
A One-shot Collections

“Jaejoong ah, I am so sorry. We can’t go out as frequently as we used to. My school is getting more hectic and so is your career. I know how lonely you could get sometimes, so I got you something to accompany you when need some comfort that I can’t provide. Here, take this. His name is Jiji, my one and only cat.”


That day, I should’ve known better to not simply give my kitty to my beloved boyfriend. I should’ve thought of possibilities that might occur in the future because of Jiji. Now I do regret that impulsive decision, a lot.



- Jaejoong-ah, I’m free today. Wanna hang out together? -


I typed the simple text on my phone with my chest drumming heavily out of nervousness. I gave a little heart at the end of it and pressed the send button. My heart went dugeun-dugeun as I stared at the screen of my cell phone, which was currently showing a picture of a loving couple smiling happily. That picture of me and Jaejoong brought a smile on my face as I waited for his reply. My secret agent, Jaejoong’s band mate – Junsu informed me earlier today that Jaejoong didn’t have any schedule for the whole day. I was really glad to hear that because I haven’t met him for almost three weeks. Thus, I sent him the message to ask him out. I was dying to see him and I wouldn’t miss this chance.


~ Chajatta nae sarang ~


My phone rang loudly, signaling the arrival of a new text message. I immediately clicked open the new text message with gleaming eyes, hoping to receive a “Yes, baby, sure!” from Jaejoong.


- I’m sorry but Jiji-nim seems to be really unhealthy, so I have to take care of him. Don’t want anything bad to be happened to him, do we? I’m really sorry, babe~ Next time, okay? ♥ -


My heart sunk down immediately. This was the tenth time he rejected my request to spend time with him and all of it was because of Jiji. Jiji is unhealthy, Jiji needs some attention, Jiji needs his weekly salon day, etc.

At first I was fine with it, genuinely happy because he took a really good care of my given pet. But as time passed, Jiji had become number on his priority list, and God knows where my position on that list was. It wasn’t like I was pestering him all the time; asking him to meet me or call me or text me or stuff. I was being really considerate of his job thus I sent him texts once in a while. But even if I had done so, he still chose Jiji over me.


Yes, I am jealous over Jiji. So what?!


“Stupid boyfriend.” I grumbled to myself as I threw myself on my bed.


Today was my one-day precious holiday from school, yet I really had no idea of how to spend it, since my so-called caring boyfriend rejected me.


I desperately whirled my mind to come up with something to do.


Fangirling. My mind provided after a while.


I pondered a little over the idea. Fangirling meant looking, watching, and listening to Jaejoong, right?




I’d rather take a satisfying nap than to look at his face.



“Jiji-ya~ I think she’s mad at me. She’s not replying my message, and when I called her, her phone was off. What should I do? I want to meet Sunmi, but you’re unhealthy. Ottokae?”


Kim Jaejoong stared at his inactive kitty that was sleeping peacefully on his lap. Jaejoong thought Jiji was in a bad condition because it was acting weird all day; being so silent and unresponsive and all. Jiji didn’t even eat its favorite cat food this morning. Thus Jaejoong came into conclusion that the kitty was sick. He was planning to take his day off to take care of his cat, to get it checked at the pet centre if needed.


His plan was distracted when he received a text from his girlfriend whom he missed dearly. She was asking to meet him; a request he would fulfill right away any other day. But he remembered about his plan of taking care of Jiji, a cat his girlfriend gave to him; an important symbol of their relationship.


But she is important too. His mind reminded him.


He was left pondering upon decisions. After a while, he let out a sigh but his face was one filled with determination.


“I’m so sorry."



“Han Sunmi! You have a visitor!”


Damn that Icha onni to have such a loud voice that possessed the power to bring me back from slumber land.


“What is it, onni?!” I yelled back, voice hoarse from a couple hours of nap, still unmoved from my bed.


The next second I saw a figure me with both hands on hips standing in front of my door. Oh, I hate that gesture on Icha onni. It showed that she wasn’t playing around.


“Your boyfriend is here, you lazy bum!”


“EEEEHH?!” I shot up from my bed in shock; scheeching in the process. I heard a familiar voice chuckling from outside my bedroom.

He is here.


“Hey, baby.”  Jaejoong walked over; sitting on the bed right beside me. I was still in a mess of incoherent thoughts; too shocked to utter any words. He was still as gorgeous as ever. It had been such a long time since the last time I saw him and God, I missed him.


Jaejoong reached for my hand; holding it tightly as he stared at me.


“I’m sorry. I know I’ve neglected you since you gave me Jiji. I was too concerned about Jiji since it was your first gift to me, that I didn’t realize I was losing grasp of you. I shouldn’t have done that, I know. So let me make it up for you?”


So here I am, wrapped in the warm embrace of the man I truly love.

If the result of my jealousy is this good, then I don’t actually mind to be jealous again.



This is dedicated to Mitta dongsaeng.




After re-writing this, I feel the urge to write another oneshot staring the almighty Jiji-nim.

He's just too cute for word, don't you think so?

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 6: Hey dear, I was finally happy to see Junsu but the story was incomplete. OMG! Why?
I was starting to wonder why your oneshot were only of Changmin and Jaejoong. What about the other 3 boys? Have you discontinued writing this oneshot collection?
Hope to hear from you soon ^^
2038 streak #2
Chapter 5: Hahaha that was a cute chapter. And Seohyun? Hehe should I start shipping our Minnie with Seo? You know there's an artist with the name in SM, right? :P
Anyway, can't wait to read the next one ^^
2038 streak #3
Chapter 4: Hehe that confession didn't come as a surprise. Anyway, good chapter. Can't wait to read the next one ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hehe I'm not good with genres. So I'm not sure if this chapter will fall onto angst category. However, it was a nice chapter nonetheless. I enjoyed reading it ^^
2038 streak #5
Chapter 2: I'm not much of a cat person but this chapter was nice. Jealous Sunmi and worried Jaejoong. Hahaha XD
2038 streak #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha hi there! I was wondering where this chapter was going and the last line cracked me up. Lol XD
Will read the next chapter a little later ^^
cHunZie #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahah.. i have just read the 'AND THAT WAS THE STORY OF HOW I GOT TO MEET MY HUSBAND' part.. lol
Leanneish #8
Wahhhhh I'm here leaving you comments with love~ xD
Great job on the one shots! I really liked Empty, it was sort of angsty and I really felt like hugging Jae ;w; I'm happy you gave him a good ending xP
And the Confession x3 squeeee~ handsome Jae with spicy red sauce on his lips *O* I don't know how your character managed to not have a nosebleed xD
And zomg Jealousy! (can you tell I love all the Jae fics the most?) it's so adorable! Being jealous over JiJi can be a good thing x3 gah cute Jae with JiJi = <3 ♪(´ε` )
Love your stories! ^^