
Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)


She's here.  It's been so long since I've actually seen her, touched her.  I missed her.

My beloved looks pale and exhausted.   No matter.  She will always be beautiful in my eyes.

I will hum her a lullaby.  Perhaps it will make her feel better.  "Wo Ai Ni" I whispered softly to her.  

Her eyelids fluttered and I held my breath.  Is she waking up?  What will I see in her eyes?  Love? Hate? Fear? Apathy?

She frowned slightly but never woke up. I traced that frown and brushed back the hair from her face.  

This is the woman I love since she was born.  I am ing killing anyone who dares take her away from me!

With a gasp I quickly turned around.  What was that noise?  Was that a mewling sound?  A cat?  I love cats!  Their necks are the best things to practice on when learning to kill bastards on this earth.  I slid my favorite blade out of my boot.  Yes! this is the same blade I used to kill my abusers, those , those poor imitations of my Lana, the same blade I used to injure that bastard on the roof.  Did he think he can stop me from getting to Lana?  Too bad I was in a rush that night, I would have enjoyed watching him bleed to death.

I found the source of the noise.  A tiny human.  A replica of Lana.  Our baby.  My sweet daughter.  She looks just like Lana at the same age.....except for the ears.  I frowned at that.  Somehow my daughter's ears bothers me.  Never Mind about that.  I sheathed the knife and carefully picked up my daughter from her bassinet.  She's perfect.  I hummed softly the same lullaby I used to sing to my Lana.  I swayed softly to comfort her and she quieted down.  I have to smile at this.  I'm getting the hang of being a father.

Finally.  My family is complete.

"Luhan....please!" I heard Lana speak softly behind me. I carefully turned around to smile at her.  I have to be extra careful not to jostle awake our sleeping baby.  

"Hello Lana.  I haven't seen you in a long time.  What a nice surprise you gave me.  What shall we name our Baby?"

I saw a dawning horror in her eyes.

I felt the Devil come alive.


I couldn't help but look at Luhan with horror.  His delusions are becoming more grandiose.  How could he think my baby is his?

"Luhan, please let me hold her.  I think it's time for her feeding soon."  I reasoned.  I have to protect my child at all costs.  This lunatic will kill her if his delusions get shattered.  He gave me a smirk and held my baby up and above our heads.  "Turn around" he instructed.

"Please Luhan!  She's crying now.  Don't upset her...."  I'm pleading for the first time in my life.  "Please Luhan!"

"I SAID TURN AROUND!!" he growled at me.

With tears now streaming down my face, I slowly turned around to turn my back at him.  Luhan brought down his arms while still holding my baby.  He gently placed her in my arms and I automatically cradled her.  Luhan now has his arms encircling me and my baby.  "Go ahead and feed her.  I will watch.  This is my happiness, being with my family."  I felt him kiss my head.  

Despite my tears, I saw movement in the shadows outside my window.  Oh God!  Let it be one of the guys.  Please help us.


Bastard!  He moves faster than I could ever anticipate.  He slipped from my sight long enough to get to Lana.  This time I will not let him get away.  I will kill him myself if I have to.  I will.....

Damn it.  Why do I have to do this alone?  My  team has accepted me back.

"Baekhyun!"  I furiously whispered.

"Yo Man!  Come back!  We are taking pictures of the new father.  Drinks are on me later!"  Baekhyun was happily blabbing on my earpiece.  

"Dammit shut your mouth you little twit!  This is serious!  Luhan has Lana and the baby!" I am furious now although not at Baekhyun so much as I am furious for my inefficiency.  This should never have happened.

"Where are you and tell me what exactly do you see." Baekhyun was suddenly all business.  His sudden change in demeanor prompted the rest of the team to start checking in.  Baekhyun and I explained the situation briefly.  After a short debate, we decided to bring Chanyeol in on the loop.  It's his family's life that's at stake.  He has the right to know what is going on.

"Wolf! This is Phoenix.  Unicorn and Dagger are coming your way as back up.  Whoever gets to Lana and the baby first bring her out to safety."  Chanyeol has switched to his bodyguard mode.

I kept Luhan, Lana and the baby in my line of sight.  At the back of my mind I kept thinking of some minor petty things like when did Chanyeol start calling himself Phoenix.  When did I become Wolf?  Who the are Unicorn and Dagger?

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.