The Boys'

I glance at him. "Excuse me, are you talking with me?" I make my annoying face. I know he was speechless. He couldn't say anything. Serves you right. "Are you too desperate to have a lunch with me? I am sorry to say that I'm not interested." He got it back. I'm so satisfied now. Everyone was speechless. Even my other colleague. I stand up and glance at him again. Eunha, Hyuk, Sejeong and Vernon also stand up. Eunha grab my hand. "Let's go, Minmin." I smirking at him for the last revenge.

"Yah! Really? I can't believe she did that. Yah, Minmin! You come back!" Vernon laugh loudly. Eunha try to stop him. "Of course, no one will ever mess around with her. Or else, they will get it." Hyuk continued. I just smile. "But, Minmin, why you hate him so much?" asked Sejeong. "He was trying to flirt me. He was snobbish. And now, he got it back 😂😂 .." I replied. "Minmin, you know who is he?" I shake my head. "He's the most popular guy. Any girl would fall for his temptation. But, I'm glad that you didn't." I burst out my laughter. "Temptation? Why you glad I didn't, Sejeong?" I asked curiously. "Because Eunha and I has fallen with his temptation.." We walk together heading to cafe.

(Taehyung POV)
'SERIOUSLY??!' I didn't expect her to reject me. I feel someone was patting my shoulder. "Oh, Jimin-aa.." He smile. "How do you feel? Better? After that girl was playing at you? You asked for that right?" I stare at him with my deadly gaze. "Easy! I just wanted to remind you. Don't mess around with her. She could be a troublesome. I know her. My father is her father's friend." I sigh heavily. "I never met a girl like that. You know what? She's challenging me. But, I love if the girl is playing hard to get. I'll get her and makes her mine." Jimin laugh. "Do you think that she wants? Now, she know that you are snobbish, arrogant, playboy. Of course she don't want you." I glance at him. "I don't care. I still want to make her mine." I smirked.

Jimin and I went to cafe. Jin and Yoongi was waiting for us there. But, suddenly my eyes stucked at a group. "Jimin-aa, I want to eat there." I point at the table where the group sat. Jimin shook his head. "Hey, done enough with her. You got many love letters from some random girls." I shakes my head. "After I get her, I will go to them." I leave Jimin with Jin and Yoongi and takes my food. I go to their table.

(Minyoung POV)
"Hi, mind if I sit here?" I look up and saw the annoying guy again! "Hehe, sure!" Sejeong answered excitingly. Everyone glance at her including me. He sit happily. "I smell something stinks here." Everyone was checking their smell. I glance at him. "Are you?" His face turned red. "I've lost my appetite." I stand up and took my plates and walk away. He quickly stand up and follow me from behind. As we reached the sink, he grab my wrist. "Do you think that you can play with me?" He yells. I just make a slumber face like. "Huh, so what? Do you think that you can playing with me too? I'm sorry, I'm not like the other girls. So, don't mess with me or you'll dead." I remind him. "Let me remind you too. You'll never get away from me." He smirks. 😏😏 "I don't care. If you want to fight here, let's fight." I shows my fist towards his face. He push my hands. "I don't need your soft hands.." He glance and walk away.

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 5: Looking forward to more :)