Entry 2 .

The Past is the Past // Discontinued

author's note ;

Even though the chapters are titled "Entry __" it's not actually another entry... I just felt like being cool and naming it Entry. owo Anyway, enjoy!


I hurried down the hall to my next class; English.

Since this school was an International school, it didn't teach easy English. (Oh how I wish they did.) But I still got to skip a few English class levels because I moved here from America.

I entered the classroom and sat down in the desk next to the door to catch my breath. I glanced around the room and noticed five undeniably handsome faces.

I gasped when I recognized who they were. 'U-Kiss!' I blushed and looked away when Eli caught me staring. I saw him chuckle in the corner of my eye and I just blushed more.

I pulled out my journal, hastily unlocking it, and scribbled furiously.

In English now. I skipped ahead a few levels since I moved here. But that's not the point. (squeal)

Guess who's in my class? Well, you wouldn't know, so allow me to enlighten you.

Eli, Kevin, Kiseop, AJ and Hoon! From U-Kiss! My current favorite idol group from this school! It used to be SHINee but then four of the members graduated the high school section and didn't continue with college. (Cause you can do that.) Same thing happened with Infinite. Only three members remain.

But that's not the point! Eli and Kevin are from the states just like me. They moved here earlier than me though. Kiseop joined them a little after debut. AJ and Hoon are new editions to U-Kiss since Alexander and Kibum graduated and decided to go solo after high school.

But I can't believe they're in my class! This is a dream come true!

The teacher walked in and glanced around the class. "Okay, class. Assigned seats! Each row will have three students. Starting with..."

"... Lee Kiseop in the fourth row. Kim Kyoungjae behind him. Kim Jaeseop behind Kyoungjae." The three said boys sat down and high-fived each other.

"Next is Yeo Hoonmin in the last row. Yong Chyumi behind him. And last but not least, Woo Sunghyun."

After I sat down, I dropped my head on the desk a bit too hard, but I ignored the pain. 'How did I get so lucky to be surrounded by them?'

"Are you okay?" an angelic voice from behind asked with concern, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded without lifting up my head. They would notice my blush if I did. 'I just hope-'

"This will be a free period, but Chyumi, no sleeping."

I groaned and picked my head up. I quickly covered my cheeks with my hands and looked out the window.

"She's blushing," Hoon chuckled.

"Are you a fan?" Kiseop tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump.

'I wasn't expecting him to touch me!'

I slowly turned around and nodded, leaving my hands where they are.

"What's your favorite song?" Kevin asked.

"Someday," I grinned, thinking of how it helped me in the past.

The boys 'oohed' and nodded in understanding. Then the trivial question came up.

"Who's your favorite member?" Eli smirked.

I looked up at the ceiling, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

"Let's make it easier. Is he in this class?" 'Thank you AJ!'

"Yes," I squeaked.

"She's so cute!" Kevin cooed.

"Oh stop it. You're going to make her get a fever," Hoon laughed.

"You know, he's right," I laughed nervously.

The boys all laughed together. We talked for the rest of the period. First they asked me a few questions, and I would ask a few too. Then they would crack a few jokes with each other while I listened along quietly, laughing at some. The boys made me feel comfortable and soon, I felt closer to them.

Before the bell rang, the teacher announced, "You all know the drill, right? Day 1 you have periods 1 to 3, lunch, then 5 to 7."

The students just nodded and hurry out the door once the bell rang.

"Want to come meet the rest? You're chill enough," Eli suggested.

"Yeah, unlike most of the girls around here," AJ coughed.

"Oh come on. I'm sure they're not that bad," I defended.

"Oh, they are. The popularity gets to them and they get brainwashed," Hoon started walking around like a zombie.

I laughed at his silliness. "Ah, Chu! Chyumi!"

"Oh no!" I brought my hands up to my face, hoping to hide myself.

"You know, they already saw you. You can't hide from them like that," Eli chuckled.

I pulled my hands away and pouted. "Party pooper."

"Who is he to you? Do you want us to scare him away?" AJ whispered.

Before I could answer him, the said boy caught up to us. "Chuchu, I've been calling your name, did you hear me?"

I nodded and avoided his gaze. "What's up, Chunji?" I tried to sound casual.

"Well, I said I wanted to talk. And you can come meet the guys!"

I fidgeted in my spot. My mind went blank.

"Can't you tell she's uncomfortable," Eli coughed.

Chunji looked at me sadly then turned to glare at Eli. "U-Kiss?"

"That's right. What's it to you?" Hoon raised a brow.

"Here," Kevin whispered, slipping a piece of paper into my hand. "Go with him. He looks like he really wants to talk to you and he won't hurt you. But if he does, call me."

I looked at Kevin in surprise. "Okay," I grinned.

He patted my back while I stepped forward, interrupting their intense interrogation, and pulled Chunji away.

"Yes!" I heard him cheer quietly.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Go to the 3rd courtyard." 'That used to be our courtyard.'

When we arrived, there was only one group of boys in the courtyard. "Is that them?"

Chunji nodded and pulled me towards them. "Yo!" he greeted.

The five boys waved and greeted him back then perked up at the sight of me. And our hands.

"So, introduction?" one boy suggested.

"There's no need," I pulled my hand away from Chunji's. "I know who you guys are, and I'm sure you guys remember me."


I nodded and gave him a small smile, "Hi Ricky."

A look of recognition crossed each boy's face. "It's been a while," Niel noted.

"No ," Chunji muttered. "Anyway, sit down. I got you some food so we can talk the whole lunch period," he said happily.

The boys turned back to their own conversations, leaving Chunji and me to ourselves. He pulled me over to a bench a little away from the group. He pulled out a chicken salad from a plastic bag and two forks. "We-we're sharing?"

"Mhm," Chunji nodded casually. "We used to do that all the time, remember?"

"Chunji, I don't want to remember. Why are you trying so hard when I clearly don't want to be with you anymore? Don't you realize how much it hurt me? I bet you don't," I muttered the last part to myself and looked at Chunji, waiting for a reaction. Guilt was written all over his face.

"Please, Chu. I-"

"Stop calling me that!" I raised my voice at him. 

The boys behind him turned to look at me, but I ignored them. 

"Mimi. Please. I truly, sincerely want you back. You were, and still are, the only one I love," Chunji begged. I looked at his eyes, hoping he was lying, but he wasn't.

"Don't you think love is too much? We're still young," I said quietly. 'I'm not falling for it again.'

"No. Because I do love you," he said firmly.

"L-let me think about it," I said, grabbed my stuff, and ran away before he could say more.

"Wait, you didn't even eat anything yet!" Chunji called out to me, but I ignored him.

I quickly shut the door to the courtyard behind me and sighed. I opened my hand, revealing the paper Kevin tucked inside my hand, and smiled. 

"Hello?" his soft voice asked from the other end.

"Hey, it's me. Can I eat with-" the bell rang. "You... I guess not," I sighed.

Just as I was about to end the call, Kevin said, "Wait! Did you eat anything at all? What's your next period class? I'll get something for you and you can eat it later."

"I... I already ate. Thanks though..." I trailed off, unsure of what I was supposed to call him.

"Oppa. Kevin oppa," he chuckled. "I'll see you later then, Mimi."

My heart fluttered when he called me that. It sounded so sweet, coming from his lips.

But I can't fall for someone so fast like that again, right? 


For 5th period, I had Korean. I was the last to enter the class before the bell rang. 'Phew, I'm not late.'

I quickly sat down, not getting a chance to see who was in the class. "Okay class. I will put you in alphabetical order and then hand you your textbooks for the year. Remember to cover them and label them with your names."

The class groaned at the sight of the thick Korean textbook. 'Of course,' I sighed.

"... Choi Jonghyun..." I looked over at the boy, realizing who he was.

"Changjo!" I breathed.

He heard his nickname and looked up at me. He grinned and waved my way. Ricky, who was near him, followed Changjo's gaze and waved to me as well.

"And in the last row, Yoo Changhyun, Yong Chyumi, then Woo Sunghyun."

I gasped, 'Kevin?' I hurried to my seat and sat my things down. I waved to Ricky again and felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and smiled. "Hey Mimi. Didn't think we'd be in the same class," Kevin laughed.

"Quiet! Chyumi, turn around!" the teacher barked.

I gulped and turned back around in my seat.

As the teacher passed out our textbooks, the class was completely silent. Until my stomach growled. Loudly.

I blushed and looked out the window. A few students snickered around me. 'No more, ple-'

It growled again. This time, louder.

I face-palmed and put my hands on both sides of my face. Ricky and Kevin were both trying to keep their laughs in. 

"Here, Chyumi," Ricky giggled.

I silently took the book with my left hand, not daring to look at him. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kevin biting his lip. I passed the book over to him and he passed me a note. I patted my cheeks and turned around, facing front. I opened the note, only to flush pink again.

Mimi! And you said you already ate~ Nice try! Good thing I bought some food anyway. I'll give it to you later. You better eat it missy!

- Kevin oppa ^o^

"Okay, class. Free period, but don't talk to loud!" the teacher sighed.

"Bye Mimi!" Ricky waved, getting  up and walking over to Changjo's seat.

I nodded and waved before turning around to Kevin. I came face to face with a Chewy bar and grinned. "I guess you caught me."

"I think everyone caught you," Kevin laughed, motioning for me to take the Chewy bar.

"Thanks. I love Chewy bars, actually," I grinned, reaching for the bar, but Kevin moved his hand higher.

"Really? I have more! But first, how did your talk go? Why didn't you eat?" Kevin asked, expression changing from happy to worry.

"Oh please, oppa. We barely know each other," I laughed nervously, a little uncomfortable. 'What if I end up spilling everything by accident? I tend to do that...'

"Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. But you can tell me anything, my little dongsaeng," Kevin smiled, unfazed.

He handed me the Chewy bar and pulled a few more out from his bag. "Wha! Why did you buy so much?" I exclaimed.

"Because Chewy bars are delicious," he replied sheepishly.

I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"By the way," I smirked. "How come you're in a lower level Korean class?"

"Don't ask me if you know! I bet you watched our shows," Kevin covered his face in embarrassment.

"Aw, I'm sorry," I cooed, unwrapping the Chewy bar.

Kevin dropped his hands and pouted at me, causing me to laugh and poke his cheek playfully.

We talked for the rest of the period. Well, more like he talked while I would give some input here and there.

"You're such a good listener, Mimi," Kevin said thoughtfully.

"That's because I'm such a bad talker," I laughed.

The bell rang, causing me to slouch in my seat. "I guess I'll see you later," I pouted.

We both got up and started down the hallway. After a while, I realized he was walking the same way as me. "What class do you have?" we asked at the same time.

Kevin laughed and showed me his schedule, which was written on his hand. "Gym? Really? Me too! What a coincidence!" I clapped happily.

When we arrived in the gymnasium, the teachers waved us over to the bleachers. We never have gym on the first day, after all.

"Hey, I see Eli and Kiseop over there! Want to join us?" Kevin offered kindly.

"I don't know, I feel kind of bad... I-I see my friend over there! I'll talk to you later!" I lied.

Kevin raised a brow at me, not believing me. "You can come over anytime, got it?"

I nodded and hurried off to the other side of the gym where Eli and Kiseop were not sitting.

I plopped down in a seat at the top corner and sighed. Being an artist in this singer-dominated school, I didn't have much friends.

In fact, I don't have one.

My friends either moved or graduated, leaving me here by myself.

I pulled out my iPod and plugged both earphones in, ready to isolate myself for the period, until a hand waved in front of my face. I jumped and looked up. "Chunji," I groaned.

"Hey Ch- Mimi!" he greeted happily.

"Yo Mimi," LJoe greeted, peeking his head over Chunji's shoulder.

"Hey guys," I pulled out my earphones, knowing they wouldn't leave me alone now.

Chunji took a seat next to me and Ljoe sat in front of me, leaning his back against the railing. 

"I'm so glad we have a class other than Art together!" Chunji sighed happily.

"Do you want to join our team for sports?" LJoe peered up at me, waiting for a response.

"I... I..." 'What do I say? I don't have anyone else... Kevin will probably stick with Eli and Kiseop... I can't break them up...'

"You don't have to decide yet," Chunji sighed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked at Chunji and frowned. Chunji looked at me with a sad smile and changed the subject.  

While they talked, I got lost in my thoughts again. 'He really looks like he's sorry. Should I give him a second chance? Can I trust him? Why didn't he try anything over the summer? Do I still love him?'

"Mimi. Mimi! Chyumi! Chuchu!" I jumped and looked at Chunji.

He grinned triumphantly, "You responded to your nickname."

"What is it?"

"Class is over," LJoe said before Chunji could.

Chunji just puffed his cheeks and nodded, "Yeah, that."

"Oh," I quickly packed my stuff and jumped down the bleachers with LJoe and Chunji on both sides.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Chunji quietly shoo LJoe. LJoe rolled his eyes and gave him the 'ok' sign. "I'll catch you guys later," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walked away.

"Bye, LJoe."

"So, what class do you have next? I'll walk you to class," Chunji offered.

"It's okay, Chunji. Your class is probably far from my class," I quickly shook my head, quickening my pace.

"No, it's okay! It's the first day, so they won't mind!" Chunji pleaded.

"Music," I sighed.

"Lucky for me, my class is close! I can walk you everyday!" Chunji grinned.

Chunji linked his arm with mine and pulled me along. I inwardly groaned.

This is only going to make things tougher.'


author's note ;

Phew! Chapter 2 finished! I hope you liked it (: I hope I'm not making Kevin and the guys seem too close too soon... e__o I think I screwed up the ages and grades... FUUUUUUUUU LOL My bad guys ;__;...

NOTE: I'm going to make Chunji&LJoe 17 and the 91'ers in U-Kiss 18, Soohyun 20 and Dongho 17. Does that... work...? LOL QQ OTL

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This story is beyond awesome.
...Anyways, please continue your amazing work :3
m0cha_l0ve #2
Oh this is so exciting! Please update soon!
Heifdtfjeu o.o this is a plot twist!!!!!!

Kevin.... Neverland.... =w=
Nice going Chunji *^* you made her punch a mirror!! Why is it so hard for you to go out of your way and *prove* to her that you *do* like her?! If you don't, Kevin is going to come in and steal her away from you! Maybe even /forever/!!!

I can't wait for your update ^-^
Oh Chunji Chunji Chunji. Tsk tsk.

I'm in conflict. Kevin and Chunji are my ultimate biases. :O
So angry at Chunji right now!
He doesn't deserve Chyumi, he's so silly..
I want Chyumi and Kevin:)
Yes Chunji, this is all your fault.

~ FlyingHigh
Agh! I love Kevin and all, but I feel so sad for Chunji! ;A; Kevin is so cute and Chunji is obviously jealous x3

Make me hate one of them so my feelings won't be so difficult~ x3