The Kiss

Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

Chanyeol  suddenly jumped in front of me and in one fluid motion raised a gun and pointed it straight at me.  His other hand grabbed my wrist and he swung me around to stand behind him covering me with his body.  The gun was now pointing straight at the former CEO for my shopping mall conglomerate.  The ex-CEO had his arm raised with a gun pointing at where my head would have been a few seconds ago.  Chanyeol looked lethal.  No hint of the smile he kept showing me yesterday. The gun in his hand holds steady and true. It is evident that this is not the first time he has held a gun and pointed it at someone.  

"Drop the gun." He spoke calmly. The ex-CEO glared at me as he dropped the gun and raised his arms in surrender.  A short man dressed in all black,  holstered his gun as he walked to handcuff my assailant.  He kicked the gun on the floor towards me.  "D.O. You have this?" Chanyeol asked the short man. He got a curt nod.  Chanyeol immediately holstered his own gun and grabbed my wrist.  He walked so fast I have to run to keep up with him or get dragged along.  We reached the end of the hallway and he immediately opened the door that led to the emergency stairway.  "Chanyeol stop! I can't ......." He swung me around so fast my back hit the closing door before I could finish my sentence. His lips were suddenly crushing mine, his body pressing me to the door.  His arms surrounded me. His kiss was hot, insistent, seeking, arousing.  He bent his knees so he can better access my lips as he kissed me. He slanted his mouth over mine. His tongue tracing a trail of fire inside me. I jumped slightly, hooked my legs around his waist and crossed my ankles behind him. I clasped my arms around his shoulders, my hand running through his hair. He murmured something as he continued kissing me and straightened up.  He continued to press me back, his arousal grinding into my core.  Dear lord! My must be melting.

An exaggerated cough followed by muffled laugh snapped me out of my euphoria.  "Baekhyun I swear if you don't get out of here I will shoot you!"  It was only then that I noticed that Chanyeol was pointing a gun at another man standing slightly to his right.  His left arm was still wrapped around me, his lips only inches from mine and I am wrapped around him like a leech. Oh boy! I dropped my legs from his waist and slipped down. My arm reluctantly sliding down his shoulders and I lightly patted his chest.  I heard him groaning under his breath.  "I guess you don't need backup here.... do you?" Chanyeol whipped his head around and glared at the other guy.  Baekhyun laughed loudly and gave me an exaggerated wink.  He turned around and went down the stairs, we can hear his laughter echoing in the stairwell.  Chanyeol slowly lowered his arm and tucked his gun behind him.  He turned back and faced me.  The sight of his kiss swollen lips and bedroom eyes were my undoing.  I pulled his head down for another kiss.

It was dark outside.  I can see the city lights from below my window.  I got up to close the drapes.  "I like the view." He was looking at my body up and down. Chanyeol smiled and held out his hand to me.  He's sitting back on the headboard of my bed, just as beneath the thin sheets he had draped on his hips. I smiled seductively at him and climbed in like a cat from the foot of the bed.  I leaned in for a kiss and just before his lips met mine,  I rolled to the side and ran to the bathroom.  "Yah!"  I laughed at his startled response.  "Wanna save on water and shower with me?"  I've never seen anybody move so fast.

A lot of moans and water splashing later....(use your imagination!) we were both seated at the kitchen with our hairs wet and smiling around the sandwiches we were eating.  Chanyeol looked silly in my pink bathrobe.  But his smile kinda distracted me from that.  He got up and started to put away our empty dishes. I started washing it and he was drying the dishes and putting them away on the cupboard above me. I turned around and hugged him tightly. He dropped his arms, framed my face with his hands and kissed me lightly.  Dear God.  How is it possible for a man I have known less than a day ago to make me so happy and satisfied.  I don't even know much about him except that he's great in bed, he's got a little sister and apparently he keeps an eye on me all the time.

"You're not a crazy stalker are you?" I suddenly asked him. "What?" He looked at me puzzled.
"Well you said you have been watching over me from afar. You hold a gun like its a part of you, and you appear out of nowhere just when I need you."  I paused here. "And we just ed each other like there's no tomorrow."
He smiled at me tenderly and dipped his head to drop a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. "I made love to you. There's a difference"
I frowned a little at his words.  "Love? We hardly know each other." He shook his head smiling at me.
"You know me and I knew you since we were young.  When you were six and I was nine I even married you"
"What are you talking about?" He laughed and dragged me back into the bedroom. Oh great! More .... I was wrong. He sat me down on the bed and he took something out of his discarded pants. He dropped it in my hands.  It is one of those plastic decoder rings you find as a prize inside cereal boxes. I looked up to him totally lost.

"My wife gave me that sixteen years ago.  I have never loved anybody else.  I never want to marry anyone else." I still have no clue where this is going. "Wife? Sixteen years ago? Your a child back then!" He smiled sweetly and replied, "so were you! We used to run around your backyard and you would tell everybody that you were going to marry me when we grow up."  He sat down on his haunches so that we are now eye to eye. "You used to tell me call Channie-Bunny and I used to call you Lenny-Baby"

I memory I buried so deep I forgot about suddenly came rushing back to me.  "Channie -Bunny I wuv you!  Come back soon okay? I'll wait for you!" Tears rolled down my eyes as I looked down on the plastic ring.  The ring I gave him.  "Do you remember me now?"  With tears streaming down my face I looked back at his smiling face.  

Then I slapped him!

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.