SHINee Going To So Young's House

Never Would Have Thought We'd Be Together

-Key’s POV-

Our manager rang the bell, and a university-looking guy answered the door. “Who are you guys? Why are you ringing on other people’s doorbell like that? If you kids want to go and play, go find other houses to bother.”

‘Wow, this guy sounds mad, and what kid? We’re already in high school and out manager is in 30s’ I thought, “Hi, my name is Kim Kibum, and I was just wondering if this is Kim So Young’s house?”

“If yes, then what? if no, then what?” asked the guy.

“We were wondering if we can talk to her parents,” I answered.

“I am her older brother, if you want to talk, say it now. Our parents—”

A woman’s vioce then suddenly said, “Chung Hee! Who is it?”

“It’s no one, Mom. Don’t mind—” He got cut off again, this time by me.

“Hi, my name is Kim Kibum, and I was looking for Ms. Han So Young’s house. Are you her mom?” I asked

“Oh, are you our So Young’s boyfriend?” said So Young’s mom, smiling really big.

“Umm…no, I am not” I said awkwardly.

“Then is the cute boy next to you, our So Young’s boyfriend?”

“,” answered Taemin.

“What about that handsome boy next to you?”

“Not me either,” answered Minho.

“Then what about—”

“I am sorry, but none of us is her boyfriend,” I interrupted.

“Oh, I see. It’s okay. Anyways, please come in. Handsome boys are always welcome in our house,” invited So Young’s mother.

“But mom……” said Chung Hee.

“Shhh, shut up. It’s not everyday that handsome boys are coming into our house. Why can’t you be half as handsome as these boys here” said So Young’s mom.

“Augh.” Chung Hee became frustrated and closed the door after we all went inside.

“Sorry we’re intruding,” we said, leaving our shoes in front of the steps, and walked into the house, to the living room.

“Please sit. Chung Hee, go and bring some snacks and tea out,” ordered So Young’s mother sitting on the couch.

“Yes, Mom,” Chung Hee went into the kitchen.

-Chung Hee’s POV-

Mom, why are you letting them into our house? Don’t you know that flower boys are always the playboy type? Why are you getting fooled by their looks?’ I thought.

I made tea and brought out some sweet cookies.

-Key’s POV-

“So what did you want to talk about?” asked So Young’s mom

“Well, to get straight to the point, we want Ms. So Young to be our assistant manger, and she will also get paid monthly,” I answered.

“I see. Well, even though, you guys are handsome, my daughter is only 15 years old, and you think I will let her work? What about school?” asked So Young’s mom.

“Well, about that—” Suddenly the door opened, and So Young came in.

-So Young’s POV-

“I am home! Why are there so many shoes outside?” I looked up and saw six guys in my living room, plus Chung Hee, and my mother, “It’s you guys? Why are you here in my house?”

“Shhh, be quiet, So Young. I invited them in,” said my mom.

“Oppa, what’s going on?” I looked at my brother, who was standing in the corner, listening.

“Oh, they’re talking about you becoming their, assistant manger, and mom said that she won’t allow it since you’re still in high school, and you still need to go to school,” replied Chung Hee.

“Oh, I see. Good job, Mom.” I put my thumbs up at my mom.

-Key’s POV-

“So to continue what I was saying, if Ms. So Young becomes our assistant manager, she will get monthly paid, and she will be allowed to go to S.H. high school,” I continued.

“But isn’t that high school super expensive?” asked So Young’s mom.

“Yes, it is, but I have heard that Ms. So Young is the top student in her school, and she always get the number one spot in academic rank, so with her record, grades, GPA, and her dedication, I bet that she will have a high chance of passing the entrance exam and getting a scholarship. Plus, the company will send in a letter of recommendation, which will get her a much higher chance of getting a scholarship,” I replied. “By the way, just in case you’re wondering, she does have to live in a dorm; guys and girls are separated, of course.”

“I see. Well, that’s okay.” So Young’s mom smiled really widely. “I agree to let her be your assistant manager.”

“Thank you so much for agreeing,” I said in a relieved voice. “By the way, the entrance exam is on Friday of next week at 3:30 P.M., so I’ll come to your school and pick you up,” I said looking straight at So Young.

We got up and said in synch, “Thank you for your hospitality.” We got our shoes on and left.

-So Young’s POV-

“WHAT?! WHY MOM?!” I screamed in frustration.

“It’s for your own good. The school is famous, so if you’re able to graduate from that school, you will have a higher chance of going after your dream,” smiled my mom.

“B-b-but I don’t want to go to the same high school as them, especially with that guy called Key. He’s rude and mean,” I complained.

“I don’t care, I already made up my mind and that’s final!” said my mom persistently “Now remember to study and get ready for the entrance exam. Also remember to get enough sleep, so that you don’t get tired, and don’t overwork yourself.”

“Yes, Mom,” I said, walking up the stairs to my room.

“I also forgot to say this, don’t slack off and try to fail, if you do that, you’re gonna get in trouble with me!!!!” yelled my mom, loud enough so that I can hear.

I closed the door to my room and sat on my bed.

I seriously don’t want to get into S.H. high school, but I guess mom is right. It is a good school to graduate from and get a good job. It will take me to a step closer to my dream,’ I thought to myself.

“Oh, well, time to study I guess,” I mumbled.

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songseunghyunsarangh #1
This is so cute, I love it!
@s-elfish, LOL, but didn't you call HikariCharter a child, for complaining :P and now it's ur turn, and ur not just complaining in the fanfic, ur also complainging outside, i so knew u would haha
@HikariCharter, yep i remember, but he is still the second least competitive member in shinee
"i dont care if i lose or win" sure jonghyun >:P jonghyun cheats his way to winning LOL remember hello baby?
s-elfish #4
So you make the female guests help clean, but insist that the male guests don't have to do anything? Hm. >_>
just keep on waiting my friend, just keep on waiting, it's not gonna b any time soon XD XD XD
u updated~~~~~~<3 when is JongMin gonna happen DDDDDDDDDX
"big shawol" >.> u didnt know sherlock was out til i told u XDD ANYWAYS yo r right ;:D being busy is true this time =.= because even i DDX stayed up every night doing hw :\ n other stuff happen too ;DD i didnt update for like 3 weeks :DD i'm so cool ;D I"M SO CURIOUS for the next chapter :DD get it? XDD SHERLOCK~
Cant wait for next week >.<
SuJuniorLover99 #9
Yes! She got in, thank god! Update soon!
s-elfish #10
Ahhh sorry! I rushed. :(