




Years passed, Mingyu and Wonwoo are now in 2nd year college, works in school became so complicated so does their relationship. Wonwoo's dad is becoming suspicious in everything Wonwoo will do. Like getting home late, don't forget to mention those hickeys that adds a fuel to the fire. 


They've been hiding their relationship for almost 5 years. They're now preparing for what will come, either it's a happy ending or tragedy, they're ready for it. Wonwoo's dad asked him where did he get those hickeys but Wonwoo will simply said that there are so many mosquitos in his room, he thought his father's suspicion will not get too far but he's wrong. When he thought that everything was fine, he regreted not being able to tell Mingyu those suspicions from his dad.




"yes dad?"


Wonwoo just got home from Mingyu's apartment, it was already 10 pm since They studied together for the upcoming Mid terms exam. Their sweetness to each other is their strength.


"tell me the truth."


Wonwoo was sweating, he's getting nervous, this is it. No more hiding. 


"do you, by any chance have a boyfriend?"


Wonwoo shooked his head, he knows that his dad is a perfectionist and want to have grandsons since Wonwoo is his only son. 


"don't worry Wonwoo, this is what you want. I won't hate you for being like this. I'll always support your decisions, by the way, invite him to have dinner with us tomorrow night, okay?"


This is unbelievable, he didn't expect this to happen but he's just so happy that he just smiled at his dad before going to his room. 


Everything was fine. 


He thought. He immediately grab his handphone and dials Mingyu's number. 


[why are you still up? i told you to sleep early right?]


"yeah yeah, whatever you say and heck it's already 10 pm."


[you should sound irritated but your tone was happy. something happened good?]


"dad wanted to invite you for tomorrow night's dinner."


Wonwoo can't help but to smile, after hiding it for years, they can be legal now. 


[really?! i'm a father now?! woah!]




[oh, sorry. i should clean my ears now.]




[well, i think everything was fine. right?]


Wonwoo didn't answer because he was busy smilling but Mingyu can see that Wonwoo is smilling.


[you must be so happy.]


"yeah... oh, Min Shin's still up? you're noisy."


[don't worry, she's still awake and she's doing her homework.]


"tell her to finish it fast so she'll be able to get rest."


[why aren't you not telling me this kind of sentences?]


"yah shut up and just tell her..."


Their phone conversation was unexpectedly long though they always talk for like 4-5 hours straight. Wonwoo's dad was peeking in his door, Mr. Jeon smiled at his son, eventhough he wanted to have a grandson, he will always choose Wonwoo's happiness first. afterall he's his son. 




Wonwoo went to his university happily. Eventhough Mingyu's University is far from his, he can't just erase those smile. While he was waiting at the bus stop someone approached him. It was a guy, maybe younger than him.


"goodmorning, can i ask a question?"


"you're already asking."


Wonwoo said playfully and just nodded his head.


"do you happen to know where 177 Block 13, Hakkyeoju street?"


Wonwoo told the guy where he should go, he got a paper and a pen and there he draw the direction. After 2 minutes, he gave back the guy's paper. 


"thank you."


The guy said and bowed, Wonwoo just smiled and the guy started walking while looking at the paper. When a bus halt infront of Wonwoo he suddenly realized....


"isn't that my address?"


He just shrug it off and went inside the bus.




Night has come and Wonwoo was waiting outside his house, he was waiting for Mingyu. When he saw a car stopped infront of him, he suddenly felt those butterflies inside his stomach. 


"let's go."


Wonwoo said excitedly and held Mingyu's hand. They went inside Wonwoo's house and went directly to the dinning room. 


"hello, Mr. Jeon, I'm Wonwoo's boyfriend Kim Mingyu."


Mingyu said and bowed politely. Mr. Jeon just finished putting the dishes on the table. It was quite a lot.


"Heol dad, it's like a fiest."


Wonwoo's dad smiled and gesture them to sit. Mr. Jeon takes a seat too afterwards.


"So, Mingyu, you're quite handsome."


Mr. Jeon praised and Mingyu bowed at him and said thanks. 


"will you introduce yourself again?"


Mingyu stand up and bowed again.


"hello Mr. Jeon, I'm Wonwoo's boyfriend, Kim Mingyu."




"ah yes Mr. Jeon."


Mr. Jeon's face suddenly became blank like he was thinking of something. Mingyu take a sit again. 


"so Mingyu, wouldn't your parents worry? i invited you.... late."


"i don't have parents Mr. Jeon."


"i'm sorry to hear but all that was born have parents, right?"


Mingyu shooked his head and Mr. Jeon looked at Wonwoo like asking why Mingyu suddenly sulk and Wonwoo mouthed 'listen'


"They died Mr. Jeon. My mother died while giving birth to my sister and my father died in a car accident while on his way to the hospital."


"i'm sorry to hear that....."


The dinning room's atmosphere became so silent and awkward.


"forget about it Mingyu, as long as they have loved you before they die is enough. Let's just enjoy the meal."


Mr. Jeon smiled and Mingyu smiled too. 




After dinner, Mr. Jeon suggested Mingyu to stay over but Mingyu immediately declined the offer but he said he will be staying just a little more. The couple went to Wonwoo's room, Wonwoo directly sat on his swivel chair infront of his laptop. 


"Just say if you wanted me to leave now."


Wonwoo looked at him and shakes his head while smiling. Mingyu sat at the edge of Wonwoo's bed, he looked around. He saw a glass divider, and inside was the Stuff toys that he gave to Wonwoo, well there's a lot because Wonwoo's bed was filled with stuff toys too despite of having a very large glass divider. He saw Wonwoo's book shelf, it was well organized by genre though there's so many books at the left of the shelf which was all fanfictions. 


He look at the table beside Wonwoo's bed, he smiled sadly. He held a picture frame of Wonwoo with his family, including his mom who had died just a few years ago and Wonwoo's still affected but he never showed it infront of everyone like his friends, he doesn't want to worry them. Mingyu cursed under his breath when his head suddenly hurt like someone was punching it continuously. He put down the frame and saw Wonwoo busy typing on his laptop. 


"i... I should get going now. sleep early." 


Mingyu said while walking towards Wonwoo. He kissed him on his forehead when Wonwoo turned around. Wonwoo can sense that something is wrong. 


"what's the matter?" 


"my head hurts, but don't worry it's not that serious. sleep early, okay?"


Wonwoo just nodded his head and watch Mingyu until he closed the door. They never said 'i love you' to each other. not from the two insist nor bother to say it. how can be a 5-year couple doesn't say i love you to each other? it was kind of strange, right? 


Wonwoo continued typing on his laptop. He had to pass this essay tomorrow so he is really on rush. 5 minutes passed after Mingyu left the unfamiliar Jeon Resident when Mr. Jeon knocks on his door. 


"come in dad."


Wonwoo said almost like a whisper but Mr. Jeon still heard it. He opens the door and saw Wonwoo busy typing. Mr. Jeon clears his throat and thay indicates that he wants to stop Wonwoo from what he was doing. Wonwoo stand up and bowed at his father whilst saying sorry. 


"can we talk for a minute? in my office?"


"about what?"


"about Mingyu."




(just invented that 'hakkyeoju' thingy)


Kira: sorry folks! i didn't update last tuesday? am i correct? something came up and i needed to finished whatever stuff it is. I'm very sorry, but here's the 2nd update so don't cha worry. and i'll update as soon as i thought of what will happen on that chapter. I will not promise (ㅠㅠ) to update tomorrow because that's what i said on the last update and i didn't do it, sorry again! subcribes and upvotes are really much appreciated, it will be nice if you comment your thoughts about this story too so, keep on reading and suporting! i didn't re-read this chapter so, grammatical errors are present so sorry for that! uhm, see you on the next chapter! thank you. <3 

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Chapter 7: Weren't they filming One Fine Day? Or is it out yet?
Chapter 5: Oh OH YEAH THE STORY IS GONNA BE ANGSTY NOW (well more angsty I mean)
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Chapter 2: Mr Jeon is a great person