Author's Note

Eternal Diversion

Firstly..i want to say sorry..

Starting from 1 mom and dad will limit my on9 time..

They maybe will not let me on9 everyday..

so...give me around 3days-1 weeks(if not busy with request)

and 1-2 weeks if too many request..

school life is killing me and my partner...haha...

will close shop everytime me or her having TOO many works

sorry...we will be very busy sometimes..

I hope you can understand us ^^

You know how's school life right?


Sorry ^^

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we moved. check out or read foreword ^__^


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Leeraneul #1
Chapter 12: my daughterr.. lol
Chapter 18: There's no delete button on my laptop, just 'backspace button' /sobs.
Minminjee #3
Chapter 29: thankyouuu!!! ^^
Chapter 15: I dunno how to put a sentence/word in GIMP.. sorry Im a noob at editing pictures using GIMP >.> can you help me?
x-seoulmate #5
aww, thank you for making another one. :D
m0zarts0nata-- #6
please read the last chapter T.T
x-seoulmate #7
i love the tutorials here. ♡
oh-raindrop #8
keke, i subbed xD
even though it's close, but i like to tutorials c:
this is good