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Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

Warning' only for the mature



Chanyeol stood near the window framed by the early sunrise.  He was frowning slightly as he looked out the window.  His crisp white shirt, black pants, long grey coat made him look taller and more handsome.  He glanced at me and gave me an appreciative gaze before pressing something in his ear. He muttered something quickly on a hidden mic  before he pressed something again.  

"Channie, we need to talk.  I have so many questions and I need answers."  He looked at me worriedly before he nodded. I indicated the seats in the middle of the room. "Let's sit down"

He walked over and sat down on the sofa.  As soon as I got near him he tugged me down to sit on his lap.  I hurriedly slid over to the side and shook my head.  "No. I need to be able to think and I can't do that if I'm on your lap."  He pouted a bit but he turned his body to face me, giving me his undivided attention.

"Will you promise to answer all my questions as honestly and completely as you can?"  He nodded.

"First, what's our connection when we were younger?" He quirked his lips a bit before he replied "our fathers were friends, as close as brothers.  My dad used to bring me over a lot. Sometimes I would even spend the night when our fathers are out for some business dealings."

"Why did you leave me then?" He held my hand and started tracing figures on my palms "Umma, needed to go back to Seoul to be nearer my Halmoni who was sick.  I had no choice, I would never have left you."

"What do you mean when you said you watched over me from afar?"  His fingers stilled for a second before he continued drawing lines and circles on my palm.  "I came back as promised to look for you but by then you were deeply embroiled in your fight against your guardians.  You needed help and I knew only one way to protect you.  I  was good at weapons and martial arts when I was growing up in Seoul, so I got inside the security team that your father left behind to protect you.  I slowly weeded out all traitors and men your guardians had in place and replaced them with my men.  Those that I would trust behind my back." 

"Why didn't you reveal yourself to me in the elevator?" He smiled at that.  "Actually, you threw the entire team out on a loop when you decided to step out of your car that day.  We didn't even know where you were heading.  Yixing had the devil of a time trying to covertly follow you.  I was at the mall a few floors above you keeping an eye on you when you decided to go the service elevator.  I had to run and intercept you just to make sure you stayed safe.  The keypad stunt on the elevator was also unexpected.  At first I didn't tell you who I am because I thought you would recognize me that's why I was so happy talking and joking with you.  It took me awhile to realize that you don't remember me."  He looked a little hurt as he said this.

"Where did you come from when you suddenly jumped in front of me with a gun?"  He smiled sheepishly at this.  "Sorry. That part I can't tell you. Trade secrets for us who are in the security business."

"Okay, last question.....why did you kiss me suddenly at the stairway?"  Chanyeol glared at me this time.  "That bastard pointed a gun at you!  I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.  I had to content myself with an assurance that you are alright!  But I didn't think that a simple kiss would turn me into a toad.  Kyah! I couldn't get enough of you.....I still can't!"

With that Chanyeol yanked me back to sit on his lap and started kissing me.  I smiled as I kissed him back, my arms twining around his neck.  " Channie....ch...chan....Chanyeol!" I put a hand on his chest to stop his kisses. "Mwo?" He asked as he was dipping his head for another kiss.  "The ring you gave me? I can't find it.  I just remembered, I had it with me until I woke up from my accident."  He froze suddenly at this. "What accident?"

"I was in the same car accident that killed my father."  I replied.
"How come I never heard of this?"  
"My guardian at that time didn't want it known so stock value will not drop."
"Oh.  Don't worry about the ring.  I'll buy us a couple ring later". 

He kissed me again, his tongue delving inside my mouth and a coming out to trace my bottom lip.  His left hand was  slowly  ing my blouse,  he pushed it down on my shoulders as his lips trailed kisses down to my cleavage. I can't feel his arousal on my bottom.  He pushed me back on the sofa and covered me with his body as he slid slightly down so that he can continue nuzzling on my cleavage. His right hand was  cupping my , kneading it, and slowly pushing the lace fabric aside to reveal the pink areole  beneath it.  His tongue s out to draw wet circles around my before his mouth closed around it and lightly.  I moaned and trashed my head.  He gave my other the same attention.  I felt the wetness left by his tongue on my s. He looked up at me and gave a wicked grin, he bent his head and maintained eye contact as he blew on my  wet s.  Both s puckered up immediately.  Oh my god!

My turn!  A rose up on my elbows to kiss him back.  Boldly I pushed him back until he was leaning back on a seated position. Quickly I straddled his hips my full skirt fanning out around me.  He smiled happily letting me set the pace of our lovemaking.  I kissed him and let our tongues mate inside our mouths. His left arm was holding me lightly behind my back, his large hand warm between my shoulders.  His right hand went under my skirt.  His eyes flew open when his fingers encountered my wet without any .  I smiled and whispered "Surprise!"

He quickly opened his fly and ed his pants.  He freed his which immediately slid inside my like hot knife over butter.  We groaned at the same time.  I started moving up and down. His fingers found my and started massaging it into a hard button.  Our breaths mingled, Chanyeol was now lifting his hips to meet my movements.  I felt my coming and yelled his name.  He followed almost immediately with his own . 

We were kissing lightly when he flinched. "Dammit Baekhyun what?" Apparently his earpiece managed to stay in place.
"None of your business!" He replied curtly. "Sorry. That was my team member asking why we are delayed going out."
I laughed and spoke near his ear "Tell him you diddled the boss!" 
Chanyeol blushed red and dropped his head on my shoulder. He was muttering something I couldn't catch.
"What did you say?"
"I said the entire security team just heard you.  Baekhyun was in central command today.  Pabo switched the controls so that everyone could hear" Now I'm the one turning beet red.

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.