Epilogue 2 - Baek again

Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

I'm sweating bullets and I can feel my phone vibrating on my pocket.  One way or the other I am in trouble.  Either with Chanyeol or with Mi-kyung (my wife, yes!), at this point it's a 50/50 chance of me not getting an earful.


I ed up so badly, it's only a matter of time before one of them kills me. What did I do, you are  probably asking yourself. Well, I was late in reporting to HQ because I got distracted shopping for baby clothes.  Yes, I'm going to be a father soon.  Certainly tried hard enough. Heh!


Well because I practically bought everything I could see on the baby store, I forgot to go back in time to file my report to HQ. So Chanyeol had to miss the flight he was supposed to take with Lana to Beijing.  Not that she would be alone on the plane.  Yixing and Sehun are flying the plane, Suho is going with her, probably DO as well. If Kai can peel himself off his girlfriend, he would probably go with them too.  Kris and Tao are already there so that's not a problem.  Chanyeol is just a worry wart because it his wife, daughter and son who are going on that plane.  Oh did we forget to mention that Chanyeol and Lana had a son a few months ago?  Suho and Yixing are godfathers this time.


Back to me. Well I dropped my report and ran out as fast as I can before Chanyeol finds me.  I jumped out the elevator shaft to save time. I "borrowed" Sehun's Harley-Davidson from the garage instead of my own car and sped out the garage before my phone started vibrating.  If that's Chanyeol, I am not picking up.


On the other hand, if that's Mi-kyung, she's probably fuming mad.  At this time, everything I just bought for our baby would have arrived via express delivery.  I'm not returning anything like she made me do the last time.  Our baby absolutely needs a jungle gym and swing set.  I don't know how I'm going to assemble that, but we need it. So, I am not answering my phone because I'm going to be home in a few minutes and she can yell all she wants when I am in front of her.  I'll just kiss her senseless.


I parked the large motorcycle behind the mini-van I just bought Mi-kyung.  Once in a while, she finds what I buy useful.  She doesn't need to know that the mini van has bulletproof glass, self-inflating tires, self powered GPS independent of the vehicle's GPS, and enough arsenal to resemble a battle tank.  My babies need to be protected at all costs.  If there's another Luhan out there, I never want them going for my wife or son. (Yes, we made a boy on the first try!)


Mi-kyung was pacing despite her enlarged belly.  Irritation was on every single line of her body. Dang, she looks so kissable.  Too bad I'm too scared to do it this late in her pregnancy or she'd be screaming at me for a different reason.  Well, I guess I have to face her sometime.


"BYUN BAEKHYUN! What did I tell you about buying too much!" Mi-kyung was turning red with anger.


"Hi Babe!?  I love you. How's our little squid?" I gave her a firm back hug and kissed her shoulder.  This way she can't hit me with that rolled up paper she's holding.  I'm a smart man.  I picked the right woman, bedded her and married her all within one week.  I'm not going to wait around for years like Chanyeol did.


(THWACK) She hit my forehead with the papers.  I married a smarter woman.  She fell in love with me didn't she?  Although, maybe not so much right now.  If looks could kill, I'll be dead ten times over right about now.



"Don't try sweet talking me you ....you...idiot!" Mi-kyung was waving the papers under my nose.  So I grabbed the papers, tossed it over my shoulders and captured her lips for a kiss.  I felt her rigid shoulders relaxing and her arms going around me a few heartbeats later.


"I'm still (kiss) mad (kiss) at you (kiss)." She breathlessly told me between kisses.  


"We live in a high rise! Where exactly are we going to put a jungle gym?" 


"How 'bout we buy a house then?  With a backyard for the kids?" I kissed her pert nose before I gently guided her to sit on the couch.


"In the suburbs? First a mini-van, now a house, then what?  Baek, are you sure you're ready for this?" Mi-kyung apparently still thinks I'm not smart enough to recognize the love of my life when I see her.


"Two maybe three more kids?" I asked hesitantly. She glared back at me. 


"Okay?.....How ever many you want to give me as long as we always practice making babies...yow!!!!" Mi-kyung was pinching my ears rather painfully.  I rubbed it with care when she finally let go.


"Baek? Could you go to our bedroom?" Okay, that perked me up! I glanced at her and gave her my best y smile.


"Not that!  Get the suitcase and the car.  My water just broke."


"Eh?" I took off running to the bedroom, grabbed the suitcase, threw it in the trunk of the car and peeled out of the parking lot.  Sehun taught me how to drive faster without crashing the car.  I did a 360 at the end of the block and turned back around.  Right, gotta bring out the baby-momma too.



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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.