Youngji and Mingyu


Kira: i just wanted to say sorry if i've ever confused you from the last chapter because Mingyu's "mom" went to the police station yet in the 'Dinner?' chapter, Mingyu said that he doesn't have parents since they've already died. so here's the explanation. 





"auntie, do you really need to act and shout at the police station?"


"aigoo, Gyu, my son. I needed to, i need to make them believe that i'm not an acquiatance."


Upon hearing to what his aunt had said, he look out the window. His aunt, Kim Youngji, his father's older sister, is the one who's taking care of Mingyu although Mingyu decided to live on his own, Youngji is still responsible on everything Mingyu will do. 


"oh, how's Seungcheol hyung?"


"He's in Japan waiting for you."


Youngji looked at his nephew with worried look. She feels so sorry about the teenage boy being orphaned in such a young age, it must've been so hard for him.  


"Son? why did they lock you?"


Mingyu still feel the uneasiness whenever Youngji will call him son, and what Youngji did earlier at the station made Mingyu wanted to break down and miss the mother's touch yet he thought of Youngji as his own mother too for Youngji took care of him when that incident happen and he wanted to repay his aunt's kindness by moving out of Youngji's comfy home to lessen the burden on her shoulder. Youngji really took care of him, she becames like a true mother of Mingyu. 


"Wonwoo's dad said that i hit Wonwoo last night. but really, thanks to Mrs. Joo. She save me from that Bars of lies."


Youngji smiled. She can see his brother (Mingyu's dad) in Mingyu's action but then she something came to her mind that made her serious. 


"Wonwoo's dad?" 




Mingyu nodded his head. He continues ranting about how could Mr. Jeon point a finger on him eventhough it was a lie... Youngji seems out of her mind. 


Wonwoo's dad...


"Auntie, why do i have to go to Japan?"


"you're in danger here.."


Youngji muttered but enough for Mingyu to hear.




"uhm nothing? Seungcheol just missed you tho."


Youngji smiled that made Mingyu more suspicious. Something's wrong, he can't just put a finger what is it. 


In the past years, Youngji remembered the time when she met Wonwoo. That's why he's face looks so familiar... i get it.


She met Wonwoo after Mingyu told Wonwoo that his parents are already cold and buried under the land. She remembers when she called Mingyu 'son', Wonwoo's shocked face really reminds her of someone. Then she explains that Mingyu once lived in her house and that she started calling him 'son' eventhough Mingyu is still sensitive of that word. Youngji wanted to get rid of Mingyu's sad past by letting him face his fears such as being called 'son' and calling Youngji 'mom.' 


"What about Wonwoo, now, sweetie?" 


Mingyu cringe at the word, Youngji just love giving teenage boys some cute nicknames.


"i don't know what to do, he's in coma there's a big chance he might forget about me but i think it's better in that way."


Mingyu said in pain. What can he do if Mr. Jeon already disagreed their relationship right? he can't and wouldn't do anything that can harm him or either Wonwoo. Wonwoo is in a critical condition now and Mingyu couldn't just care less. He's damn worried about the latter. what if he didn't wake up? he can't stand loosing another person whom he love the most.  He closed his eyes while opening the car's window, feeling the breeze that touch his cheeks. 


Eveything will be fine..... 




5 Weeks later




Wonwoo slowly opens his eyes. everything's white in his perspective and then he realize that he's in a hospital room.


"why am i here?"


"a car hit you 5 weeks ago. i'm really worried, i thought you wouldn't wake up."


Mr. Jeon said, deceiving Wonwoo by his fake worried face. Wonwoo looked at him emotionless that made Mr. Jeon furrowed his brows.


"who are you?"


Mr. Jeon widened his eyes and he tried to tell Wonwoo that he is his dad but was taken a back when Wonwoo said another thing. 


"aren't you the one who put me here?"




"am i your son?"


Mr. Jeon was shocked by Wonwoo's behavious towards him. 


"i'm really am your dad. i'll go buy some ramen and try to remember me."


Mr. Jeon walk out of his room hurriedly. Wonwoo smirks, he still remembers everything, everything including the memories of being in a relationship with someone. 


"i just threw that out, he never feel so uneasy in his life, maybe it's true."


Wonwoo remembered being taken away from his boyfriend but the problem is. He can't remember the guy's face nor name. 






Kira: i'm backkkk! woohoo! i just really wanted to update since i woke up late and ended up not going to school and bro, it's monday, i really hate mondays. but yeah, here's an explanation if ever i made you confused from the last chapter but let's just move on about that since the explanation was already revealed. 


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