Shopping day

Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

Kris is like a pesky older brother you wished you never had.  He irritates me every day, but I won't question his loyalty.  To him family is sacred.  If nothing else he emphasized that I was.........NO.......I am family.  When it comes down to it I know I can trust him with my life.  In comparison, Suho initially attracted me physically.  Having with him was a mistake.  Because of that,  it took some time before I could trust him. 

Luhan, is another matter.  I remember him vaguely from my childhood.  Mostly I remember his singing.  But Chanyeol has always been THE ONE.  When the attempts on my life started, I presumed that it was about the money as usual.  I never thought it was Luhan.  I actually met him again on a blind date a few years ago.  He was handsome, charming and all around ideal boyfriend material.  But he never moved me at all. I don't know why,  but he actually made me uncomfortable.

At the end of the date, he pressed me for another one and was quite insistent.  I politely declined and signaled Kris to accompany me.  I walked away thinking that was the end of it.  I made the mistake of looking back and wished I had not.  Luhan's whole demeanor changed.  I swear he had murder in his eyes. A week later, Kris disappeared without a trace.
I was sitting on the couch with my feet up and lying across Chanyeol's lap.  He was busy reading a report.  Baekhyun is in one corner playing an online game, and losing it seems. Kai is asleep on the opposite couch, Sehun is on the phone with Ellie again, D.O. is cooking something in the kitchen, Tao and Xiumin are tasting everything that D.O. puts down on the table, Jongdae left with Suho yesterday to take care of some business, and Yixing is wandering around somewhere in this fortress.

I have now fully healed and very much bored out of my mind.  Time to drive everybody crazy.

"Channie, can you bring someone over from outside?" I asked him as I sat up an pushed the hair out of his eyes. "Hmm?? Sure.  Let Sehun and Kai pick up your visitor.  Just let them know when you want this to happen." He replied a bit distracted by his reports.

"Yah! Kai, Sehun! You heard him right?" I yelled and threw a pillow at Kai who neatly caught it without opening an eye.  Sehun raised an eyebrow. 

"Can you bring Ellie and Krystal here?" I asked.  Kai nearly fell from the couch trying to stand up. "Jinja???. They asked simultaneously grinning like two love sick idiots.  "Yeah.  Just ask them if they would do me a favor." They both nodded like puppies. 

"Ask them to go to the mall and buy me some pretty, feminine tops and bigger pants.  I also want a bunch of feminine stuff like make-up, deodorant, shampoo, lotions, perfume, etc.  I will give you a list and my card.  Go shopping with them before coming back here."  I smiled when I saw Kai and Sehun turning green at the word shopping.  

"Someone's going shopping?" Tao walked in a spoon.  I pointed at the two on the opposite couch.  "Great! I'm coming with you!"

Baekhyun sudden popped up behind Kai and Sehun startling them.  "I'm coming too!  I'm going to make an appointment at the hair salon.  I'm thinking of going pink this time."

Xiumin and D.O. walked in at this time.  "If you guys are going then we are going too.  We need more groceries, we are running out of food here.  Lana, do you want me to buy you cheesecake?" Xiumin looked over while he started making a list. I shook my head no.  "No thanks.  But can you buy some crabs and shrimp for me?  Also some pickles and Nutella?"

Chanyeol looked exasperated.  "You're all going at the same time?" They all looked over and nodded together.  Lay chose that moment to walk in and ask if can go out and buy some supplies for the infirmary.  Chanyeol threw up his hands and stalked out of the room.  I ran after him to .

"Channie!  We can play Tarzan and Jane while they are gone." I shouted after him.  He suddenly whipped around totally shocked at what I said.  He was turning tomato red.  Baekhyun's guffaws filled the room.  He was already calling Jongdae on speed dial.

Laughter surrounded me.  I smiled and hugged Chanyeol.  "Thank You." I  told him.

"For what?" He asked slightly confused.  "For giving me a home, family and friends.  Thank you for loving me.  I love you." I replied as I kissed him.

They came back hours later with Ellie and Krsytal.  Baekhyun's hair is pink. Tao has new earrings, Lay brought back ten boxes of supplies, Xiumin and DO brought back half a truck of groceries.  

Jongdae and Suho brought back a minister.  "What the did you do this time Chen?" I whispered furiously.

They both just gave idiotic grins and nodded over to Chanyeol who came over and gave me a back hug. "Lana, will you marry me?" I looked askance at him. "I already said yes and I wasn't planning on changing my mind." Chanyeol just smiled even wider and replied, "no I meant today.  That's why they brought back a minister.  I figured the girls can just go to town shopping. I asked them to buy you everything you will need for a wedding."

"Unnie! Lets get you ready!" Ellie hugged me before she and Krystal dragged me out in a daze.  Hours later, Suho came over wearing a nice tuxedo to walk me  back for my wedding.  Back in the large hall, the boys have transformed the place with flowers and candles.  They were all dressed in tuxedos, Ellie and Krystal were my bridesmaids.  I couldn't stop myself from tearing up.  There at the end of a short carpet stood Chanyeol waiting for me with all the love I need,  visible in his eyes.

Today I became Mrs. Park.  

Park Chanyeol's wife.

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.