Because I Can Make You Smile

Till I Met You (EXO Chanyeol fanfiction)

A vast area of nothingness...empty.  Time ceased to have meaning for me upon boarding  this plane.  I wish I can say I feel homesick but even that would be a lie.  I have never known what home feels like.  Since I was 12 years old I've been shuffled back and forth between one relative or another.  Each one claiming they are my rightful and loving guardian.  Each one of them fighting the other for control, for leverage, for power, for money.  I am the sole surviving heir of a multinational, multi-billion dollar business.  I own houses, properties, and money all over the world.  I would have gladly given it all up in a heartbeat for love and a home.  

But I am my father's daughter.  For 16 years my anger simmered just below the surface, never to be seen, never to be noticed, I am patient.  I carefully took notice of all infractions and abuse that my guardians did.  When I turned 16, I did what all my so called guardians never anticipated.  I emancipated my self and ceased all the power my inheritance could buy and annihilated anybody who stood in my way.  I crushed every single person who had aspirations of controlling me.  And those who took advantage of me before I became emancipated were buried alive by my revenge.  

I was successful.  I was powerful.  I am empty.  I am lonely. Till I met You.

I walked out of the plane and on to the terminal like I own the entire place.  I probably do. I just really do not care.  With quick strides, I immediately got to my waiting car.  I never even had to say one word.  People got out of  my way, they can sense power and anger.  I have a lot of both.  The driver smoothly left the airport and started driving downtown towards one of my many city residence.  Thirty minutes later, we hit traffic gridlock.  Nothing was moving. All around me I can hear people shouting, honking horns, ringing phones.  

"I am getting out here.  Bring the car to the garage and but don't tell anybody where I am."

"But ma'am....."

I raised my eyebrow in exasperation and he quickly shut up. I shrugged off my suit jacket and grabbed a sweater from my overnight bag.   I also changed my shoes to some comfy Nike runners and got out of the car.  It only took minutes before I blended into the crowd.  Nobody would ever suspect that the most powerful and richest person is a  22 year old woman who's walking right beside them.  Forty five minutes later, I reached my destination.  It was a large shopping mall that I have often passed by but never been inside of.  I can see it at night from my bedroom window high above on the 88th floor penthouse suite.  

I wandered around the mall looking leisurely at window displays.  Despite all the glitter and glamour of the displays, nothing yet has caught my fancy.  I need to go up.  Perhaps I will go to the Atrium, drink some tea then ask my chopper pilot to pick me up from the rooftop helipad.  Damn!  the escalators have too many people.  I turned around and found a service hallway.  A few quick turns and I saw the service elevator.  I smirked a little bit.  I know the building layout.  Apparently I own this building and shopping mall too.  Security has yet to stop me.  Somebody's head is going to roll tomorrow.  I punched in the security code into the elevator's security keypad access and was immediately given access.  I designed the security system for this.  By now, the code I punched in would be triggering a silent alarm amongst upper management that I am inside the building.  Heads will roll.

"Uh ma'am? I don't think you are allowed in here."  A startled looking young man with a service cart looked up when I entered the elevator.  I ignored him and punched in more codes into the key pad revealing a hidden panel to the right side of the elevator wall.  "Uh, ma'am??" I glanced irritably at this peon who dare talk to me.  "Silence!" I continued typing on the newly revealed keyboard behind the hidden panel.  A few keystrokes and the elevator stopped. I pushed everything back in to their original position and prepared to wait.  "Uh-oh! You broke it!"

With a raised brow I irritatedly looked over the only other occupant inside this elevator.  He was smilingly at me cheerfully.  "Joke only! Ha ha ha! This thing breaks down at least once a week.  Here sit down we are going to be here a while." I looked over to see him spreading a clean cloth on the floor.  Seriously?  It's also highly unlikely that we will be stuck here for too long.  I just played God and executed a series of commands into my networks that triggers my own version of "where's Waldo?"  Every single executive in this building will start losing money and stocks at an exponential rate until I am found and can reverse the process.  "Would you like to eat?" He was waiving a granola bar at my face.  "What?"

"Well it looks like we are stuck here for a while....sit down and have a granola bar?"  Seriously does this guy not know who I am?  
"Don't you know who i am?" He looked at me and slightly tilted his head.  "Don't I? Shouldn't I?"
"Nevermind"  I sat down cross legged on the floor. "Granola?"  I shook my head and refused his offer.  He just smiled and sat down on the floor beside me.  "So who are you?" I looked at him and saw no sign of sudden recognition.  "Just call me Lana."

"Hi Lana! Nice to meet you. I'm Chanyeol ." He offered his hand. I looked at him and saw only a friendly smile.  That's weird.  People always want something from me when they are being friendly. "What do yo want?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" He was still holding out his hand and was looking a little puzzled.
"In my experience, People are never this friendly unless they want something from me."
"I just want to know your name and to see you smile." He was shaking the hand he was holding out to me.
"Why?" I am genuinely puzzled. "Because I think, I can make you smile!"

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Chapter 13: I read this story with fast heart beat.. This story make me crazy!!! Huuhuhuu
Chapter 31: Beakhyun is so crazy hahaa
Chocoholic_Exo-L #4
Chapter 27: My god. He's bat-sh*t crazy. This is great.