Entry 5 .

The Past is the Past // Discontinued


"Come, Mimi. Let's go to gym!" Kevin said.

"You guys have the same gym?" Seoyoung looked at me enviously.

"She's in our gym?" Eli and Kiseop asked at the same time.

"Since when?" Kiseop laughed.

"Why didn't you sit with us yesterday?" Eli held a hand over his heart and pretended to look hurt.

"Wait, how do you know she has gym when they don't?" AJ eyed Kevin suspiciously.

"Oh, look at the time! Let's go Mimi!" Kevin grabbed my hand and pulled me away without answering their questions.

"H-Hey, wait up! We have the same class! Kevin!" Eli and Kiseop chased after us.

"Why are we running away?" I laughed. 'Not that I have a problem with that...'

"It's more fun this way," Kevin grinned.

We arrived next to the girl's locker room and went our separate ways.

I walked into the girl's locker room and found a small locker near the entrance hallway. I quickly changed, stuffed my clothes and bag inside, and locked it.

I skipped out of the locker room and glanced around the gymnasium. I spotted Kiseop, Eli and Kevin walking out of the locker room chatting happily. Kiseop saw me looking their way and waved me over.

Before I reached them, someone came up from behind and covered my eyes.

"Guess who," a voice sang.

"Have you decided yet?" another voice asked coolly.

"You just gave it away!" Chunji huffed.

"Uh, hey LJoe, Chunji," I laughed nervously. "I haven't decided yet," I admitted.

Chunji moved his hands down to my shoulders and spun me around. I caught a glimpse of Eli, Kevin and Kiseop eyeing me carefully from the bottom of the bleachers. I gave them a reassuring smile and turned towards Chunji and LJoe.


"Yay!" Chunji clapped like a little kid.

"Awesome," LJoe smirked.

"LJoe, you're not cool," I stuck my tongue out at him and ran away before he could react.

"Hey! Get back here Mimi!" LJoe yelled in mock anger.

The gym teachers came out and ordered us to split up by grade. I glanced behind me and blew a raspberry at the scowling LJoe.

After the teachers took attendance, they announced the first sport we'd play: eclipse ball.

"You will make teams of two or three, grab a racket down at the court, and begin once we give you a ball. You can team up with seniors and vice versa," one teacher, short and fit, explained.

"Next week we will start fitness testing. This counts for 20 percent of your grade!" the other, taller and leaner teacher boomed.

Some students groaned and others looked terrified.

"Alright, let's go!"

I looked over at Chunji and LJoe who were waiting by the door and sighed.

"Hey, Mimi! Want to be on my team?" Kiseop asked. "Those two over there want to stick together," he pointed at Eli and Kevin behind him rolled his eyes at them.

I glanced at Chunji and LJoe. "I-I already agreed to team up with them."

"You can always change your mind, you know," Kiseop frowned.

"I can't. Sorry, Kiseop," I looked at him apologetically and hurried over to Chunji and LJoe.

"I tried," I saw Kiseop shrug.

"I bet she would have accepted if Kevin asked," Eli teased.

"But this is our sport! It has to be Elvin to dominate!" Kevin pouted.

"No way! I'll beat you guys!" I challenged.

"We'll see!" they waved me away confidently.

"Yay, she picked us!" Chunji cheered when I neared them.

I rolled my eyes and walked past them, out the door. I shivered when I stepped outside.

"You should bring a jacket or wear sweatpants!" Chunji nagged.

"What are you? My mother?" I raised a brow at him.

"Momma Chunji," LJoe sang.

Chunji pointed a finger at LJoe and pretended to nag him like a mother, making me double over from laughter. Chunji stopped and smiled at me.

"Do-Don't get any ideas!" I avoided his gaze and ran to the courts.

There were six tennis courts; three back-to-back. A fence bordered the tennis courts and separated the six courts. Rackets were hung from the fence.

After grabbing our rackets, Chunji and LJoe started to follow Kevin, Eli and Kiseop to the winner's court.

"Guys, wait! Let's go to this court first!" I pointed at the other side of the fence.

"Why?" LJoe furrowed his brows in confusion.

"That way we can work our way up, duh. And we can work on teamwork," I said a matter-of-factly.

"Oh, smart!" LJoe complimented.

"Of course! Mimi is the smartest!" Chunji wrapped an arm around my shoulders and grinned.

I rolled my eyes and shimmied my way out of grip and grabbed a ball from the teacher.

The teacher blew the whistle and we began.

We won our first game and moved on to the last court on the winner's side. LJoe and Chunji stood in the front while I stayed back. We worked together pretty well, and before we knew it, we were on the winner's court against Kevin, Eli and Kiseop.

"You're going down!" Eli taunted.

"Okay class! You will begin on this court next time we meet!" the teacher announced.

"No!" I pouted. "I was so ready for this."

"It's okay Mimi. We got this," LJoe patted my shoulder, chuckling.

"We'll see about that," Kevin said with a sly smile.

We sat down on the court closest to the gate and waited for the teacher to record our wins.

I tugged at my shirt, flapping it a bit. "It's so hot," I groaned.

"Yeah it is," LJoe used the bottom of his shirt to wipe away sweat from his forehead, revealing his slightly toned abs.

I quickly looked away, feeling heat rush into my cheeks. "Put your shirt down! We have children here," Chunji scolded, covering my eyes.

"Oh, she likes it," LJoe joked.

"I'm not a child! And no I don't!" I huffed like a kid.


"I'll see you later, my little Mimi," Chunji cooed.

"Shush!" I lightly pushed him away and walked into class.

"So you're friends with U-Kiss and dating Teen Top's Chunji? What else should we know?" Seoyoung teased as I walked in.

"I'm not dating him!"

"Mhm," Seoyoung raised a brow, not believing me.

"Ugh, believe what you want!" I shook my head, taking a seat.

Today, the chairs were set up in a single line and Mrs. Song was no where in sight.

"Where's Mrs. Song?" Jiseok asked as he walked in.

"No idea. She wasn't here when I got here, and I got here pretty early," Seoyoung shrugged.

The bell rang. All five of us were sitting in the chairs, but still no sign of Mrs. Song.

After a few minutes, the door opened. "Mrs. Song is late," Seoyoung teased.

But the person who came in wasn't Mrs. Song.

It was Kevin.

"Kevin oppa?" I furrowed my brows. 'What's he doing here?'

"'Sup?" he said coolly.

"What are you doing here?" Seoyoung questioned.

"Umma wanted me to come help her class during my free period," he smiled.

"Your umma is-" Jin got cut off by the door.

"Hello, my children!" Mrs. Song burst into the room. "Thanks for coming, Sunghyun!"

"No problem, umma," Kevin nodded.

"Mrs. Song! Kevin is your son?" Jiseok and Seoyoung exclaimed.

"Yup! My cute little Woo Sunghyun," Mrs. Soy cooed, talking like a 3 year old and saying 'wittle' instead of 'little'.

"Umma, stop," Kevin laughed.

"They do look alike," Jiae said thoughtfully.

We glanced between the two and nodded in agreement.

"So, today we will start off with singing! Kevin and I will demonstrate and you copy, okay?"

Mrs. Song and Kevin sang a scale in harmony; Mrs. Song sang high and Kevin sang low. They motioned for us to do the same and stopped us when we sang off pitch. Then she would ask us to sing individually and give us tips and advice.

We continued this exercise until the end of class. When the bell rang, we grabbed our stuff and discussed each other's singing.

"Jiae, you have such good pitch! And your voice sounds so smooth when you sing," Seoyoung commented enviously.

"Jin too!" Jiseok added.

"B-But I like your voice Seoyoung! You sing with confidence so it sounds powerful," Jiae said quickly, embarrassed.

"That sounds like I have a manly singing voice," Seoyoung grimaced, but noticed Jiae's expressions and quickly added, "But thanks Jiae."

"What do you guys think about my voice?" Jiseok inquired curiously.

"Don't sing high," Jin said bluntly with a serious expression.

"H-Hey!" Jiseok exclaimed, flushing in embarrassment.

Jin's face changed from serious to teasing and quickly ran away to his next class. "Catch you guys later!" he waved.

The rest of dispersed and I made my way to the cafeteria for my free period. When I arrived, I glanced around for familiar faces, but found none. I sighed and took a seat near the door. 'Time to update my journal!'

I pulled out my journal, smiling a little, and unlocked it before writing.

So, in gym, I decided to join Chunji and LJoe's team. I didn't want to separate Elvin and Kiseop... /: And... I've decided to give Chunji a chance. Starting from friends. I hope I made the right decision...

Anyway, we did pretty well! We're playing eclipse ball in gym. Eclipse ball is kind of like tennis, except the ball is bigger and softer and the racket is more angular with a short handle. The rules are a little different, but still, it's a lot like tennis. Chunji and LJoe are pretty quick so they stand in the front. Plus, LJoe likes to spike. I'm quick on my feet, so I take care of the back. I think we make a pretty good team! :D I hope we beat Elvinseop tomorrow~ :P

After gym I had music class! Whee! Today we found out Kevin is Mrs. Song's son. Who would've thought they'd be related? When they stand next to each other, they really do resemble each other though. Well, Kevin resembles Mrs. Song. They both sing really beautifully too... (drool) haha

So today I found out Jiae has perfect pitch and her voice is soft and gentle. I love listening to her... But she's a bit shy. ): Once she gets over her shyness, I'm sure she'd be an awesome singer! Jin too. He's not quiet, he just doesn't sing loud. It's almost like he doesn't want to show off, which is nice of him, but we're all friends. We won't mind.

Seoyoung has a strong voice. I'm envious of her~ She can hit high notes well, maybe not in tune, but she doesn't crack. It's really smooth when she sings high. Jiseok... Haha. His voice is
so. Low. He can sing really smooth low notes. Like a bass? I don't know~

As for me... I have to hear an example before singing. I can never hit the note the first time, and apparently I'm singing with my throat? And you're supposed to sing from your diaphragm? Stomach?

Maybe I'm not cut out for singing... sadface. ):

Well, that's all for today?

- Mimi~

I closed my journal and leaned back in my seat. I sighed at looked at the clock. I groaned when I realized there was still 30 minutes left.

"I still have English homework to do..." I muttered.

"Want to do it together?"

"Wha-" I jumped and turned around. "Eli!"

"Yo!" he grinned cheekily.

"You- What are you doing here?"

"I have a free period. I believe I'm supposed to be here for free period...?" Eli said, feigning worry.

"Bu-But the period started like 20 minutes ago!"

"I had to go take care of something," he explained simply. "Anyway, let's do that English homework together!"

"Okay," I laughed.


author's note ;

Grrr, with school starting again, I'm getting busier and slowly going into writer's block. e__e I'll try my best to keep writing for you guys! Hope you liked this chapter /: I feel iffy about it ;__;

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This story is beyond awesome.
...Anyways, please continue your amazing work :3
m0cha_l0ve #2
Oh this is so exciting! Please update soon!
Heifdtfjeu o.o this is a plot twist!!!!!!

Kevin.... Neverland.... =w=
Nice going Chunji *^* you made her punch a mirror!! Why is it so hard for you to go out of your way and *prove* to her that you *do* like her?! If you don't, Kevin is going to come in and steal her away from you! Maybe even /forever/!!!

I can't wait for your update ^-^
Oh Chunji Chunji Chunji. Tsk tsk.

I'm in conflict. Kevin and Chunji are my ultimate biases. :O
So angry at Chunji right now!
He doesn't deserve Chyumi, he's so silly..
I want Chyumi and Kevin:)
Yes Chunji, this is all your fault.

~ FlyingHigh
Agh! I love Kevin and all, but I feel so sad for Chunji! ;A; Kevin is so cute and Chunji is obviously jealous x3

Make me hate one of them so my feelings won't be so difficult~ x3