Chapter 10

Arranged Marriage
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A/N: I'm sorry if this will not meet your expectations.. 

Today is Friday which means that they are going to spend the day with Chan. Wonwoo doesn't know where to bring Chan, so he decided the two boys to pick where they would go. When he woke up, Mingyu was already ready. He was stunned to see him so cheerful in the morning.

"Hi Wonwoo!" Mingyu exclaimed and this is where Wonwoo noticed that Mingyu is an overly grownup puppy. He saw how Mingyu was excited.

"Hi Mingyu.. You're up early..." Wonwoo commented. He saw how Mingyu's cheeks reddened at the statement. 

"Uhh well yeah.. I'm just excited to see Chan.. Are you ready? Cause if so let's go!!" Mingyu said excitedly, which made Wonwoo confused. He was confused on Mingyu's actions. Is he really like this? Excited when he's happy? Well probably, though he's not complaining since he likes this Mingyu better.

"O-ohh yeah.. Wait let me just freshen up" Wonwoo informed which got him a nod from the other.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside" Mingyu said as he walked out, leaving a dumbfounded Wonwoo. Wonwoo snapped out in dazed and went to his room to change. When he was done, he bid goodbye to the maid and went outside. 

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo called, as he saw Mingyu checking something on his phone. 

"Oh Wonwoo, are you ready?" Mingyu asked. 

"Yeah, I'm ready... Wait why do you have a backpack?" Wonwoo asked as he noticed the lump on Mingyu's back. 

"Oh shoot! I forgot to tell you something.." Mingyu said looking at Wonwoo apologetically. 

"What is it?" 

"Well since you have been deciding where to go with Chan these past few weeks, I decided that this week will be a change. I'm the one who's going to pick on we're where going" Mingyu explained. "So Wonwoo, can you pack extra clothes?" Mingyu asked, smiling sheepishly.

"Why so? Are we going to a waterpark?" Wonwoo asked. He's nervous on what the other was up to. 

"Hmmm, that's a secret. I can't tell you. So pack now!" Mingyu demanded. Wonwoo just followed. 

When Wonwoo was done, he saw Mingyu inside the car, so he went inside. 

"Let's go?" Wonwoo asked.

"Let's go" Mingyu said smirking, making Wonwoo confuse even more. 

He suddenly remembered something when he looked at the calendar. He was wondering if he brought the thing he's supposed too. He checked his bag and thankfully it was there. He didn't noticed that Mingyu was watching him. 

"Uhmm Wonwoo? Are you okay?" Mingyu asked as heard the other sigh.

"Hmm yes. I was just looking for something. I thought I forgot to bring it. But don't worry it's okay. It's here" Wonwoo smiled reassuring Mingyu. Mingyu suddenly felt his heart to beat faster. Why is he feeling this? He wondered. 

"Okay then." 

They reached the orphanage in no time. Chan was on the swings when he saw the familiar car. He immediately jumped up and down and hurriedly went to the when it stopped.

"Mingyu hyung! Wonwoo hyung!" Chan screamed as he went to the two.

"CHAAN!" Wonwoo exclaimed as he opened his arms to hug Chan, which he obliged too. Mingyu just smiled at the scence. 

"Congratulations Chan! I'm sorry I didn't went to your graduation yesterday." Wonwoo apologized. It was Chan's graduation in Kindergarten, he didn't come because his brother Jungkook was in the country which only happens twice a year. He decided that he will go to Chan first then, go to Jungkook. But that didn't happen. Unfortunately Jungkook deiced to go to their house early in the morning to pick Wonwoo up. Wonwoo was feeling guilty, Chan invited him, but he didn't go.

"It's okay hyung, I understand. But you have to promise that in my future graduation you will be there." Chan said as he lift his pinky. Wonwoo smiled and hook their pinkies together.

"I promise" Wonwoo said smiling.

"Besides Mingyu hyung was there" Chan told him, which Wonwoo gawked at. 

"WHAT?" Wonwoo asked

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asianmomo #1
i want to know the ending...
ianeza #2
Chapter 12: i’ve rad and reread this story several times... it seems like its nearing the end but i still do want to know how this story ends..
Beannie26 #3
Chapter 12: Oh my God, dear Author-nim! T.T I just re-read the full story, and i'm in a crying mess.
I really love the development in their feelings, love and relationship. It's not too fast, it's just perfect! *w*
I'm very curious about Wonwoo's response. I also wonder if they can succeed in adopting Chan. (I hope nothing bad will happens. Another wannabe parents of Chan, or something...)
I'm wondering if there will be a minor disagreement between them, or something dramatical. Will they behave as married? What their parents are going to talk about it at all?
Aigoooo~~~ i don't know, but whatever it is, I'm sure it will be very good and we will love it, so don't worry!!! ;-) I love this fic, this is my nr. 1 Meanie fic! TwT ♡ I love how You write! So please please, pretty please keep up this fantastic work! We are waiting for You, no matter what! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 12: I read the whole thing, from first chaoter until this latest one again, i could say, the feels is REAL!
Pikachulover_95 #5
Chapter 12: Omg.....I cried! This chapter has too many feels♡♡♡
deliciousyou #6
Chapter 12: Welcome back!! Finally meanie!!
leeyaaawon317 #7
Chapter 12: im happy that u r back darlingggg !!
leeyaaawon317 #8
Chapter 12: this chapter issaaaa good and melted duh omg , im happy that mingyu finally confess to wonwoo and they're gonna adopt chan together !!
leeyaaawon317 #9
Chapter 11: im so omg girllll i really fckin like this kind of story (meanie !!) u know what I've searching this kind of story for a very longggg time and when i found you dear and all the chapter is srsly daebakkkk aww u such good in writing story .. i envy that :( so i hope you can continue back to this story and i looking forward !! love yaaaaaa