Chapter 3: I am stupid...right?

Then our friendship isn't good enough ?

Chapter 3: I am stupid...right?

???: What's wrong? You don't seem going very well...Are you alright? What's wrong?

???: Yes I am fine don't worry but I have to tell you that...I think I am gay...

???: How comes you to mind that you are gay Seungcheol?

Seungcheol think that he mights be gay...but why did he didn't talk to me about that? Does his thoughts were before our fight or after?...-Jihoon

Seungcheol: I don't know I feel strange with Jeonghan everytime I see him I feel like my heart beat faster and faster... Minghao can you help me? I think I fall in love with Jeonghan...I don't know how to react...

So he talks with Minghao..about jeonghan of course he would lie to me with those love things...I am not important for him after all... he lie to me that I am important for him... when something goes wrong he will see me and talk to me but is not like that anymore... So why do I stress for that? I'm not suppose to stress.. anyways I have to go to sleep but I have to wait until Minghao and Seungcheol finish their conversation oh god my heart...-Jihoon

Minghao: I guess the line ''I don't know how to react'' is about you confronting the reaction of Jihoon right? I don't think Jihoon will kill you just because you might like Jeonghan right? He is your friend since you are 9 years old right?

Seungcheol: Yes but do not tell everyone about Jeonghan thing please! Specially to Jihoon because I'm scared...

Minghao: Why are you scared of Jihoon? You have another fight with him I guess? He will forgive you don't worry! He always do!

Seungcheol: Yes...I have another fight with Jihoon and I think he will never forget me this time...We start to scream at each other! I...

Minghao: Seungcheol...Even if you scream at him and he scream back..he might be scared to...and you know it! You can't deny it

Seungcheol: But...I...

Minghao: No BUT! Don't say that you are scared of him because you know that he will always forgive you and he can't live without you! He can't be mad at you for years and you know that!

Seungcheol: Sure I know that but what about Jeonghan? How Jihoon will take it?!

Minghao: I told you already Seungcheol! Jihoon might be surprise at first but he will understand! I'm sure of it and I will tell you something but you have to keep a promise

Seungcheol: Sure what is the promise?

Minghao: To not tell everyone about it!

Seungcheol: Of course is a secret between us! So what it is?

Minghao: It's about Jihoon....

Seunghceol: Minghao...Please I will cry if you talk about Jihoon again...I have a fight with him and I have to confront him with my love for someone in the group!

Minghao: But I will tell you about Jihoon anyways because you need that information! Your heart want to know I'm sure of it!

Seungcheol: Ok...

Minghao: You know Jihoon cry every time you and him have a fight...He always come to me and say that he can't control himself...his body tell him to scream at you but he doesn't want to scream...He also say to me that no matter what he will always considering you as his closer friend forever...

Seungcheol: Seriously?!....

Minghao: Of Course I am serious! If I wasn't would I tell you about Jihoon crying?

Seungcheol: No...well we should go to sleep it has been a long day! We have to be ready for tomorrow! We are going to do a activity!

Minghao: Good Idea! We have to be ready for tomorrow!

[They both fall asleep] – [Next day...]

Once again everyone was awake except Jihoon but the manager surprise everyone...

Minghao: How? He was in the dorm last night right?

Hoshi: Yeah he was but he comes late at night he was crying thought...

Minghao look at Seungcheol who seems scared...

Jeonghan: Seungcheol: Are you ok? You seems like you see something scary!

Seungcheol: Oh hum no I am ok don't worry!

Manager: Well Jihoon will stay here today. He need to rest and I need someone to check on him today.

Seungcheol: As the leader of the group I will check on Jihoon manager.

Manager: Ok thanks you Choi Seungcheol. Everyone else we have to go now your activity start in 45 minutes.

Everyone [Except Seungcheol/Jihoon]: Ok!

[When everyone are gone from the dorm...]

Seungcheol go to Jihoon bedroom to check on him and sit on a chair next to Jihoon.

Seungcheol: I'm sorry Jihoon...

Jihoon: For what?!

Seungcheol: Jihoon! I did not know that you were awake...are you alright?

Jihoon: Seungcheol...don't be sorry ok? I am alright don't worry!

Seungcheol: But I will be sorry for everything I shouldn't scream at you! You might be furious at me right? Do you need something?

Jihoon: I don't need anything Seungcheol...and Of course not! I should be the one who say I'm sorry...I scream at you...I am stupid right?

Seungcheol: Ok but tell me when you want something and no you are not...I am the leader...I..

Jihoon: Don't worry I will tell you and no don't blame you because you are the leader...I am a leader to...I should be more responsable...more respectful to you specially are my childhood friend!

Seungcheol: .... Jihoonie....I have to tell you something...but you have to keep it as a secret ok?

Jihoon [He still laying down on his bed]: ok what is about?

Seungcheol: I don't know how you will react but...I think I am in love with someone in the group...

Jihoon: Oh...Well who it is?

Seungcheol: jeonghan...I know I lie to you but I wasn't sure if you will kill me for me loving someone...

Jihoon: Yeah you lie to me but I am ok I will not kill you don't worry! In fact I will help you!

Seungcheol: Really ?!! Thanks you sooo much Jihooniee!!!

Great why do I say that I will help him with his relationship? I am stupid...Why do I feel sad? Why do I want to cry? Is it because I am jealous? No!!! I can't....Am I gay to with Cheol?!! - Jihoon

Seungcheol: I want to know if Jeonghan like me!

Jihoon: Well you can ask him to go somewhere with you!

Seungcheol: Where should I go with him? He might be back at 5:00 pm

Jihoon: Hum...Where do you like to go the most?

Seungcheol: To the cinema!

Jihoon: Then ask him to go to the cinema with you!

Seungcheol: That's a great idea! Thanks you Jihoon! Should I write a letter?

Jihoon: Sure! You should write a letter! You should write it now!

Seungcheol: ok! I be back. Do you want something to eat?

Jihoon: No I am ok thanks you!

Why does he answers like he was about to...cry? I don't know if I am right...but I feel like he was in pain..why do I feel that emotion? - Seungcheol

Why can I say to him what I truly feel about this i can't be in love with him right? But my heart tell me to cry...but I don't want to cry...I need someone else than Seungcheol to comfort me... - Jihoon

[The members come back to their dorm at 5:00 pm]

Jeonghan: Seungcheol can I talk to you for a second?

Seungcheol: Sure! Jihoon are you going to be fine without me?

Jihoon: Yaa of course! I have the other members to help me if I want something.

Seungcheol: Great! See you later!

Seungcheol and Jeonghan quit Jihoon bedroom and go to the park.

Jeonghan: About your invitation...I would like to go!

Seungcheol: Nice! So which movie do you want to watch?

Jeonghan: hum... what about ''Invisible love''

Seungcheol: Sure! Let's go! I already have the permission from the manager

[When they arrived to the cinema]

They buy food, drinks and of course the tickets for the movie. When they sit to their place to watch the movie...

Jeonghan: What do you want to talk about? You say in your letter that you want to talk about something personal

Seungcheol: Hum yea...I want to tell you that...I...might ...

Jeonghan: Don't be nervous Seungcheol you scared me when you are like that!

Seungcheol: I think I am in love....

Jeonghan: with who?

Seungcheol: You...Jeonghan...

Jeonghan: I love you know...

Seungcheol [Surprise by Jeonghan answer]: Really?

Jeonghan: Yes of course! I mean...I was nervous since that Jihoon is your childhood friend I thought that you have a relationship with him in some way...

Seungcheol: Jihoon and me?! No we are just best friend!  That's mean that we are a couple now?

Jeonghan kiss Seungcheol gently on the lips.

Jeonghan: That's answer to your question?

Seungcheol: Yes it does! Let's watch the movie it's start now!

[When the movie finish they went back to the dorm]

When they enter to the dorm...

Minghao: Congrats! I see that you were able to ask Seungcheol!

Jeonghan: Choi...Minghao knew about this?

Seungcheol: But he is the only one...the rest of the group doesn't know!

Jeonghan: least I want them to know by themselves

Seungcheol: As you which love!

Minghao: Ok new lovers! We have to sleep tomorrow we have a lot of work to do! We have to work on our second song ''Adore U''!

Jeonghan: How do you know the title? I didn't even know!

Minghao: Well Jihoon tell me the title while you were gone

Seungcheol: oh Right! He ask me yesterday if I remembrer and he wants me to check if the lyrics were good! I can't wait for the final product!

Jeonghan: Why am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this song!

Seungcheol: you are not alone there's just me and Minghao who knew about this song don't worry! Everyone will know the song tomorrow!

Jeonghan: Ok...then we should sleep! Good night guys!

[The next day..]

To Jeonghan and Seungcheol surprise everyone knew that they were together! Jihoon was the first one to react to this news. Taking everyone to surprise.

Jihoon: ....

I finally finish chapter 3! These days there's a lot of Jicheol moments!!! They are so cute!! Anyways back from my story I just want it to say that you don't have to worry Jicheol moments will be there soon! Do you have any idea for the story? I can mix it to the story and I will give you credit for your ideas of course! :)

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Chapter 10: No it's cool .
jicheol17 #2
Chapter 10: This story is interesting!
Chapter 10: Isnt boring story.... and thanks for the jicheol story.... keep writing hwaitiiing...
Chapter 5:'s not boring i swear...
mumut96 #5
I'm waiting