chapter 10

Waiting for You

i'll post the last 2 chaps in one day! happy new year  to all people out there! ;D may next year be a lot better, eh? ;D


It’s such a good day. Spring was already on its way, birds were chirping everywhere, flowers began to blossom. Sun’s still hiding behind the clouds and sky was still dark. Minho stretched his arms, doing some warm up. He was at the park with his jogging-mate, none other than Krystal, who’s doing the same.

After the warm up finished, they started to jog around Han River. They jogged in silence for about an hour until Minho decided to stop. It’s earlier than the usual, even the sun’s still nowhere to be seen. They went back to the park and took a sit.

“ Why stop?” Krystal asked, confused. She took off her headphone and walked to the vending machine nearby. Minho followed her, his hands in the pockets. He didn’t answer, he just looked at her raising her brows to him.

“ What? You’re not bringing any money?” She chuckled. Minho shook his head.

“ No, “ he answered simply.

“ So?” Minho brushed his hair with his hand, didn’t know what to say. His heart slowly began beating faster. He just shrugged.

“ You want a drink?” Krystal asked again. She’s about to buy another water bottle when Minho stopped her and taking her drink instead. He drank it until the last drop.

“ Yah, I can buy a new one for you, you know,” Krystal said in annoyance. She put money into the machine again and buy another bottle.

“ You don’t get it?” Minho asked.

“ Get what?”

“ I just kissed you indirectly,” Minho said, tried to look nonchanlant. Krystal’s eyes widened, her face immediately heating up, turning bright red.

“ Wh-What?!” She reflex punched Minho’s arm, then put her hands to covered her face. Minho smiled looking at her reaction.

“ Soo Jung-ah,” he called. Krystal glanced at him.

“ What?”

“ Do you still like me?” He asked abruptly. Krystal could feel her jaw dropped. She blinked her eyes several times and immediatelly took over her own expression again.

“ No, I hate you,” she said in straight voice. She then turned her heels, her back facing Minho. She walked away, leaving the man all speechless.

“ Wait Soo Jung!” He jogged, catching up with her. He stopped in front of her. “ Wait, Soo Jung,” he repeated, holding Krystal’s shoulders to make her stopped. She didn’t look at him and started to tremble.

“ Soo Jung, sorry, sorry for asking you that. Sorry, sorry, okay?” Minho started to feel guilty. Two seconds passed.

Then she let it out. She laughed. Hard. Until her stomach hurt.

“ You want to sing Suju sunbae’s Sorry Sorry?” She wiped her tears. Minho shook his head in disbelief. What the hell?

“ Yah! You fooled me!” He shouted, pointing his index finger to her. Krystal calmed herself.

“ Aigoo, oppa. Isn’t it obvious? Of course I like you. Who dislike their own friend?” Minho felt like déjà vu. He said the similar phrase just few days before. Now he knew how Taemin had felt before.

“ Not from that side, aigoo, Soo Jung, “ he pouted. “ I mean…. Do you like me? Like, do you like me?” Minho felt like an idiot. He thought he had been good enough with words but no. He still needed to learn more.

“ I like you, oppa, seriously. Like, really, really like you. “ Krystal nodded her head then smiled.

Minho smiled back. He didn’t know it would be that easy. He didn’t nervous or whatever. It just flowed like that. He suddenly hugged her tight. His smile grew wider and wider, his stomach tingling, and he could hear the heaven’s choir in his mind. Everything just felt great. He felt so light until he could fly.

“ Oppa, can’t breath,” Minho landed back to earth when he felt pats on his back.

“ Oh, sorry, Soo Jung,”  He released his hug, looking at his angel. Genuine smile appeared across his face.

“ Aigoo, oppa, you creep me out, looking at me like that,” Krystal tittered. Her heart beated so damn hard inside her chest, she scared that it would jump out any time. Minho took a step forward, put his hands up to her face.

“ Oh my, it’s hot,” Minho said, chuckled.

“ Yah, don’t tease me, oppa!” Krystal pouted, put her hands to let Minho’s hand off of her face. Minho didn’t care. He leaned forward, cupped her face again, then pressed his own lips to the other’s. It’s different, lot different from the previous. It’s the sweetest, softest, purest kiss he ever known.

Krystal’s scared. She’s scared that her eyes might jump out of their sockets. Or her heart just stop beating. Minho kissed her. Choi Minho kissed her. That Choi Minho from Shinee just freaking kissed Jung Soo Jung from f(x). She tought she could faint. And that’s what exactly happened the next second. 


“ I-I don’t know! I-I just kissed her then the she fainted!”

“ Oh my, hyung, your kiss was poisoned!”

“ It wasn’t! Aish,”

“ Oh look, her eyes moving,”

“ Hey, prince, why don’t you kiss your princess again so she can back to life?”

“ Yah, hyung!”

“ Just do it, you kid,”

Krystal could feel something soft landed on her lips. She slowly opened her eyes.

“ Oh my God, she really go back to life!”

“ Your kiss is really something, hyung!”

“ Oh my God. Kids, shut up!”

Krystal blinked her eyes several times and Key’s face slowly appeared in her focus, looking back at her with worry look.

“ Krystal, finally you’re awake,” he sighed in relief, smiling. He turned his face to the others. “ She’s awake!”

“ Step aside, Kibum,” Key’s relief face immediately changed into Minho’s curious and worried face. “ Soo Jung-ah, you’re okay?” He asked, his hands holding her left hand. Krystal sat up and nodded.

“ Eh, yeah, I’m okay,” she said, her eyes wandering around the room. “ Where am I?”

“ Our apartment,” Key said. They’re at the living room, Krystal was on the sofa while the other four standing still and Minho knelt next to her.

“ Oh, yeah. What happ-?” Krystal’s face couldn’t be more red remembering the reason why she fainted. 

“ Oh, I’m hungry, I’ll go and get us something to eat,” Key said, dragging Jonghyun with him to the kitchen.

 “ Ah, I want to pee,” Taemin said and made an excuse.

“ I have to meet the manager. Will join you guys when breakfast is ready,” Onew said, made his way to the front door, leaving Minho and Krystal all alone.

Awkward silence fell on them.

Krystal took her hand off Minho’s.

“ Why did you do that?” Krystal asked, looking at her feet.

“ Did what?” Minho stood up and took a sit next to her.

“ That….” Krystal gripped the edge of the sofa, embarrassed. Her cheeks blusing again. She bit her lip.

“ Kissed you?” Minho asked to convince. “ But I thought you like me back…” Krystal lifted her face and turned to face him.

“ But I do like you, you’re the one who only like me as best friend. Best friends don’t kiss,” Her voice bitter. Minho slowly shook his head.

“ I thought you’ve got it,” he said. “ I don’t think I still only see you as best friend, Soo Jung. I think I’ve seen you more than it.” He took Soo Jung’s both hands. “ I think I’ve like you more than just a best friend.” He smiled.

“ What do you mean, oppa? Don’t- don’t you dare play with my feelings!” Krystal’s grip tightened.

“ I don’t. I’m serious. Want me to prove it?” Krystal gazed at him.

“ Yeah, prove it,”

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foreversucks #1
fight fight fight!!

minyul <3
Joyvin #2
Second time reading this story. Really an awesome story :)
hazelchoi #3
i love the story, minstal ftw~
choiminjung #4
yeaaaaah i knew it would be minstal yeaaay :D
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #5
I just love the ending =) I have a feeling it will be another love-triangle =)
minstal_1 #6
so sweeet :))
oh, pairing up their kids. kekeke. such a sweet fanfic. thank you for making minstal end up together. :)
hi i'm a big fans of Krystal unnie!!!!! ^_^
Minstal for final pairing!!!!!!!,<3