When We Met Again

It's Okay

How is it possible that Jo Youngmin is sitting in front of me? I just stared at him, but it seemed like he didn't even notice the expression on my face.

"Hi!" he smiled, "so what's you're name?" I just sighed, I should known... That's the kind of guy he was.... I whispered under my breath, "I guess you don't remember me,"

I shook it off and smiled as I answered his question, "Jae, that's what people call me." We didn't chat long, I just mentioned that I only found out about Boyfriend a few hours ago, and I became an instant fan.

"Really? And you just bought all of our CDs? Thanks for supporting us!" He threw in another smile before I got up to leave. I guess that explains why I haven't see him since that day. Being famous must come with a really crazy schedule. But he was still as charming as ever. 

I walked home after saying bye to Cho Hee, Turns out we have pretty similar situations. Like me, she's Korean, but lived in America. And like me, she is also living by herself in Korea. I came back to Korea a year ago, but my parents stayed behind thanks to my stubborn siblings. To make sure I'm alright, my aunt comes in to check in every once in awhile, but as the eldest child at 16,  I'm thought of as responsible enough to be left alone. I live in a little apartment that my family bought for me close to my school and job. And yeah, it's gets a little lonely... but they come to visit sometimes, and  we Skype each other all the time. It helps a little...

I unlocked the door and went inside. I didn't want to call today, meeting him again was just too tiring for me. So I got ready for bed, played one of my new CDs, and remembered that it was the start of a long weekend.

When I woke up, I heard my doorbell ring. I shuffled towards the door, and let Minhee in. "Did you wake up Jae-yah?" I nodded

"Oh okay, well I brought over some homemade ramen! Want some breakfast?" Minhee's homemade ramen? She is the best cook you'll ever meet, and her ramen is the best!

"What's the catch? I mean, you come over all the time, but you're giving me some of your homemade ramen" "No catch, I just want to hear what happened last night!"

"What is there to say, they were nice. They were cuter in person, and they have these kinds of personalities that just draw you to them." I poked at my ramen. Minhee just stared at me. "No there was something else, you normally would finish my ramen in minutes!"

I sighed.... "Remember that guy I told you who gave me that advice a year ago?" "Yeah, of course! The guy responsible for the best friend I have now!"

"I met again him yesterday. He's a member of Boyfriend." Shock took over my  friend's face, "Boyfriend? The band you just discovered yesterday?!"  

"Yeah, but when we met again, I could tell he didn't remember me..."

Minhee gave me a little hug,  "Wow, I'm sorry. But life goes on doesn't it?" "Yeah, it goes on..." I don't know why, but I felt like crying. Why does this effect me so much?

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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)