The day he became old

Can't Stop The Feeling
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Finally Jiyong’s cold was fading and his face was no longer burning up.

He had been stuck in bed for five full days, one worse than the other, before he seemed to start getting better again. Youngbae insisted on visiting him every day twice to bring him medicine and make him some healthy food, also lowkey spying on the rapper to make sure he wasn’t secretly working despite being sick. It wouldn’t have been the first time.


Jiyong was incredibly thankful because if it wasn’t for his best friend he would’ve starved by now, he probably would’ve died in general. Another positive thing about Youngbae’s frequent visits was that it calmed Seungri. Said man had started freaking out when Jiyong had texted him his symptoms after an extensive interrogation by the younger. It became even worse when one morning the idol felt extremely dizzy, puked and fainted seconds after that, which was, as he later found out, because he had the flu. He told Seungri about it and, Jiyong was not kidding, the younger had been literally so close to flying back to Korea to take care of the blonde himself that it took many messages from Jiyong and a voice message from Youngbae to keep the other in Japan.

Jiyong actually really wanted Seungri to be with him but he knew it was selfish and unreasonable so he made sure the younger wouldn’t fly back for real.


That was until today.


Because today he would be going to the studio again. Youngbae, being not conspicuous at all, had told him to take it easy and to not work too much. When Jiyong said the other wasn’t conspicuous at all, he really meant he totally was because the idol already knew his friends would throw him a ’surprise party‘, which they did every year and therefore wasn’t really a surprise anymore.


Yes, today was Jiyong’s 28th birthday. He was officially becoming old.


Unfortunately he didn’t feel that great yet but he didn’t want to disappoint his friends, who were working so hard to arrange a party for him, so he lied and said he was fine.


The idol sat on his bed while putting on his socks before he searched for some sweatpants and a jumper. After getting fully dressed he wrapped a fluffy scarf around his neck and took his phone, wallet and keys, so he could leave his apartment to go to work. Luckily he wasn’t hungry which meant he didn’t have to worry about what to eat, even though Youngbae would get angry with him again but it was his birthday so whatever.

On his way to the garage Jiyong looked up his messages, there were so many people congratulating him for being a year older, he didn’t even know when to answer them all, so he chose to at least reply to his closest friends and family for now. The rest would have to wait.




When he arrived at the company building everyone looked at him as if he had suddenly grown two heads and at first the rapper thought it was because they knew it was his birthday. Then he remembered that he wore a thick sweater and a scarf because he was still sick, but he actually looked like he was dressed for a snow storm. During summer. 

Never mind, he was used to being stared at.



to: horse face °3°


When are you back in Korea?


sent: 10.12 pm



to: Youngbae<3


I’m at YG now, are u coming by later?


sent: 10.13 pm



Jiyong shuffled to his personal studio, wearing his beautiful worn out slippers, and plopped down on the office chair. There were still a few songs to arrange, at least they had the vocals for them already.



from: Youngbae<3


U bet I do!


sent: 10.19 pm



The blonde hadn’t even finished reading his the singer’s short text when said man burst into the room, screaming „IT’S MY BEST FRIENDS BIRTHDAY! I LOVE YOU!“ and met him in a bone crushing embrace. He then proceeded to sing unnecessarily loud a birthday song, twice, and pushed a wrapped up box towards him.


„Here, I know you have everything, but a present is a present.“ The pink haired man said smiling making his eyes seem to disappear.


„Thank you so much, I don’t know what I’d do without you, I don’t even deserve you!“ Jiyong sniffed. It was like this between them every year, it didn’t matter whose birthday it was, it got emotional every time.


„I love you man.“

I love you too man.“


Youngbae had a girlfriend. Honestly.

Their relationship was platonic through and through, some people just couldn’t distinguish.


„Open the present!“ Youngbae was considerably more excited than Jiyong.


Unwrapping the box, Jiyong already knew it was something small, probably jewelry or something because anything bigger than a pair of socks wouldn’t fit in.

He took off the lid of the box and peaked inside. He was right, inside was a beautiful watch and Jiyong remembered seeing it in an expensive store in Paris. He had been there with Youngbae a few years back, they were invited to several fashion shows and met Karl Lagerfeld in person for the first time. 

He wouldn’t stop bugging the older about how pretty the watch was then and whenever the singer asked later on why he didn’t buy it, Jiyong would pout and stop talking. At that time his money wasn’t exactly flowing like it did these days and he wasn’t sure about the design, even though it was timeless it looked extraordinary and was definitely the kind you’d fall in love with the more you looked at it.


Jiyong couldn’t believe Youngbae remembered how important the watch was to him, he hadn’t forgotten. It was even prettier than it looked in his memories.


The blonde threw himself at the singer and chanted thank you’s repeatedly, laughing and just being thankful for being blessed with such and incredibly considerate best friend.


„I knew you’d still like it.“ Youngbae grinned, patting the other’s head before pulling back. „You were always a er for such extravagant designs like this.“

„I know, I know, I’m a genius after all.“

„What does your taste of fashion have to do with being a genius?“

„People buy the shoes I designed?“

„Yeah, right, use that argument at every given opportunity. Anyway, gotta go now, I have important things to settle.“ Youngbae was so easy to read and such a bad liar. Jiyong knew he just wanted to go in order to prepare his surprise party with Chaerin, who was probably already pissed at the singer for not being on time.


„Yeah yeah, just go, leave the poor birthday boy alone.“

„Don’t give me that!“ The singer whined, he could be an but if it was Jiyong’s birthday and him sitting alone in the studio working, Youngbae definitely couldn’t handle that.

„I’m going to go now!“ He said determined, as if he tried to convince himself that it was the right decision.

„Please do, I need to concentrate.“ Jiyong laughed and more or less kicked the other out. At least he made it easier for the singer.




The idol was in the middle of arranging a song for a new girl group, their name wasn’t decided yet, probably something with diamond or ribbon or literally any other girly words, but while their debut song was finished already, they also needed a few more songs for their upcoming album. And that was his job.

He nearly his pants when his phone buzzed and completely destroyed his concentration.



from: horse face °3°


In about four days I think? Our stay got extended, we went to okinawa~

It’s pretty here!




sent: 2.41 pm



Extended? God dammit, why did that man have to ruin his life like that? Couldn’t he just come back already? Jiyong knew he wouldn’t be there for his birthday but he still had hoped for them to maybe celebrate his birthday the next day or something, after all he was supposed to be in Japan for only a week. ing bad timing. Who needed a kindergarten teacher for his birthday anyway. Jiyong didn’t need him. Not at all.



to: horse face °3°


Aaaah, I see, too bad

Okinawa is awesome though, the beach is gorgeous! Have fun!


sent: 2.43 pm



from: horse face °3°


But I will be back in four days! We can hang out and finally get drunk!

I’m not allowed to do that here, I’m always the one who has to babysit the kids


sent: 2.45 pm



to: horse face °3°


What kids?


sent: 2.45 pm



from: horse face °3°


my cousin’s children, they are cute but I want to enjoy the beach too without having to make sure they don’t drown! >_< I’m not their father!


sent: 2.48 pm



to: horse face °3°


Right, you already have broccoli <3


sent: 2.49 pm



from: horse face °3°


RIGHT?!?! MY BABY!!!(  ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡






sent: 2.50 pm



What’s with that emoticon again…

Seungri had sent him a row of pictures of his ’baby‘ and Jiyong had to admit it was really, like really really, adorable. It suited Seungri perfectly, for some reason you could tell that Broccoli was his son.


He chuckled at that thought and was about to comment on the pictures when another message came in.



from: horse face °3°




sent: 2.53



from:horse face °3°


Wait wait waitwaitwaitWAIT!


sent: 2.53



What the ?



from: horse face °3°




sent: 2.54 pm



What was his problem?




from: horse face °3°



My sister just started rambling about how it was your birthday!!! Her Instagram is apparently being flooded by your pictures!!!!


sent: 2.55 pm



to: horse face °3°

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Lujiee #1
Chapter 17: For the love of God, you need to finish this!
I mean, I hope we as your subscribers inspired you to finish this..but of course take your need to rush this adorable story..yours is a breath of fresh air..hope to read from here soon 💕
blinks_04 #2
Chapter 21: I hope you still believe in him and wait for him too<3 btw I hope you're doing well, if you saw this, just wanna say that I love your books and please stay healthy<33
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow. The first chapter really got me hooked! I love it!
karina1284 #4
Chapter 21: Hi. Still here waiting for you to comeback and continue the story.
Dora_dora_dora #5
Chapter 21: I hope you are feeling good and please continue the story
Segarselalu #6
Chapter 21: Back here to reread this story for the nth times.
I wish u are doing well authornim and hopefully someday you will return here, we miss u so much.
aufaitxx #7
Chapter 21: Still here, reread this for the 3rd time, and still patiently waiting for your wonderful update..keep on writing authornim..?
Ski60904doggylov821 #8
Chapter 21: I hope you continue the story. And I also beleive seungri is innocent and I really miss him too.
ElleEvans #9
Chapter 8: This is so sweet I think I am having a toothache ^o^