Chapter 10: Everyone know

Then our friendship isn't good enough ?

Chapter 10: Everyone know

Jeonghan: Can I talk to you Seungcheolie?

Seungcheol: Sure, where do you want to talk?

Jeonghan: At the kitchen?

Seungcheol: Sure! See you later Jihoo---

Jihoon: Yeah see tou lat----

Minghao: Jihoon-hyung!!! I need to talk to you!

Mingyu: Me to I need to talk to you Jihoon!

Jihoon: Alright calm down...let's go to my bedroom....

With Seungcheol and Jeonghan....

Jeonghan: Seungcheolie.... I want to tell you something maybe it will shock you....

Seungcheol: what is it? You don't seems okay....

Jeonghan: I ...

Joshua: Jeonghani---oh Seungcheol sorry ....I didn't know that you were back I did not heard anything I let you guys talk together

Seungcheol: It's okay don't worry Joshua

Joshua smile and went back to his bedroom.

Jeonghan: I want to tell you that we should broke up...

Seungcheol : Oh.....

Jeonghan: I know that it's kinda surprising....but I think's the best decision for us...I mean....I feel like you love Jihoon & I won't lie that right now...I love Joshua...

Seungcheol: Wait you lie to me? To your hyung? That you already have a boyfriend?

Jeonghan: I...I've been a couple with Joshua when you quit with Jihoon I'm sorry....I...

Seungcheol: You know what? It's perfectly fine don't worry....because I've been a couple with Jihoon ...for a while now....

Jeonghan: Oh...then we are cool with each other right? No hard feelings?

Seungcheol: Yes we are! & No hard feelings don't worry!

Jihoon was right...I should have listeen to my heart after all – Seungcheol

I knew that this will happens....I should know from the beginning that Seungcheol did not really love me...- Jeonghan

With Jihoon, Mingyu, Minghao [Jihoon's bedroom]

Jihoon: What do you guys want to talk about ...wait let me guess, Seungcheol right?

Minghao: We can never hide something from you...

Jihoon: Well it's kinda two talk to me about Seungcheol almost everytime that you see me.

Mingyu: He is right Minghao...

Minghao: Yea it's true...but..we talk about him because he loved you!

Jihoon: I know that

Mingyu: Oh oka---wait what?

Minghao: So what's going on with him?

Jihoon: We are...

Mingyu: Together?

Jihoon: Ye--

Minghao: This is so anwsome!

Someone enter without warned

Wonwoo: Sorry to interupt....but I just heard what Jihoon say and it's not really su--

Mingyu: Don't break the mood!

Wonwoo: But--

Mingyu: Wonwoo-hyung!

Jihoon: you two should be together if you guys are not.

Wonwoo: look who say that...

Jihoon: what? Do you want to have a guitar on your head?

Wonwoo: No..Sorry.

Jihoon: You better be! So you guys are together?

Mingyu: Yea...but don't tell others please!

Jihoon: Well hard to hide it everyone know...I mean everyone had suspicion

Minghao: Jihoon's right.

Wonwoo: Oh boy but same for you Jihoon, everyone know about Seungcheol and you I mean... you being's to obvious!

Jihoon: YA! I'm not obvious...okay maybe a little bit but wherever I or you or every member lied.....

Wonwoo: I understand it's true we are so close that we can't lie to each other...

Mingyu: Yea...but you are with Seungcheol! What will happens when Je---

Someone enter without knocking at the door...

Seungcheol: Hey Mingyu & Mingh---oh Wonwoo is here you guys have finish with Jihoonie?

Minghao: All yours! Oh by the way did you break up with....

Seungcheol: yea he broke up with me because he loved Joshua

Jihoon: So basically he cheat on y--

Seungcheol: Well when I ask you out tonight... he ask Joshua out at the same time....well that's what he told me....

Minghao: you guys were'nt for each other! Now I'm sure that you guys are for each other!

Seungcheol: Oh well I got support! Look at---oh boy we can't lie here, everyone know when we do

Minghao: At the end of the day everything come back to normal ev--

Jun: Hey little ba--

Minghao: Yea?

Mingyu: look like we are all in couple except--

Someone enter in the room....

Dino: Hey! I got a date guys !!!!

Jihoon: Wow everyone is coming out from nowhere! There's to many people here!

Seungkwan: I'M COMING!!!!

Jihoon: omg...

Hansol: WITH ME!!!!

Dokyeom: I'm here!

Rest of the members: we are here to!

Jihoon: oh my!

Joshua: God!

Seungcheol: Ya! That's my line.... :(

Joshua: Sorry!

Jeonghan: Don't be it's okay!

Jihoon: Don't be sooo girly Jeonghan-hyung!

Everyone laughs and they all went to bed because they have a big day tomorrow!

*2019* (but it's this year just the story start at the year 2017)

Seungcheol: hey baby!!

Jihoon: uhg! What's wrong Cheolie to wake me up that e--

Seungcheol: Samuel debut!!!

Seungcheol say it soo loud that...

Everyone in the dorm: HE DEBUT OMG OUR MUEL!!!

Jihoon: Wow I am the only one who didn't k---

Seungcheol: Sorry! But now he want to do a webcam!

Jihoon: Cool now I am awake let's do this webcam with Muel everyone so I can sleep more!

Minghao: Jihoon will never change!

Everyone laugh except Jihoon....he stare at Minghao....a death glare....

Minghao: Sorry!!!

Jihoon: Yeah whatev----hey Muel!

Samuel: Hey hyungs!


Sorry boring ending :( But I hope you enjoy it & like it! :) It's the end of the story but don't worry I will make another one when I finish my other stories!

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Chapter 10: No it's cool .
jicheol17 #2
Chapter 10: This story is interesting!
Chapter 10: Isnt boring story.... and thanks for the jicheol story.... keep writing hwaitiiing...
Chapter 5:'s not boring i swear...
mumut96 #5
I'm waiting