
Can't Stop The Feeling
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„Jiyong, hurry up!“


„Kwon Jiyong! I said hurry up!“


„You better- what the , why aren’t you dressed yet?! We are supposed to be at the club in half an hour, we will never make it!“ Chaerin screamed at the barely clothed man, who still laid half asleep on his bed.


„The world won’t stop spinning if we don’t make it…“




„Ouch! What was that for?!“
„Cut the whining, you said you would promote the club so do it! Stop loafing around!“

„Are you my mom or what- ouch! Okay, okay, I get, I will get dressed.“

„You better do so.“


Jiyong peeled himself out of his blanket, that had somehow wrapped and twisted itself around his legs, and walked to the bathroom, only wearing his boxers. He’d probably feel uncomfortable around girls being dressed like this but he didn’t consider Chaerin a girl.


„Women…“ He muttered and was immediately punished with a flying fashion magazine.


He quickly closed the bathroom door behind himself and went to the sink to splash some cold water in his face. You’d think it was early in the morning judging by his behavior but it was currently 8:33pm. For Jiyong waking up didn’t mean it was morning, for him it only meant that his rest was interrupted by whatever and right now, sadly, it was Chaerin, who was the worst person to wake up to ever.


After taking quick shower and putting on some simple make up, he changed into a plain black t-shirt and some dark skinny jeans. Clubbing always meant becoming messy and he didn’t want to ruin his good clothes. Not that these weren’t expensive though.


„Are you a girl or what, what takes you so long, come out of the bathroom!“ The only female in his apartment blared through the door and the rapper could only roll his eyes at her.

But yet again, he also was obnoxious when he was stressed so he could relate.


„I’m done, stop screeching.“ 

„Great, now come!“ She hissed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of the door to the garage. He surrendered and let himself being dragged like a sack of potatoes but didn’t complain, he knew if he did she’d probably become a dinosaur or something. Or maybe she has been one all along.



It took some time to reach the venue so Jiyong decided to fall back to slumber and relish in the little bit of peace he was able to get, at least he did until he was being shaken awake violently. He knew who it was even before he woke up.


„We’re here! I’m only telling you this once: Don’t you dare fall asleep somewhere, this is important!“

Chaerin said, her words dripping with venom as she knew her friend’s antics but the moment she wanted to leave the car, Jiyong quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back down into her seat.


„Wait a moment.“ He said considerably more awake now. „Could it be that you like the owner of this club?“

„What? No! Stop talking nonsense!“

„You’ve been acting weirdly the entire time, you do like him don’t you?“

„I do not!“

„Aww, stop lying I know you, Chae. Alright, let’s go inside.“ He chuckled, his mood way better now that he had something to teaser her with. But aside from that, he really hoped she’d find someone who treated her well and would take care of her like she deserved, she had some pretty bad experiences with guys and Jiyong worried about her a lot. It took her some time to get over her last ex and it was a painful journey for the female rapper, she undoubtedly was tough but she had her limits too.


When they entered the building the club was already packed with people and Chaerin was gone the second they stepped through the entrance. Jiyong guessed she went to the guy she had a crush on right away, especially since they were a little late now.

Jiyong walked through the hyped crowd and everybody greeted him, shaking his hand and wanted to start a conversation. He hasn’t even been there for three minutes and people were already gathering around him and started taking pictures. When he saw Youngbae in the distance he excused himself from all the strangers and rushed to his best friend’s side, seeking some ‚shelter‘. The singer was on his way to what looked like the VIP lounge so Jiyong just followed him and it was only when they arrived that the pink haired man noticed the other’s existence.


„Oh Jiyong! Hey! You’re late, where have you been?“

„Hey buddy, sorry, I fell asleep and Chaerin had to drag me out of the house.“ He laughed, but when it had happened earlier he didn’t find it that funny.

„Don’t tell me you’ve been working too much again. Dude, you don’t even have stressful projects going on right now, your deadlines are so far away.“

„Yeah, but you know me.“

„Ji, I know you don’t like it when I act like your mom, but slow down, will you. If you continue like that you will be burned out at the end of the year.“

„You say that every year.“

„And you do look burned out every time.“

„Anyway, other topic. Seems like Chae likes the owner of this club.“ Jiyong tried not so subtly to change the topic and was happy to see that Youngbae didn’t protest.


„Really?! Have you talked to him yet?“

„No, have you?“

„I didn’t he was busy talking to everyone congratulating him and since I don’t know him personally I didn’t want to bother him. Man, that’s new, I hope he’s a good guy.“

„Let’s search for him later, I also want to know what he’s like.“



Jiyong looked around himself and saw the DJ hyping up the crowd, he was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere. The club seemed to be a classier one, still with drunk people dancing but they were mostly rich, well dressed and all in all not that ty. They behaved and stayed respectful, he just hoped it stayed that way even after a few months have passed.

The only thing he wasn’t exactly thrilled about was how far away the bar was. If he wanted a drink he’d have to go all the way through the entire crowd, which he didn’t want to do because he’d risk too many people taking notice of him, but he did indeed want a drink.

So in the end he decided to wait a little, maybe later someone would come by and offer him a drink.


„Hey guys, how’s it going?“ Chaerin appeared out of nowhere and sat between the two men, who had settled on the couch, all relaxed and happy, a 180 turn compared to before.

„I should ask you, I heard you have a crush on someone?“ Youngbae retorted with a sly grin and despite her heavy make up, it was still obvious that she was blushing.

„I don’t!“ She retorted and glared at Jiyong. „You ing prick.“

„Your ears are red.“

„Shut up!“


Chaerin and Youngbae were bickering loudly while Jiyong just sat there laughing and enjoying the show he was offered, when another familiar face with shining brown hair and a big silly grin showed up at the lounge.


„If it isn’t my favorite group of people.“

„If it isn’t our favorite actor T.O.P!“ Jiyong smirked.

„Seunghyun!“ Chaerin squealed happily and practically threw herself at the handsome man.


They all hugged the oldest and in the end sat down on the large red sofa again, this time joined by the famous actor.


„How was China? You’ve been gone for a while.“ Youngbae asked excitedly, him and Seunghyun were connected by a weird brotherly bond, sometimes it adorable, sometimes it creepy. Their friendship was similar to Seunghyun’s and Jiyong’s, but those two mostly stuck together due to their interests and hobbies.


„It was good, the filming was very challenging though, my Chinese isn’t the best as you know. But it’s getting better these days. I’m happy to be back to be honest, I missed you and my family.“

„Always looking cool and badass on the outside but on the inside you are a marshmallow after all.“ Jiyong chuckled.

„Just like you.“ The older replied cheekily and the rapper only huffed. As if. He wasn’t that soft.


They continued chatting for a while, the actor told an emotional story about a lonely man who cried during his work, being away from home, because it was so difficult and nobody was surprised to find out he was talking about himself.

During their conversation Jiyong let his gaze wander over the mass of people.

They all looked so different and yet completely the same. Expensive designer clothes, expression that said ‚I’m rich, I only drink pricey wine‘ and dance moves which either revealed they were professional dancers, probably trainees or band members, or that they couldn’t dance for .

They were great clients to make money from though, if such people kept visiting this club, the owner, Chaerin’s future lover, was soon to be a rich man as well, if he wasn’t already that it.


He kept scanning the crowd, looking for familiar faces, after all, if rich people came here, chances were that he knew some of them.

And he did indeed find a few. For example had he just spotted Mino, a fellow rapper at YG, who was talented yet underestimated. Well, Jiyong started like that too, he guessed it took some time to be discovered and valued by the public eye.

He also thought he saw Jae-sang, also known as Psy, a few minutes. He was one of the most popular YG artist beside Jiyong himself.


But most importantly, in between all those people Jiyong had noticed a guy to whom his eye wandered back every time. The man talked to his friends and stood with his back facing Jiyong, showing off his prized and overly attractive possession. Normally the rapper was more into girls and their bodies but looking at his great posture and that perfectly shaped … everyone would drool over that, right? He didn’t do anything wrong by staring, it wasn’t like he was going to throw himself at the man and if said one didn’t like to be stared at he should present himself like that.


What gave Jiyong the rest though was when the guy turned around, revealing a pair of deer-like ing sparkling eyes the idol knew so well by now and started to walk away from his group of friends.

Their eyes met and Jiyong wasn't freaking kidding when he said that sparks went flying. Like, everywhere. It felt like he was part of a cheesy soap opera where the time slowed down the moment the main character spotted the love of his life for the first time.

Upon seeing the blonde, Seungri, being his happy go lucky self, waved at him cheerfully like an idiot and strode over to the lounge with a confidence level of 100.

Jiyong quickly stood up, fearing that his friends would see Seungri, and met said one at the beginning of the VIP area.


„Hyung!“ Seungri grinned and gave Jiyong a short but tight hug, which didn’t at all turn his world upside down or something. It wasn’t like he was already done the moment he noticed how good the kindergartener looked with his hair up and in a black button up shirt with the first few ones opened.

„Hey. I didn’t know you’d be here as well.“ The blonde answered and hoped that his smile didn’t look to goofy because it definitely felt like it.

„Ah, yeah, the owner of the club is a good friend of mine.“

„Oh, really? I haven’t had the chance to greet him yet, he seemed busy.“ 

Seungri laughed at that understandingly.

„He is surrounded by half of Seoul, even I only said hi to him before I was swept away by the crowd.“


They both laughed, it wasn’t that funny really, but Jiyong felt like it was. He felt like smiling and laughing fondly at Seungri every time he opened his mouth was appropriate for some reason.


„So, have you had a drink yet? They are good here, right?“ Seungri asked, still with that adorable smile on his face.

„I wouldn’t know, we didn’t try one yet. I didn’t really feel like conquering the giant mass of people there, I would’ve never come out alive.“ 

„Oh! No problem I can get you some! I’ll be right back!“ He didn’t even wait for an answer as he rushed off in a matter of seconds.


Jiyong watched the younger disappearing in the sea of people with a content giggle before he turned around to go back to his friends. When he did though, he was greeted by three knowingly smirking faces staring at him.


„He giggled, can you believe that?“ Seunghyun teased and whistled to emphasize the statement hidden in his question.

„I wouldn’t if I didn’t just hear it.“ Chaerin went along, tilting her head and raising her left eyebrow. Youngbae only laughed heartily.

„I told you guys.“

„He’s cute though.“







Seungri had been gone for only a few minutes but Jiyong already felt like he was abandoned. His three ’friends’, as they liked to call themselves, thought it would be a good idea to make fun of the idol non stop and if Seungri didn’t say he would come back to bring them drinks, Jiyong would’ve already left the club. He also thought of at least walking back to where he had been talking to the younger previously to escape the annoying teasing but he was also aware that it would only fuel the fire.

So he remained silent and waited instead.


„Ah, he’s coming back.“ Seunghyun chuckled, obviously enjoying this. „He looks like an obedient puppy.“

„Yah!“ Jiyong, for the first time since Seungri left, chose to say something, even though he kind of had to agree with the actor, he felt like he had to defend the younger, who probably wouldn’t even care. But just because his friends wanted to rile Jiyong up didn’t mean they had the right to insult someone else, especially when that someone was so bright and lovable.


„Hey, I got you some drinks. Jiyong hyung told me it’s difficult for him to get through the crowd so I figured it would be similar for you too. I didn’t know what you’d want so I just ordered a bunch of different drinks. The barkeeper said it’s on the house.“ He placed a tray with all kinds of drinks on the table and gave off his usual aura of happiness and confidence.

„Thank you.“ Jiyong smiled thankfully and when he looked at the other three he couldn’t suppress a gleeful grin as he saw how they were practically melting in the presence of Seungri.

They thanked him warmly and kept glancing between Jiyong and him.


„So, you must be Seungri right?“ Chaerin asked politely, even though she knew the answer already and the black haired man seemed surprised that she was aware of his existence but nodded anyway.

„You two seem close already, you called him hyung just now.“ Seunghyun decided it was time to tease the younger again, you could tell by his smirk and the way his right eyebrow slowly raised and fell every few seconds. He couldn’t impress him though, the actor didn’t know that Seungri didn’t get

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Lujiee #1
Chapter 17: For the love of God, you need to finish this!
I mean, I hope we as your subscribers inspired you to finish this..but of course take your need to rush this adorable story..yours is a breath of fresh air..hope to read from here soon 💕
blinks_04 #2
Chapter 21: I hope you still believe in him and wait for him too<3 btw I hope you're doing well, if you saw this, just wanna say that I love your books and please stay healthy<33
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow. The first chapter really got me hooked! I love it!
karina1284 #4
Chapter 21: Hi. Still here waiting for you to comeback and continue the story.
Dora_dora_dora #5
Chapter 21: I hope you are feeling good and please continue the story
Segarselalu #6
Chapter 21: Back here to reread this story for the nth times.
I wish u are doing well authornim and hopefully someday you will return here, we miss u so much.
aufaitxx #7
Chapter 21: Still here, reread this for the 3rd time, and still patiently waiting for your wonderful update..keep on writing authornim..?
Ski60904doggylov821 #8
Chapter 21: I hope you continue the story. And I also beleive seungri is innocent and I really miss him too.
ElleEvans #9
Chapter 8: This is so sweet I think I am having a toothache ^o^