
Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

There was a lot of crying and screaming involved.  Tao was crying a lot.  Chanyeol was screaming out curses at everyone.  In between contractions I would laugh hysterically.   The guys practically ran at breakneck speed to the helipad after I announced that my water broke.  

Lay flew the the building next to us.  

The big university hospital that my father had built on our land was right next door.  Lay quickly killed the motor and ran to meet with his colleague.  Chanyeol could not hear anything from his seat inside the chopper.  Kai and Tao were too busy trying not lose anymore of their cool. (Yeah right!). They scrambled to be the next one out of the chopper.  

Chanyeol struggled to get out as I was tightly gripping his hand this time.  As soon as this contraction passed, he lifted me out of the chopper and gently placed me on the stretcher that Lay managed to get with his colleague.  They pushed the stretcher so fast into the building all I can see were flashes of light.  My contractions were not that strong or too soon yet but they were all acting like I'm about to drop this baby.

As we turned a corner, I glanced on a bank of Windows and noticed that the chopper has gone back to my building.  Sehun must have flown it.  Lay is still running beside Chanyeol right now.  Some of the other guys could not wait.  I can see Baekhyun rapidly approaching on a zipline.  Good.  He can catch Chanyeol if my husband passes out.

"Lay, Chanyeol, please slow down.  The baby is not going to come that fast.  My contractions are not that strong yet either.  We have time.  This is a first baby." I touched the hand that my husband has tightly gripped on the stretcher.

"I know Lana.  But remember we already discussed this, your hip bone are too narrow where as your baby is too large.  I was also afraid that you were starting to show the first signs of pre-eclampsia.  You needed a specialty team of obstetricians and neonatologist.  That's why we went out of the fortress." Lay patted my hand as he continued to keep pace with the stretcher I was on.

"Wait what?"  Chanyeol froze in his tracks and everybody just naturally stopped running.

"There's a possibility that Lana needs emergency C-section to deliver this baby.  The fortress is not capable of handling a sick newborn.  The day before we left, Lana asked me not to tell you until we get here about this possibility.  We were planning on getting her admitted after dinner." Lay explained quickly to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was turning pale and Lana was sure he was going to pass out.  Baekhyun arrived on scene at that moment, "Yah, don't pass out now! Your wife and daughter needs you." He reminded Chanyeol gently as he gave him a comforting shoulder pat.  Chanyeol shook his head and looked down at me.  His expression was unreadable.  "Next time don't hide something like this from me.  I need to be prepared.  In case you have forgotten, Luhan is still out there somewhere." He gently told me as he bent to kiss the top of my head.

"I won't.  I promise.  I was going to tell you.  Lay and I were just afraid you would bring an entire hospital to the Fortress if we discussed it with you then."

"Okay everyone, enough with the chitchat, let's move." Baekhyun commanded.  Chanyeol and him made eye contact and gave each other nods.  Everyone knew what that meant.  Baekhyun now has command of the team.  Chanyeol will focus on being a husband and father right now.

Eight hours later

My screams were getting louder and Chanyeol was turning paler.  My grip on his hand has turned into a death grip.  The pain I feel is beyond compare.  "Channie!!!!!"  I was screaming into his ear.  Somewhere down there my obstetrician was trying to deliver my baby. 

"Mrs. Park, I'm sorry but it looks like Dr. Zhang was right.  This baby will be in trouble if you try to deliver lly.  Her heart rate is dropping too much.  I need your permission to start a C-Section operation now." the obstetrician was sweating bullets behind her mask.  She was pretty worried about this mother and child.

"Do it!" The couple shouted at the same time.

In a matter of minutes, an entire operating team had prepped for this delicate surgery of bringing a child into this world.  Park Chanyeol was gowned and masked in record time.  He was frightened to death but could not bear to see his wife in anymore pain or to risk losing their child.  He whispered a fervent prayer to all the gods who will hear to keep his family safe.

Outside the Delivery / Operating room, the boys were a mess.  Tao was busy stuffing his face with food, Kai was twirling his blades madly, Suho was yelling on the phone at somebody, Chen and Xiumin were busy on their laptops, Sehun was repeatedly shoving his hair out of his eyes often ending up pulling it while trying to calm down Ellie who was on the other line.  D.O. has gotten more quiet with each passing minute his gaze at the closed door sharp enough to drill holes on it.  Baekhyun was pacing back and forth in the hallway.

Kris is the only one missing.  Initially he was staring out from the window occasionally wincing at a particular loud scream from Lana.  He suddenly stiffened and stepped back.  He threw a gaze at the rest of the men in the room and noted that everybody was distracted.  

"Baekhyun, I'm stepping out for some air.  Update me" Kris indicated his earpiece which Baekhyun gave him earlier.

Baekhyun just nodded while looking at him slightly puzzled.  Kris ignored that look and walked out, his long strides carrying him out of sight immediately.

It suddenly became quiet. The screaming stopped, the crying stopped.  Everyone looked worriedly at the door.  Minutes passed.

Almost a lifetime later, Chanyeol stepped out of the doors.  He looked exhausted.  Baekhyun stepped closer to his friend and wordlessly asked an unspoken question that everyone wanted to ask.

"My family is safe.  I have a daughter seven pound and 3 ounces." He stated then his legs folded and Baekhyun caught him.  They half dragged him to a nearby chair.  Everyone started giving relieved smiles and back slaps to Chanyeol.


She's here.

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.