Why Do You Appear in Front of Me {Youngmin's POV}

It's Okay

Youngmin's Point of View

After seeing her again yesterday, she was all I could think about. I just felt bad.... In a way, I guess I feel guilty. The first time I saw Jae, I just let her get hurt, then I never contacted her again even thought I said I would (more to myself than out loud), and when I saw her again I acted like we had never met.

"Youngmin-ah!" Kwangmin poked me. "You've been extra quiet ever since yesterday. Did something happened?" I told Kwangmin everything, but I never told him about Jae. And I didn't want to explain what happened to him right now, so I kept quiet.  "Wow that's a first," interjected Minwoo "Youngmin-hyung must be extra tired today to not answer a question his twin has."

Donghyun walked into the roon. "You guys great news! The CEO managed to get us not only better beds, but a better dorm too!"

"Really?!?" Jeongmin asked. "Yup! It's not far from here, just on the other side of the school. Maybe a 15 minute walk."

"So we'd still be able to play soccer in the field right?" Hyunseong asked. "Yup!" We got excited, the thought of new non-collasping beds was great, but a new dorm was too good to be true! "Even better news, our schedule's cleared for today so we can pack up. We're moving tomorrow!" So with that we all packed up quickly. It's not like we had much, after all we were guys. Plus Donghyun is kind of a busybody. He made us finish packing before we could have breakfast.....

"So with the rest of the day off, what do you want to do?" asked our leader. We voted and everyone but Jeongmin and Minwoo voted for soccer. "NO!!!!" They both cried out. Minwoo is really bad at games in general, but Jeongmin just at soccer. He can do anything BUT soccer.

Still we dragged him to the field. But we weren't the only ones there. The French students we normally played with were playing with three girls. And even though the girls looked tired and breathless, I think they were winning!

"Wow those girls can really play..." exclaimed Minwoo. "Can we just watch for now?" asked Jeongmin. Hyunseong backed him up "Yeah this is pretty interesting." 

"I guess we could watch for now, but let's find a better spot to watch." We walked a little closer to the game, but sat far enough to not be noticed. The game was pretty fun to watch. But then I saw who was playing....

"Jae-yah...." I whispered. She was right in front of me again... The game ended soon after and it seemed like Jae's team won. The three girls walked together off the field as the French team shouted something in French to them, surprisingly Jae answered back, in French.

"Where do you think those girls are going?" Minwoo innocently asked. "No clue," sighed Jeongmin, "But where ever they're going mean it's our turn...." I watched as Jae and her friends walked slowly out of view.

"Hyung!" Kwangmin called, "Stop staring at them get over here!" I snapped out of it, "Yeah, I'm on the way!"

We played a few games, and lost almost all of them with the exception of one game. "Come on! We had 6 people on our team and we barely won! I bet those girls destoryed the other team!" Donghyun can get very competitve sometimes huh?

"No need to feel so bad hyung." Minwoo tired to make us feel better. "It's just that me and Jeongminnie-hyung really at soccer."

*Ring ring* the phone rang, "Yes?"

We put it on speaker "Can you come to the company for and hour or two? The new transfer from Japan just arrived and we want him to get to know the people he'll be with during his stay." Sigh our company took part in  an employee exchange thing. It's only for a week though.... "We're on our way." We all replied. After all changing we got into the can and drove to Starship.

"Annyeong haseyo, I'm Go Jinho!" A pretty looking boy announced as we walked into the practice room.

"Hope we'll get along!" he said cheerfully. Even though he seemed like a pretty nice guy, there was something I didn't like about this flower boy...

"Well I'm guessing you already know you who we are, but I'm leader Donghyun, and this is Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo. Nice to meet you Jinho-sshi." We talked for a bit until the manager got  a text.

"Aigoo, you guys.... your language tutor just quit! This is the 3rd! What do you do to make them quit so fast? Do you know how hard it is to find a language tutor?!?!" Well sorry manager-nim, but I just don't like learning other languages! I'm really bad with them....

"Ummmh, I think I might have a solution to your problem. Well maybe, I haven't been in contact lately, but I know a person who's really good with languages. Her dream was to be a language teacher at one point, so she's really good at teaching. I bet she could do the job." Jinho said

"Is she nearby?"

"Her family told me she moved back to Seoul a year ago, so yeah!" he smiled to himself.

"Well if you can give us her number we'll call to see if she wants the job."

"Her parents, gave it to me. But do me a favor and don't tell her I'm the one who vouched for her." Okay that's pretty weird..... Manager-nim just nodded. "I'll call her later, you guys can go now. You deserve today off. Don't forget to we're moving you tomorrow!"

And with that we went our separate ways. Jinho came with us until he asked us to drop him off in his old neighborhood. "It's been awhile since I've been here. I kinda want to reminisce a bit" So we dropped him off and went back to the dorm.

Hyungseong was reading, Minwoo was talking to Donghyun, Jeongmin was listening to his iPod, and of course Kwangmin was playing his pokemon games while rolling around on the floor. But I didn't want to stay inside. "Hey I'm going for a walk, I'll be back eventually."

I didn't pay attention to where I walked, but I figured I could find my way back. I saw a vending machine selling warm coffee, so I bought some chai flavored coffee, my new favorite, for later and kept on walking. I walked past a familiar looking guy, but didn't get a good look so I couldn't figure out who it was. A little further down the path I saw someone on a bench, lying down, asleep. I approached the person to wake them up, but when I saw the person's face I hesitated.

"Jae-yah,  why do you always appear in front of me?" I whispered. I walked slowly near her, not wanting to wake her up seeing me.

"Joey-oppa..." she murmured in her sleep. Who's Joey-oppa? But a second later I saw a few tears coming out of her closed eyes....

"Crying while asleep huh?" I said, I gently wiped them away. "You know Jae-yah, you're a very sensitive girl, but yet you can sleep through this cold...."  I remembered the can of coffee. I had some paper and a pen so I wrote a note and left it with the coffee. 

"I wish I could make it up to you someday, but this is the best I can do for now. Jae-yah wake up soon..." I said to her. I could tell that she was waking up so I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could away. Hopefully I was out of site when she woke up. I checked the time, "Oh crap, I better get back." So I ran back home.

Everyone was eating dinner, "Sorry we didn't wait up." Hyunseong said. "Want to tell us where you've been? You look out of breath." Donghyun said while picking up some rice.

"No where really, I didn't pay attention..." I said quietly. We dropped the subject for after that. Later that night Kwangmin and me were in our room. The hyungs and Minwoo were playing a video game (the two of us would play, but we lost....). Kwangmin dragged me out of there and siad we needed to talk.

"Okay something has been bothering you. You've been acting strange since yesterday. And you even went out on a walk! Normally you would just sit around and do nothing!" He sighed, "We promised to tell each other everything."

"I know..." I sighed. I started to tell him everything about Jae. How I stood by and did nothing while she got bullied, how I tired to make up for it, and how she's been appearing again.

"Wow hyung, you should have just told me this. This sounds like something from a drama I just saw. Weird right?"

"Yeah pretty weird...." I sighed again. it felt nice to tell him everything. Minwoo popped his head in through the door. "You guys coming? Next round's winner gets to chose the rooms!" "Yeah, we'll be there!" And we got up to leave.

"Hyung," Kwangmin grabbed my arm, "talk to me next time." I nodded. But when it came to Jae, I always felt so guilty I couldn't say anything...


I'm typing as I'm half awake, so I hope I didn't mees up too much!

<(^O^)/ See you soon! \(^O^)>


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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)