Junmyeon / Suho

Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)


"If only you knew....." I have been a loyal right hand man to Lana since she was eighteen.  However, that had never made blind to her faults.  For a time, I even fancied myself in love with her.  Until I finally realized that I love her like I loved my sister.  I thought I would be the one to save her from herself.  Well apparently it's this guy.  Hopefully he can help her from destroying everyone around her.  I took me years to realize that she's lashing out in pain and not because she's evil incarnate like everyone around her thinks.

Flashback.....I saw her standing in the middle of the crowd with a drink in one hand and a phone in the other.  She was wearing a smile that looked more like a sneer as she hid her lips in her drink.  Her clothes and heels screams " me" but her aura screams "come near me and I will kill you!"
I turned away from her, I don't need trouble.  I have a mountain of them.  I borrowed heavily from someone so that I can pay for my sister's treatment.  I have no idea how to pay him back.  I have even less idea what to do with myself if my sister does not survive her leukemia.  She's the only family I have left.  

She walked into my nightmare and saved me.  I was bloodied and beaten on the ground.  Being reminded that the loan I took out is past due.  There was no fear in her eyes as she walked straight up to my loan shark and asked how much I owed.  He laughed at her face and  mentioned a sum triple of what I borrowed.  I whined in protest but was silenced by one of the thugs.  She gave him a card and told him to show it to her bank tomorrow at eleven in the morning.  

The following day I was at my sister's bedside, willing her to hold on when the doors opened and she walked in.  My debts were fully paid.  She never asked for anything in return.  Two days later, she and I were the only people beside my dead sister's bed.  Grief  took over me completely.  It was several weeks later before I realized that my sister was buried and I never actually made any arrangement.  Lana did everything while I was wallowing in grief. 

I found Lana in the last place I thought of looking for her.  She was standing at the foot of my sister's grave.  Haltingly I started to express my thanks for everything she's done but paused when she slowly looked up to face me.  Her eyes were completely dead.  But her words would forever stay with me.  "I envy her.  She doesn't have what I have.  And yet even in death, she still has more than I ever did." 

I took her home with me that night.  I was her first lover and until recently, her only lover as far as I knew.  We were two broken souls who later found friendship and loyalty instead of love.  I will forever be in her debt.  She's always going to be my dongsaeng. 


"Baekhyun, find that file we have on Jungmyeon and send it to me"
"Let it go Chan, she's with you now.  Whatever they had between them is long over I told you that"
Chanyeol ignored him and continued with his instructions.  "Ask Xiumin to review that file and dig up dirt.  I need leverage on this guy."

"Chan...." Baekhyun started but was cut off.  He shouted a few choice expletives at the now disconnected phone before throwing it on a nearby couch.  Kai jumped up holding a wicked blade, he was blinking sleepily looking around with a very  confused expression.  "Go back to sleep Kai.  I'm sorry I forgot you were sleeping there.  Why don't you go home. You still have the night shift tonight."  

Kai sleepwalked back to the couch.  "No thanks.  I'll make do here.  Sehun has his girlfriend over at our place.  They've been going at it like bunnies for the last few days" I swallowed a laugh at this.  Everybody knew what a toad the maknae is.  "Why don't you crash at Taemin's then?"  Kai raised his head to glare at me sleepily.  "Minho-hyung just got a new girl.  We were both told to stay away from the place and stop flirting with her" he dropped his head face down on the pillow and muttered "as if I would, Krystal will have my balls if I even look at anybody else..."   Baekhyun started laughing at this.  "Well why don't you stay over at Krystal's then."  Kai raised his head again and blinked a few times, "I can't Jessica Noona is staying over there right now." He whined, "You know what's worse?  Chanyeol hyung keeps forgetting that we can hear and see everything !!!!  You would think he has been a monk who just found out the pleasures of ," he said in disgust.

Baekhyun was rolling around the floor laughing by this point. 

CHANYEOL'S P.O.V. - Flashback 

She went home with him that night and never left his bed until morning.  I wanted to kill The bastard.  I wanted to die.  I settled for drinking myself into oblivion for the next few days.  I took home and ed a different girl every night.  I stopped only because Baekhyun and Yixing nearly drowned me in coffee to sober me up.  They had to knock me over a few times.   That and the reality that even if she falls in love with Jungmyeon or anybody else, I wouldn't stop loving her.

So I watched from afar, even though I felt like my heart was bleeding every time they are together.  Protecting her and loving her is something I would do for the rest of my life.  It was months before I noticed that apart from that night, they never had another ual encounter again, and that they treated each other more like siblings and friends than lovers.  It gave me hope.

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.