. "It sounds like my boy has a crush!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Shut up mam! I know." Vernon grumbled. "Well, Boo Seungkwan sounds like a lovely man! I know his mother, Boo EunHye, she is lovely. I want to meet this Boo Seungkwan who is so gorgeous that my son is head over heals for him." Vernon felt the weight lift from his bed as his mother got up to leave. "Dinner will be ready soon, don't be too long."


Not long after she left Vernon's mother called him and his sister down for food. Half way through dinner Sofia started to mention the Arts centre talent show.

"I'm going to enter! Seungkwan is going to help me practice so I have to go back to the Arts Centre tomorrow. Is that okay??"

"Who is this Seungkwan?" Ask Vernon's dad. Vernon's mother purposely met Vernon's eyes, sending him I wink which caused Vernon to blush and just look down at his food. Kimchi had never seemed more interesting than it did then.

"Seungkwan is the teacher helping Mr. Heechul because Miss. Liu has had her baby!" Sofia explained, "Seungkwan is really funny and nice! He has a really good voice! Doesn't he Hansol?!"

"Um, yeah I suppose." Vernon mumbled, his face still red.

"I think that Hansollie has a crush on Seungkwan." Vernon chocked on his water. "WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?" "Cause you get all red and smiley when I mention Seungkwan." Vernon was now bright red in his face, his mother was sat opposite him trying to hold in a laugh but failing horribly.

"HANSOL AND SEUNGKWAN SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Sofia shouted, their mother told her do be quiet and settle down. Vernon's face was still red and very warm. Why the hell did his sister say something like that? Was he really that obvious?


After dinner, which had become awkward after Sofia's little episode, Vernon went back to his room where he scrolled through Twitter for a while before turning off his light and trying to go to sleep. However, the thoughts of a certain boy invaded his mind stopping him from sleeping, no matter how tired he was. When he finally fell asleep he dreamt of the chubby cheeks and incredible voice that he was so familiar with. Oh boy, He has fallen wayyyy too deep.

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Dziamysti #1
Chapter 4: nooooo!!
im sorry i cant help you with any tech problems..
but please do try.. we love the story already..
salmaqui #3
Chapter 2: What is happening?
Im sad and also happy for this chapter... will anyone please tell me why