Start of Something

A One-shot Collections
"Kim Jinae! Will you ever stop twittering?! I don't pay you for doing that silly useless thing, I pay you to work! Now get on it before I fire you!" With hands on hips, my boss scolded me with his annoying high-pitched voice. He was literally fuming, his face was in a deep shade of red; clearly showing his anger.

However, he was not the only one angry here. I was genuinely pissed off too. Being the only staff in this field, I have been working my off for 5 hours non-stop. I felt like I didn't even manage to catch my breath. His ridiculous orders to me were not helping my situation either. I would have tolerated better it if it was once in a week thingy; but this exact scene had been repeating in daily basis. I didn’t understand what I did wrong because actually I’ve been doing a good job and I never once disobeyed him.
He was still scolding me, but his words were magically inaudible to me. I looked up at his annoying face; feeling the sudden urge to punch him.
This is ridiculous.
My pent up feeling was taking over me and I surrendered to it.
Let's put an end on this .

I gathered up my newly found courage and daringly spoke up to him.
"Excuse me, Mr. Shim, but If I disappointed you that much to the point of having you telling me off in daily basis, then I'd gladly do you the favor of having my out of this sickening office."

Mr. Shim looked utterly shocked; taken aback with my action. "How dare you!"


My cheek stung so much as the pain soared to my whole body. His palm had left a red burning print on my cheek.

I felt completely blank at the moment. This was the first time had someone ever slapped me and God, I felt so violated.

It was the last straw.

I started to pack up my belongings onto a box I placed under my desk. If my boss couldn’t give even an ounce of respect for me, then I had no reason to stay. He even went all the way to actually land a slap on my cheek… What a bastard.

"Oh my.. I'm so sorry, Jinae! I didn't mean to do that! Oh God, I'm really sorry! Jinae-ya, what are you doing? You.. You're the only one I have for this section! Don't... Don't go! Please! I am sorry!"

That old man actually begged to me; frantically tried to apologize and stopped me from walking away but I gave him none of my attention. He very much deserved this.

As soon as I finished packing up, I rushed my way to the elevator nearby. He didn’t try to chase me; giving me up at last.
Unconsciously, tears were streaming down my burning cheeks as I realized that now I was unemployed.


The first thing I did when I reached home was to wash up. My body felt so sticky and so guilty and it didn’t feel nice, not even a bit.

I just made myself unemployed. I am jobless now.

I live far away from my family, and I threw away my job.
How am I going to live from now on?

I felt like banging my head on the wall as the thoughts dawn on me. I felt so stupid. Getting a job was nowhere near easy nowadays. I clearly remembered that it took me one painful year to finally attain that job that I just threw away in a blink of an eye.
However, I strangely felt no regret toward my decision. That old man very much deserved it. I was determined to make him to apologize to me for that uncalled slap and compensate me for it.

I changed into whatever clothes I could found in my cupboard and plopped down onto my bed. My blackberry in hands, I logged into my twitter. I felt the need to get this uncomfortable feeling out, and I thought twitter would do it.

There were 33 new mentions and 5 new direct messages for my twitter account.

I couldn’t be more careless at the moment. There was just one thing I really wanted to do.
I want to tweet him.

- @6002theMicky Yoochun-ah, I threw away my job today… -
- @6002theMicky Yoochun-ah, my cheek hurts. My boss slapped me in the face for the good job I’ve done for him. -

- @6002theMicky I really want to cry right now... which I already did. But crying won't solve a thing, right? -

- @6002theMicky Tell me, am I stupid to just quit from my job like that? Because scolds me like crazy while giving me endless works? -

- @6002theMicky Yoochun-ah.. It would be great to have you here right now. -
Typing those tweets suddenly brought back the tears to my already swollen eyes. I thought by tweeting him, it would bring me a sense of comfort, but it was more tears that I got.
With a messed up heart, I cried myself to sleep.

Ding! - Ding! - Ding!

The loud tone of my blackberry’s notification sound rang continuously; signaling multiple of new interactions. With closed eyes, I felt around the bed for the ringing cell phone.  Grabbing it, I sat up on my bed, opening my puffy eyes in the process. The nap I just took did a little help of making me feel better.

Absentmindedly I went through the mentions I got in my twitter account.

"@jaewaifu Onni! You are sooo lucky! I envy you so much T___T"

Huh? This crazy dongsaeng of mine that I frequently talked to in twitter said I'm lucky? Because I lost my job?! My eyes narrowed by itself. Her jokes were getting too far..

However, when I checked my mention once more, wide awake this time, there were actually thousands of mentions from people I didn't know. I did recognize most of them as Cassiopeias though. Most of their tweets were expressing their jealousy, pity, and happiness for me. W.. What? What is this all about?!

Scrolling down a bit more, a couple of particular mention made my breath got caught and eyes getting blurry.
- @6002theMicky: @chinnieeyo Hey, big girls shouldn't cry, right? I'm sure you deserve a far better job. Don't be sad~ ^^ -

- @6002theMicky: @chinnieeyo Oh, and please check your DM.^^ -


You know what, that day was actually not so bad. In fact, it was not bad at all. On the day I threw my job, I got to know Park Yoochun's number and eventually became much closer with him than I would ever imagine. A week later, a work invitation from South Korea reached my mailbox with a huge C-Jes Entertainment symbol on in it.
And that was the story of how I got to meet my husband.

This oneshot is dedicated for Novi onni.
I just re-wrote it and actually I feel a lot more confident with this one.
Don’t you think so? *wink
But it makes me miss Yoochun on twitter… *sobs
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2038 streak #1
Chapter 6: Hey dear, I was finally happy to see Junsu but the story was incomplete. OMG! Why?
I was starting to wonder why your oneshot were only of Changmin and Jaejoong. What about the other 3 boys? Have you discontinued writing this oneshot collection?
Hope to hear from you soon ^^
2038 streak #2
Chapter 5: Hahaha that was a cute chapter. And Seohyun? Hehe should I start shipping our Minnie with Seo? You know there's an artist with the name in SM, right? :P
Anyway, can't wait to read the next one ^^
2038 streak #3
Chapter 4: Hehe that confession didn't come as a surprise. Anyway, good chapter. Can't wait to read the next one ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hehe I'm not good with genres. So I'm not sure if this chapter will fall onto angst category. However, it was a nice chapter nonetheless. I enjoyed reading it ^^
2038 streak #5
Chapter 2: I'm not much of a cat person but this chapter was nice. Jealous Sunmi and worried Jaejoong. Hahaha XD
2038 streak #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha hi there! I was wondering where this chapter was going and the last line cracked me up. Lol XD
Will read the next chapter a little later ^^
cHunZie #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahah.. i have just read the 'AND THAT WAS THE STORY OF HOW I GOT TO MEET MY HUSBAND' part.. lol
Leanneish #8
Wahhhhh I'm here leaving you comments with love~ xD
Great job on the one shots! I really liked Empty, it was sort of angsty and I really felt like hugging Jae ;w; I'm happy you gave him a good ending xP
And the Confession x3 squeeee~ handsome Jae with spicy red sauce on his lips *O* I don't know how your character managed to not have a nosebleed xD
And zomg Jealousy! (can you tell I love all the Jae fics the most?) it's so adorable! Being jealous over JiJi can be a good thing x3 gah cute Jae with JiJi = <3 ♪(´ε` )
Love your stories! ^^