Entry 10 .

The Past is the Past // Discontinued

author's note ;

Yay, chapter 10 in 3 days! //sob I'm so inconsistent ): But, maybe I'm getting my mojo back? probably not

EDIT: Added a little more at the very end. I'll be posting the next chapter in a bit~ ^^ Editting it now ;D



"Thanks for helping, Kevin," I carefully placed the pan into the oven and turned to Kevin who was leaning against the countertop on his elbows.

"I barely did anything," he laughed.

"Okay, fine. Thanks for coming for moral support," I corrected, rolling my eyes.

"Don't give me attitude!" he scowled jokingly.

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned my back towards him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"So, how long does this need to bake for?" he asked, opening the oven door and peering in.

I heard a gasp and turned around to see Kevin holding onto his hand in pain. "What did you do?" I exclaimed.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it over to the sink. After turning on the cold water, I held his hand under the running water and watched a red spot slowly appear on his hand. "Be careful next time!" I scolded as I dried my hands.

I walked over to my laptop that sat on the counter by the refrigerator and scrolled through the recipe. "It says about an hour," I mumbled, reading the info off the screen.

"That long?" Kevin's face appeared next to mine, looking at the laptop.

I jumped a little and side-glanced him. He caught me looking at him and chuckled before standing back up straight. I cleared my throat and closed the window. "Do you want to pass the time by eating lunch? It's almost lunch time," I gestured toward the digital wall-clock that read 11:48.

"I'll cook!" he agreed excitedly.

"Wha-Why? I'll cook! You don't have to!" I shook my head quickly.

"You don't trust my cooking, do you?" he pouted.

Felt my heart thump and tried to ignore it. "D-Don't pout! It won't work on me!"

"Oh really now?" he asked slyly.

I quickly turned around and opened the fridge, pushing my face in so I couldn't see his face. I grabbed a few ingredients, planning what to cook, and turned around. I came face-to-face with Kevin's pouting face.

"Kevin!" I squeaked in surprise.

"I'll be taking this," he grinned victoriously, grabbing the supplies from a stunned me.

I huffed and crossed my arms.


"Well, I better go now," Kevin said sadly, slipping his shoes on.

"Lunch was really good," I grinned.

"What'd I tell you!" Kevin smiled back. "I'll catch you later, little Mimi the Baker."

"I'm not little!"

"Yeah you are," he laughed.

I glared up at him and looked away with a humph.

"Oh, don't be like that."

I stayed in my position, refusing to look at him. My eyes widened when I felt soft lips on my cheek for a split second. "Bye!" he waved cheerfully.

Kevin closed the door behind him and glanced at me through the window. He chuckled when he saw that I was still in the same position.

I heard the car door close and the engine rumble as he drove off before snapping out of my daze.

His lips were soft and the kiss was sweet, despite the fact that he only pecked my cheek.

I lightly patted my cheeks before walking back into the kitchen. The counters and sink were clear and clean of dirty dishes, bringing a smile to my face. 'Kevin is so helpful,' I thought gratefully.

I walked over to the oven and pulled out the freshly baked cake. I set it on top of the oven and turned towards my computer to surf the net while the cake cooled.

I pulled up a homemade icing recipe, whipped it up, and carefully coated the cake in the icing.

I quickly decorated the cake and sent a picture of it to LJoe. He texted back in a matter of minutes.

From: LJoe

Wow, this looks awesome! I didn't know you could bake. Chunji left a while ago so he should be there soon. Don't forget to come at 5!

To: LJoe

Okie dokie Joey!

From: LJoe

Don't call me that!

I giggled and put my phone away. I looked down at my clothes and gasped. "Shoot, I still have to change!"

I ran upstairs, glancing at the door and my driveway on the way up and paled when I saw Chunji's car in the distance.

I stripped myself of my sweats and changed into a white and blue striped v-neck sweater that accented my slim waist, black stockings, blue washed out jean shorts over the stockings and white knit leg-warmers.

Just as I slipped on my second leg-warmer, the doorbell rang. I hopped down the stairs and pulled open the door.

"Happy birthday, Chunji!" I greeted ecstatically.

"Thanks," he nodded half-heartedly. I frowned and motioned for him to come in, but he didn't move.

"What's wrong?" I reached for his hand.

When I grabbed it, I felt him flinch and tense up. I gently pulled him in and kicked the door shut behind him. "Chunji?" I asked slowly.

He looked at me blankly then looked away. He slowly slipped his shoes off and glanced at my hand that held his. I let go and watched him drag his feet over to the living room.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. He plopped down on the floor and let out a sigh.

I hurried into the kitchen and carefully picked up the cake. I took a deep breath and started to sing Happy Birthday while slowly walking over to Chunji.

Chunji looked up at me and surprised was written all over his face. The corners of his lips slowly curled up into a small smile.

"Happy 18th birthday, Chunji. Make a wish and blow out the candle!" I set the cake down on the table in front of him.

He closed his eyes for a while before taking in a deep breath and blowing out the candle. I clapped happily and felt relieved when he smiled up at me.

"Thank you, Chyumi."

I looked at him in surprise. He never called me by my real, full name.

"Let me go grab some plates and stuff," I started to stand up, but was stopped by a hand on my wrist.

I turned towards Chunji. He shook his head and said, "It's okay. Just stay here. I... I have to tell you something."

I felt my heartbeat race.

I nodded slowly and sat back down. "What's up?"

Chunji searched my eyes before speaking. I bit my lip nervously, eyes unable to leave his.


My phone vibrated on the table. We both glanced at it.

Kevin oppa

My eyes snapped up to his and read his expression. It was a mix between hurt and anger. I snatched my phone and stuffed it in my pocket.


"I can't hang out today. I have to practice for my comeback," he said monotonously.

'LJoe said you guys were off for your birthday,'I frowned. "Re-Really? That's too bad... I had something planned for you."

"Yeah. Bye," he stood up and walked towards the door.

"W-Wait! I have your gift!" I ran upstairs and grabbed the gift.

Before I could make it down the stairs, Chunji left with a slam. The gift box dropped from my hand.

"What did I do wrong? Does it have something to do with Kevin?" I sat down on the steps, and buried my face in my hands.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

My phone lit up from a call, catching my attention. I brightened when I saw who was calling and picked up the phone.

I cleared my throat and greeted, "Hey Dad, whe-"



author's note ;

Yup.... I don't know what to say hahaha Please comment and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading ♥

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This story is beyond awesome.
...Anyways, please continue your amazing work :3
m0cha_l0ve #2
Oh this is so exciting! Please update soon!
Heifdtfjeu o.o this is a plot twist!!!!!!

Kevin.... Neverland.... =w=
Nice going Chunji *^* you made her punch a mirror!! Why is it so hard for you to go out of your way and *prove* to her that you *do* like her?! If you don't, Kevin is going to come in and steal her away from you! Maybe even /forever/!!!

I can't wait for your update ^-^
Oh Chunji Chunji Chunji. Tsk tsk.

I'm in conflict. Kevin and Chunji are my ultimate biases. :O
So angry at Chunji right now!
He doesn't deserve Chyumi, he's so silly..
I want Chyumi and Kevin:)
Yes Chunji, this is all your fault.

~ FlyingHigh
Agh! I love Kevin and all, but I feel so sad for Chunji! ;A; Kevin is so cute and Chunji is obviously jealous x3

Make me hate one of them so my feelings won't be so difficult~ x3