A weird vegetable

Can't Stop The Feeling
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Actually I wanted to update tomorrow but it's my birthday (since like 10 minutes) so I wanted to give you a present instead! I love you <3
And happy birthday to myself lol






It’s been another week since the Final Concert in Seoul and it has gotten quiet around the rapper already. Of course people still talked about him and his tour, his talents, his scandals - to be quite frank, people always talked about him, simply because he was the G-Dragon.

The idol himself, though, hasn’t shown up in public ever since the CF filming and decided to work behind the scenes again. He was tired and exhausted, he didn’t even know why he still worked at all, he was rich, he could just stop working for the rest of his life. 

Actually, the blonde did know why he didn’t, because for him, there was no life without work. He didn’t have a real sleeping schedule and despite his work as a rapper, singer, songwriter and producer, maybe designer, he really couldn’t do anything else. 


Since he was a little kid he learned how to be an idol, he never experienced school trips or went to the amusement park with his friends, he just didn’t have enough time for that.

So obviously he also never had time to learn how to repair his car, or his bike, (scratch that, he didn’t have a bike) - or literally anything for that matter.

He never learned how to cook or how to bake.

He never learned how depend on himself because he always followed his manager.

He never learned how to build shelves or wardrobes.

He didn’t even know were the fuse box was.


That’s why he worked, because when he did there was no need to deal with those thoughts and he could always use ‚I don‘t have time, I’m busy working.‘ as an excuse. So his job wasn’t really about fun anymore, it became an excuse, a habit and a duty. It was a reason for him to live happily without being questioned.


„Why do you push yourself so much, Jiyong? I can see it, you’ve been up for nights again, you need to learn how to rest.“ Teddy, a fellow producer, mentioned without even averting his eyes from the screen of his computer. It had become a recurring case and it wasn’t at all unusual for Jiyong to overwork himself.


„Go home, get some rest.“

„You know I can’t and won’t do that.“

„You could, but for some reason you don’t want to.“ Teddy gave him a a quick, unreadable look before he turned back to work on his task.


Nothing more was said but the rapper knew very well that everyone was aware of his strange habits.

Much to Jiyong’s dislike he also had to admit that his work progress had been slow since, well, he came back to work after the CF filming. 

It wasn’t his fault but his mind had been constantly occupied by a man with curly black hair, who apparently cared more about ice cream than everyone’s favorite idol, G-Dragon.

It was incredibly annoying as well as endearing.


At first Jiyong was, once again, worried that he might never see that odd man ever again. He didn’t exactly know why, yes, the other was good looking and kind of really cute, but he was also especially strange and unpredictable. The idol couldn’t change it though, something about the stranger was attracting him, drawing him in, so in the end Jiyong gave up.

Then he started to wonder where the man actually came from, he said his name was Seungri, a Korean name, and he looked Korean too. He attended a Japanese concert and was able to speak Japanese fluently. Has he been just on holidays in Japan? or in Korea? What coincidence was it even to meet him in Seoul again? 


Luckily his worries subsided as soon as Yang Hyun-suk told him he wanted to contact Seungri to make him train and debut under YG. His boss knew about the potential the young man held and since he already became a little sensation in Korea and Japan the moment the fancams went viral, people already waited for news of Seungri debuting as an idol himself or having a collaboration with Jiyong. Everyone commented on how lucky G-Dragon was to have a fan like Seungri and that Seungri would be so happy if he got an offer and was probably really thankful too. That the rapper hoped as well, but little did his fans know, that Seungri probably wasn’t even that much of his fan, which made him wonder why he payed so much money to see him to begin with.


When Yang told Jiyong how hard it was to find Seungri, the idol found himself being uneasy. They didn’t know where he lived, what his real name was or whom he was friends with, so YG wasn’t able to find out about his whereabouts. 

But now, after a week of trying to find that little troublemaker, he apparently finally got to know his address, which should have been a reason to finally calm down, yet, Jiyong still found himself being restless again. 

He hoped if he knew that he would meet the other again he would be able to relax and continue to work on his projects but now that it was certain that he would see Seungri soon, he was constantly excited and felt slightly giddy whenever he thought of that moment.


„I need a smoke…“ Jiyong sighed and heaved his slender body from the chair his was seated on for several hours now.

„I’d like to say ‚Don’t smoke, it’s bad for your health!‘ but I guess I have to be happy that you get out of here at all.“ Teddy retorted, still glaring at his screen. 

The idol simply nodded in agreement as he strode out of the room, he wasn’t stupid, he did indeed notice how he was behaving. He proceeded to the back door to be not seen by any fans, the famous rapper couldn’t possibly show himself without make up and dark eye bags and stubbles from the lack of shaving during the past few days instead.

When he arrived outside and closed the door behind himself, he fiddled out a cigarette and a lighter and quickly brought the cancer stick to his lips. 


He had barely lit it when his phone started ringing, causing the blonde to groan in frustration.

„What“ He barked into his phone, not having looked at the caller ID. He really needed to learn to do that.

„What’s with your tone, I think you don’t realize who you are talking to.“ It was Chaerin.

„Ah, it’s you.“ Jiyong said casually and took a deep drag from his cigarette. „What is it?“

„Pft, douche! Anyway, next week is the Grand Opening of the new club I told you about the other day. Are you going to come?“

„Why would I?“

„It’s the club of my cousin’s best friend, we could promote it a bit, you know?“

„Still, why would I come?“ Seriously, Jiyong really didn’t want to get involved with those things again, there were enough videos of him being drunk on the internet already.

„C’mon, stop working and enjoy your life a little. You only think about your job all the time, you can do that after the party again.“

„…Okay, fine! I got it, stop bugging me now, will you?“ Jiyong gave in in the end, mostly because he knew Chaerin wasn’t someone to back down.

„Err, let’s see…“ She thought aloud and the rapper wanted to beg her to just hang up already but of course the woman wasn’t as simple.

„Oh! Can you ask Youngbae to come as well?“

„Can’t you ask him yourself? You are gossip sisters, you talk all the time!“

„The chance he will come is bigger if you ask him, you know, he is still angry at me because of the last time I forced him to come.“


Yeah, Jiyong remembered that night all too well. During that time Hyorin and Youngbae weren’t dating yet but the singer had a giant crush on the model already. When Chaerin invited him, saying Hyorin would be there too he had told Jiyong it wasn’t a good idea for him to go because he knew about his bad drinking habits, but Chaerin being Chaerin forced him to come.

Long story short: Youngbae embarrassed himself in front of the love of his life.


„Tell him to stop being a , they’re dating now anyway, so where’s the problem?“ Jiyong scoffed, still kind of amused by the thought of his best friend’s table dance.

„When I did that he was even more pissed so I guess it wouldn’t work this time either.“

„Alright, alright, I’ll ask him, can I finally have my peace now?“

„Yes! Thank you Oppa!“ She squealed and it was as fake as Jiyong’s kwiyomi.

„Oppa my .“

„I love you too, Ji. We’ll see each other at the party then, I’ll send you the address and time later. Bye!“

„Bye .“


Ugh, what a bother.


He put his phone back into his pocked and inhaled the unhealthy smoke of his cigarette while he let silence engulf him. It hasn’t even been half a minute until Jiyong’s phone started ringing again. If it was Chaerin again he’d kill her, so it better be not.

This time he took a look at who called and was surprised to find it to be his boss, Yang Hyun-suk.


„Hello?“ The idol asked carefully, you could never know in what mood the older was.

„Jiyong, hi, it’s me.“ Apparently in a good one this time.

„I just wanted to inform you about something.“

„And that would be?“

„I have arranged a meeting with the one and only Lee Seunghyun, aka Seungri.“


Jiyong’s heart immediately skipped a beat at the mention of the man’s name before it began beating rapidly.


„I want you to be present too, come to my office at 5pm, the both of us will be the only ones having a conversation with him at first. I want him to join this company so we need to make him feel comfortable. You may be his favorite idol, so be friendly, we want him to have a good impression of us, don’t we?“

„O-okay.“ What the was with that stuttering all of a sudden?!

„Good, see you then.“




Why was his heart beating so fast?! 

Well, at least he would finally be able to meet Seungri again and very soon on top of that.

Maybe, after tomorrow, he would be a part of YG! And everyone wanted a collaboration between them so that was something that was going to happen for sure! He would be able to see Seungri, like, every day!

Oh god! This was bound to become a mess!








The next day came quickly, perhaps a little to fast for Jiyong’s liking because he didn’t have time to prepare himself properly. 

The whole morning, noon and afternoon had been a torture, the idol just couldn’t concentrate on his work. He caught himself more than once imagining possible scenarios of what was going to happen later. There was so much excitement and uncertainty that the blonde was barely able to get at least some something done. 


To his dismay Youngbae came by after he heard that Seungri would have a meeting with Hyun-suk today and just wouldn’t stop pestering Jiyong about it. After all his best friend knew that there was something, that seemed to have caught the rapper’s interest in the stranger and of course he wouldn’t leave the matter after he had found out about it. Jiyong was hardly ever interested in his own relationships, he didn’t try very hard and he was never the one to make the first step. Sometimes, Youngbae thought, it was more like his former partners talked the idol into the relationships and he only tolerated it.

Work was always more important.



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Lujiee #1
Chapter 17: For the love of God, you need to finish this!
I mean, I hope we as your subscribers inspired you to finish this..but of course take your time..no need to rush this adorable story..yours is a breath of fresh air..hope to read from here soon 💕
blinks_04 #2
Chapter 21: I hope you still believe in him and wait for him too<3 btw I hope you're doing well, if you saw this, just wanna say that I love your books and please stay healthy<33
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow. The first chapter really got me hooked! I love it!
karina1284 #4
Chapter 21: Hi. Still here waiting for you to comeback and continue the story.
Dora_dora_dora #5
Chapter 21: I hope you are feeling good and please continue the story
Segarselalu #6
Chapter 21: Back here to reread this story for the nth times.
I wish u are doing well authornim and hopefully someday you will return here, we miss u so much.
aufaitxx #7
Chapter 21: Still here, reread this for the 3rd time, and still patiently waiting for your wonderful update..keep on writing authornim..?
Ski60904doggylov821 #8
Chapter 21: I hope you continue the story. And I also beleive seungri is innocent and I really miss him too.
ElleEvans #9
Chapter 8: This is so sweet I think I am having a toothache ^o^