It all started with a smash on the head


Shinjoukou, Japan


"Yah! Kim Mingyu, do i have to see you sulk everyday after woking up?"


Seungcheol, Mingyu's cousin ranted when he woke up, seeing Mingyu sulk, AGAIN, first thing in the morning. It's been a month or 2 since Mingyu went to Japan to start a fresh new life likewhat his mom said. Seungcheol was very happy at first, finally meeting his cousin again after a long time but seeing Mingyu looking at the space is another story and it made him feel so iritated in his cousin's actions.


"just get over with that guy, geez gyu, it's been a month and he may probably forget about you since you said he was in coma when you got locked behind a metallic bars."


Mingyu thought of moving on but something bothers him. it was late at night, after the day he went to Japan, when someone calls him and it displays 'My Wonnie only <3' and when he answerd it, he was being asked like 'are you a friend? you're no.1 in my favorites.'


Wonwoo really did forget about him. But he wishes every night that the memories they made still locked inside Wonwoo's mind. 


"sigh, what do i do with you..."


Mingyu said sorry and decided to truely wake up and starts making his way to the bathroom. He has his own room but it reminds him of Wonwoo too much since his room was organized like what Wonwoo's. The bed near the window with a black side table and a circular lamp, the book shelf near the walk in closet, the flat screen T.V on the wall infront of his bed with a thin table underneath with two cactus plant on a pot and a journal that contains lots of their pictures. It looks exactly the same with Wonwoo's room and Mingyu suddenly felt that being destined with the latter was too much since they're now apart and all the things around him reminds him of Wonwoo. it was frustrating for him so he decided to sleep in Seungcheol's room for a while yet the other was the one who is feeling more frustrated.




"Oh morning, sit and have a breakfast." 


The maid smile that goes by the name, Ichio. She's japanese but knows how to speak korean so, the boys can confidently communicate with her since she understands them. Mingyu and Cheol sat infront of each other.


The table was filled with some korean style foods. But Mingyu don't feel like eating. He stands up that made Ichio and Cheol look at him confuse..


"i..... lost my apetite." 


He said and headed upstairs but this time, he didn't made his way to Seungcheol's room but to his own. 




Seoul, South Korea


Wonwoo was on his way to the subway.He told his dad that he's going to Changwon where his grandparents (his mom's side) live. Wonwoo already forgave Mr. Jeon, he's still his dad afterall and Mr. Jeon admitted that it's his fault, he's the person behind Wonwoo's accident, although he forgave him, he will not forget what Mr. Jeon did to him and to that someone else. 


He patiently walk down the street, he knows that he's making his way to the subway but then he's taking the opposite route and it leads him to this garden with bridge. Upon seeing the scenery infront of him, he suddenly remembered something, a tree with names carved on it. Running to reach the familiar direction, he finally saw it, he really wanted to know who's that person. He walks towards it, he saw his name inside the heart but then, the name under his was not legible enough for him to read. Sighing in defeat of finding that mysterious person, he made his way to exit the garden, again he saw something, a bridge with a pond underneath and a big tree at the end of it, he started to take a step forward but his phone rang. 




The other line is on silent and nothing can be heard but a shuffling sound. Wonwoo looked at the caller i.d. Unknown number. Wonwoo just shrugged and ended the call. He finally walk the route going to the subway. 






A *crack* sound filled the silent living room. Mingyu accidentaly hit a vase, not just a vase, it cost half a million and their grandmother gave it to Seungcheol because he trust his grandson that he will take extra care of it, but Mingyu just happened to be clumsy. Mingyu mouthed a sorry to his now frustrated cousin. 





Mingyu look at Seungcheol cluelessly. Seungcheol doesn't know whether he would tell Mingyu that his arm is bleeding or just collapse because he can't stand seeing a blood. Before he could say anything he passed out and Mingyu run to him, Mingyu notice some blood dripping on the floor.


"ooh, that's why he collapsed, i'm bleeding haha." 


He put Seungcheol's arm on his shoulder and drag him to the sofa, he threw his cousin there and went to the kitchen to grab a first aid kit but before he could step forward, he heard a sound that made his head hurts, he can't hear anything only the long *ting* sound. 


He closed and opened his eyes, expecting that it could lessen the pain but nothing happens, it became more loud. Mingyu can't handle it and so he fell on the floor.




"are you a friend? you're no.1 in my favorite."




Ichio shouted but Mingyu can't hear him until the long *ting* faded and he no longer hear that terrifying sound. 




"uh.. oh Ichio."


"are you okay?"




yeah, i guess.




Kira: YAS THE UPDATE IS DONE! i hope this story isn't getting complicated though it really is. ;) i don't know what chapter in this story will start the angst part, because i still don't know what i'm going to do with this fic. I only planned the beggining and ending. (stupid me) and i think the ending will be a cliffhanger? (SPOILER!!!!!!!!) i guess i'll make it as an open ending and you decide what will be the true ending.... I'M STILL DECIDING SO NO NEED TO WORRY OKAY? :)))) The next chapter will be 5 years later~~~~ let the time skip because i'm lazy~~ 


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p.s: SEVENTEEN is so active in their SNS accounts~~~ 

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Chapter 7: Weren't they filming One Fine Day? Or is it out yet?
Chapter 5: Oh OH YEAH THE STORY IS GONNA BE ANGSTY NOW (well more angsty I mean)
Chapter 3: Ok, i take back what i said for the previous chapter!
Chapter 3: Oh no. I think I regretted what I said.
I want to know the reason so badly but I'll wait
niel-ie #5
Chapter 2: looks like his dad doesnt like mingyu:((
Chapter 2: Mr Jeon is a great person