It's a wonder you can still walk, I thought you'd be rolling

Can't Stop The Feeling
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„Okay, deal.“





„How did you even know the party would be here?“ Jiyong asked sipping his water.


The two men decided to settle down at the lounge where they could talk without having to scream over the loud music and without being constantly interrupted by other guests.


„After you wrote that you’d be happy to have me here as well I instantly searched for the fastest  connection, the nice guy that I am, but the next flight back that was still available wasn’t until later, so when I arrived it was already half past ten. I checked twitter and Instagram to look if one of your crazy stalker fans knew anything about your whereabouts and they actually did, so I went to the location they mentioned but didn’t know how to get in because, obviously, I wasn’t invited to your fancy party. Luckily your best friend just went inside so I quickly rushed over to him asked if it was alright for me to go in as well in order to surprise you. I don’t know why but he looked happy? He whistled and led me inside without as much as questioning me.“


Of course. Youngbae, that .


„But doesn’t that mean that you are now one of my crazy stalker fans too?“

„Maybe.“ Seungri smirked.


„Anyway, I couldn’t find you so I asked a few people and one of the girls then told me you went to the toilet. You know, I waited outside for a bit because in the past I was told that following someone into the bathroom was apparently creepy and not appropriate neither appreciated but since you didn’t come out, I thought I should have a look in case you died of intoxication or drowned in the toilet itself.“


Now, usually Jiyong was the type to be extremely skeptical and paranoid towards scary people, especially when they followed him, but for some reason he turned a blind eye on it if it was Seungri, even though he was probably one of the strangest guys he’s ever met.


„Thank you.“

„For following you to the toilet?“

„For coming. I’m happy.“

„I’m happy too.“


Jiyong shouldn’t have made this cheesy comment, the way Seungri smiled at him was driving him crazy already, he really couldn’t tell whether he was feverish again or just blushing, either way he felt giddy and weak.


„Are you alright? Your eyes look kind of glassy.“ The younger raised his hand, gently touching the rapper’s forehead first, followed by his cheek, while using the other hand to feel his own temperature in comparison.


„I think you might have a fever again. You’ve been sick for quite a while, should I bring you to the hospital?“

„Ah, no it’s alright, I’m probably just tired.“

„You got a fever because you are tired? I don’t think that’s the case.“ He chuckled.

„Whatever, I’m fine.“



Suddenly Seungri stood up without another word and left the now very confused idol behind, whose eyes followed the other’s every step.

Where was he going? Was he finally sick of him now? Did Jiyong ruin everything with his ing stubbornness? What about their deal, was that forgotten already?

He was about to stand up and follow the younger, wherever he went, when said one returned with Jiyong’s best friend.

Youngbae again.


„Jiyong, you really should go if you don’t feel well. Why didn’t you tell me?“ The older started as soon as he was in hearing range.

„Wha- obviously because if’s my birthday party!“

„No , we know, but now your birthday is over and it’s just a party without your birthday, so swing your out of here and get your much needed rest.“


„No buts, I’ll let Seungri bring you home safely because, if it’s him, I know you are in good hands.“ Youngbae sent the rapper a wink and patted the youngest’s back.

„Thank you man.“ The singer said to Seungri, giving his shoulder a short, reassuring squeeze.

Seungri only smiled and waved when the pink haired men turned to leave, yelling „Be a good boy, Ji!“ before he vanished in the crowd, vanishing as quickly as he had appeared.


„So, are you ready to leave? My car is only a few streets away, do you think you can walk that far?“

„Of course I can.“ Jiyong answers, feigning to be offended but only earned a snort in response.

„What?“ He asked.

„Nothing, I just remembered how I had to catch you in the bathroom. But sure, if you say so.“

„Hey, rude!“


Seungri clearly didn’t care, his laughter said everything.

Jiyong led them to the emergency exit so they could get out without being seen. The question was, would he be able to make it to the car unrecognized? It was late but there were always some crazy fans waiting for him.

As if he was reading his mind, Seungri reached him a scarf and a black beenie to cover his white hair.


„Here, wear this, your ugly sweater is hiding the rest of you.“ He joked while Jiyong put on the accessories.


They were silently walking along the streets of clubs and bars, it was still busy out there but nobody seemed to recognize the rapper. The clothes indeed hid him well but maybe it was also due to the fact that Seungri was purposely trying to stick close to the other and somehow covered his body with his own by leaning into him sometimes or partly walking in front of him.

It worked out and soon they left the busy part and arrived at a quieter and darker street with less people.


„There is my car.“ Seungri pointed at a black Audi, not too flashy and not too unimpressive. In fact, kind of luxurious for a kindergarten teacher.

„I know, I know, it’s pretentious for a guy like me but the one I had before got old and eventually gave up completely. It was cute, you know, it was baby blue and had red dots on it. I originally bought it from an old lady and I would’ve gotten a similar one again but being kind of a business man it wasn’t really fitting anymore.“


The idol had to suppress a chuckle as he imagined the other sitting in an old baby blue car with red dots, it suited him well though, at least more than that Audi.

When they arrived at the car, Seungri, being quite the gentlemen, actually opened the door for Jiyong and let him get in before shutting it again, walking over to his side.


„Oh, by the way, where do you live? Might be important.“ The younger suddenly remembered and looked at Jiyong questioningly. The blonde gave him his address and said one nodded while entering it in his navigation system.


When he began driving, Jiyong started to become nervous. The ride wasn’t that long and the moment they’d arrive he’d have to say goodbye. Okay, they would probably meet again soon but it wasn’t the same, every day was different and he just didn’t want any of them to end.

He didn’t know what to talk about though, his mind was suddenly blank and Seungri, despite being talkative, didn’t say a word either.


The soft purring of the engine filled the silence and Jiyong wondered, why the hell the other didn’t speak. He himself said he usually talked too much, so what was his problem now?

Being highly irritated and desperately trying to think of something to say, the idol peeked at Seungri only to be surprised to find him grinning satisfied.


„What’s so funny?“ Jiyong asked confused while he played with the hem of his ugly oversized sweater, a habit that he developed through his insecurities.

„Nothing, I just wondered when you would start talking to me and when I looked at you I could kind of see the smoke coming out of your ears while you were pondering on what to say.“

„You little…“ It was hard not to finish his sentence, Jiyong wasn’t angry but he did feel a bit humiliated. They could’ve spent the time having a pleasant conversation but that little just had to waste their time, didn’t he.


„Oh c’mon, stop sulking. It was cute how you were thinking so hard.“

„Yah! That doesn’t make it any better!“

„Sorry.“ The younger laughed heartily and when Jiyong looked out of the window again he could already see his apartment complex.

„I guess that giant monstrosity of a building is where you live?“ Seungri pointed out, the complex was indeed extremely big.



It didn’t take them long to arrive in front of the building but neither of them showed the slightest sign to even move a centimeter.


„So“ Jiyong started, finally knowing what to talk about. „how is this whole you-show-me-how-to-live-my-life-deal going to work out? Do you even have enough time for that?“

„Ah, right! I do have work of course, so I’m occupied every week day from 8am until mostly 2pm. Sometimes I get off earlier, especially when we only have a few kids to take care of, but other times, when we don’t have enough kindergarten teachers present, I need to stay longer. So, I’m free every afternoon and on week ends the whole day, but I do have to warn you, I still have friends and a personal life.“ He laughed again and, as always, his eyes turned smaller at the same time.


„What about your ’business work‘?“

„That doesn’t matter, right now I’m taking that very lightly, you could say I more or less take a break from it, except for checking and investing once in a while. But nothing big. Are you scared I will neglect you?“ 

„No I - stop laughing - I just don’t want to be a burden.“

„Do you think I’d see you as a burden when I was the one offering the deal?“

„You didn’t have to work with me until now, so that might change.“

„It will take you a lot to be worse than the children in kindergarten, you are only one person instead of a group of fifteen kids and at least you are able to use the toilet on your own and you can also clean your nose by yourself.“

„I wouldn’t be so sure about that.“

„If I have to, I’ll even teach you that.“ It was meant as a joke but Jiyong could see the sincerity behind those silly words, it was almost touching.


„And how are you planning to get me used to a normal life?“

„Oh, don’t worry, I’ll surprise you.“ Seungri winked and earned an embarrassed hum as a response.


After that it went quiet again and it felt weird but oddly warm when the younger simply looked, or rather stared, at Jiyong with a gentle smile lighting up his face.

It wasn’t normal how beautiful Seungri looked though. His eyes always had that soft sparkle in them which made him appear like the kindest person Jiyong had ever seen and the dark circles under them were adorable and reminded the rapper that he was indeed human after all. 

His black curly hair seemed so fluffy and silky that Jiyong would die to touch it and pull on it a little to see, how long it would be if it was straight.

Seungri’s hands were rather small and chubby, though not overly, just so it perfectly fit the rest of his body, slender but still enough curves and muscles, unlike Jiyong, whose body was skinny and more or less flat.

In his eyes, Seungri seemed perfect, as if he was carved out of marble, and he was sure he would never be able to reach the other’s standards.


At this point Jiyong couldn’t really deny his crush on the younger anymore, it was weird because even though he always knew he wasn’t straight, his crushes had majorly been women. Men, to him, were always attractive and nice to look at, but he never exactly had a crush on them let alone imagine being together with one and building up a serious future with them.


But when Jiyong looked into the younger’s eyes, he felt like if there was someone he’d want to try it with, it was Seungri.


„You are staring.“


„I said you are staring at me.“ Seungri smirked and started posing as if he was at a photoshoot.

„If G-Dragon stares at me like that, it means I have potential right?“

„Stop dreaming, you had your chance to sign a contract.“

„Aww, much salty?“

„Shut it. Are you at least a fan of me now, or are you still singing Justin Timberlake instead of my songs?“

„It actually varies now, I do sing your songs, though, it’s kind of hard to say I’m a fan when you treated me like a friend from the very beginning.“

„Me? You were the one to call me hyung pretty much the third time we saw each other.“

„Right, maybe I shouldn’t have because you didn’t buy me new ice cream even though it was the fault of your fans I dropped it.“

„I was busy, if not, I maybe would’ve bought you a new one.“



„You can always make it up to me, you know?“



„I’ll buy you ice cream tomorrow if you fetch me from my company.“






Seungri held out his pinky, accompanied by a blinding smile and waited for Jiyong to copy his actions. After a short contemplation about whether this was too silly he eventually did and watched as Seungri wrapped his little finger around his own tightly, only letting go after what felt like centuries.


„Take care of yourself okay?“ His voice was still soft but much more serious now as he stared into the idol’s eyes with a hint of distress.

„I’ll write you when I’m home to see if you are alright. First step to leading a normal life: Don’t lie to people about your health, just because you are famous doesn’t mean you have to carry all the weight by yourself, okay?“



Suddenly a warm hand was placed on Jiyong’s cheek, a thumb gently grazing over the soft skin, and his heart started skipping and stumbling all over the place at the simple touch. It came unexpected, the older wasn’t ready for this, but it was pleasant and created a fuzzy and snuggly feeling in the pit of his stomach. The feeling itself was so cheesy, he wanted to puke rainbows.


„Be careful, please don’t faint.“ Seungri said as he took his hand away. Did he treat all of his friends like this? Maybe it was a mother instinct.

„Actually, I will wait here until you are in your apartment. Write me when you reached it.“

„You really don’t have to do that.“

„But I will.“


Jiyong sighed but smiled anyway before reluctantly climbing out of the car.


„Thank you for coming and bringing me home.“

„I’d do it everyday.“

„Are you this friendly with everybody?“

„Maybe, who knows?“


Was he now flirting or what?


„I’ll see you then.“ Jiyong quickly responded and shut the door before the other could even answer and hoped he was able to hide his blushing face in time and well enough so the younger wouldn’t see.

How was it possible for someone to be such and idiot and a ing flirt at the same time? Or maybe Jiyong just misunderstood him, perhaps he wasn’t flirting at all.


When he opened the door to his apartment, the first thing he did was hurrying to his window to see if Seungri was actually still there. It was the first time, ever since he moved in, that he was happy to be able to see the street from his apartment, even though it was so hight up that it was hard to identify anything. He did, though, recognize the black car of his personal cutie standing there.



to: horse face °3°


I arrived in one piece and very much conscious~


sent: 12.42 am



from: horse face °3°


Alrighty, I’m leaving then~


sent: 12.43 am



to: horse face °3°




sent: 12.43 am



to: horse face °3°


I have a question!

How did you save my name in your phone??


sent: 12.43 am



It was so incredibly random but for some reason this question seemed to be extremely relevant at this very moment.



from: horse face °3°




sent: 12.44 am



Seungri had sent Jiyong a picture and when he opened it, the rapper recognized it as a screenshot of an address book on someone’s phone, probably Seungri’s, with a selected address, written in big bold letters on

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Lujiee #1
Chapter 17: For the love of God, you need to finish this!
I mean, I hope we as your subscribers inspired you to finish this..but of course take your need to rush this adorable story..yours is a breath of fresh air..hope to read from here soon 💕
blinks_04 #2
Chapter 21: I hope you still believe in him and wait for him too<3 btw I hope you're doing well, if you saw this, just wanna say that I love your books and please stay healthy<33
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow. The first chapter really got me hooked! I love it!
karina1284 #4
Chapter 21: Hi. Still here waiting for you to comeback and continue the story.
Dora_dora_dora #5
Chapter 21: I hope you are feeling good and please continue the story
Segarselalu #6
Chapter 21: Back here to reread this story for the nth times.
I wish u are doing well authornim and hopefully someday you will return here, we miss u so much.
aufaitxx #7
Chapter 21: Still here, reread this for the 3rd time, and still patiently waiting for your wonderful update..keep on writing authornim..?
Ski60904doggylov821 #8
Chapter 21: I hope you continue the story. And I also beleive seungri is innocent and I really miss him too.
ElleEvans #9
Chapter 8: This is so sweet I think I am having a toothache ^o^