
Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)


I found her.  She's alive!  Look how pretty and fragile she is. Wait. Who the hell is that gigantic elf holding her?  Why is she looking at him the way she used to look at that stupid plastic ring?  This is not acceptable.  She's supposed to love me! ME!!!!!

She suddenly faced and looked right at me giving me a little wave.  Wait!  She needs me.  I love her.  Dammit!  There are four idiots standing guard around her.  They are in my way.  I'll have to get rid of them.

A few minutes later I was standing behind her chair looking at her sleeping form.  My girl had blossomed into a beautiful woman.  I hugged her tightly the way I used to and sang the lullaby that I made for her.  She was smiling in her sleep.  I know she felt how much I love her.  She needs to rest. I kissed her lightly on the cheek and whispered the words I wanted to tell her for so long.
 "Wo Ai Ni" (I love you).  I have to leave her now. I can hear someone coming. "Wo Ai Ni" I repeated.  Silently I added, my wife.


I was excited as I left Lana on the chair in the garden.  Today makes it two months since we were together.  Lay has given permission for me to take her home, to our bed.  I miss sleeping with her in my arms.  I got a cake and was planning on surprising her with the news.  And later tonight, I'm planning on proposing.  I walked back carrying her food tray and cake which I immediately dropped at my first sight of her.

I started running and shouting at the same time.  I asked for back up and Jongdae and D.O. arrived within minutes.  They took in the entire situation in a single glance.  They disappeared in different directions.  I shrugged of my jacket and threw off all the bloody clothing covering Lana.  I wrapped her in my jacket, picked her up and started running back into the facility.  I ran straight to the garage where Sehun was now behind the wheels of a Maserati.  I placed her gently on the backseat and covered her with a blanket. I then got on the front passenger seat and pulled out the guns we had on the glove box. 

"Jagiya, make sure you buckle up. We are not stopping for anything."  She nodded, her eyes wide and frightened.  Sehun floored the gas pedal.  We were snaking down the mountain, Sehun in total control of the car.  Above us I can see Yixing flying the helicopter with Kai, despite his injuries, holding a snipers gun.  Baekhyun and Suho was behind us on another car.  Xiumin was already at HQ typing madly away.  Jongdae was currently overtaking Baekhyun with his Motorcycle.  He's gonna overtake us in a few minutes and will be the outrider. D.O. stayed behind to sweep the facility with the rest of the team.  If Luhan was still there D.O. will find him.  If he's not there, D.O. will start to burn all remaining evidence of our stay there and donate the facility to the local community.  


Chanyeol was carrying me again into another strange place.  This one did not look like a hospital.  It looked like a fortress.  The doors were made of solid steel, the windows were bulletproof and reinforced.  There were holes on the wall where a gun could be placed to shoot out.  We didn't walk a straight line going in we kept turning a corner I got the impression that the building was hexagonal in shape but I can't say for sure.  I lost count of the corners we turned. 

We reached a room which is obviously a small living quarter for someone in the security team.  "This is my quarters.  It's your quarters now too.  Do whatever you want with it.  You can leave anytime you want to. Just never ever go to outer gates and leave without letting me know."  He walked over and gently deposited me in bed.  I immediately scooted over to make room for him.  He laid down and hugged me.  I returned his embrace and didn't say a word.  For a few minutes we laid like this in silence.

"Lana, I'm sorry I'm always failing to protect you.  I love you so much I would give my life for you.  I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I can feel shudders racking his body. It was then that I realized he was crying.   I gently wiped away his tears which are now mingling with my own as I kissed him. 

"For so long I thought God has forgotten me.  I had the Devil knocking at my door, enemies by the handful and loneliness as my constant companion.  But I guessed he finally heard me.  He gave me the one thing I stopped asking for years ago.  I never knew what I really needed until I had you.  I never knew what love is  'till I met You.  You gave me your love, heart and soul, and loved me so completely there has never been a moment I had room to doubt it.  You are not perfect.  But neither am I.  Your love is all I want. "

"Saranghe" he kissed me. "I love you" I kissed him back.  He took my left hand and kissed each one of my fingers.  Then he got up, went on bended knee beside the bed and placed an engagement ring on my ring finger.  "Will you marry me?" He asked. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I joyfully shouted and threw my arms around him.

Outside the door,  six different hands pumped the air and six men mouthed "YEHET!"

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.