The First Time I Met You

Never Would Have Thought We'd Be Together


- Two days later, Sunday, Christmas 


-So Young’s POV-


“Ahhhh,” I yawned “So it’s finally Christmas morning. So tired. Why do I have to waste my time and go to some stupid concert to see, uh…..ummm…..who was it again? Oh forget it; it’s not even worth remembering.”

I rose up from the bed, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, and went into my room to change. When I finished everything, I looked at the clock and it was only 1 P.M. “Wow, it’s still this early. There’s, like, four more hours. Let’s do my homework and study to pass time.”  I took out my books, line paper, and started writing.

A few hours had passed. I finished all my homework and even studied all my subjects, so I decided to go out to the living room and watch some TV. Chung Hee oppa, my big brother, suddenly walked in front of the TV.

“Oppa! I can’t see, can you please move?” I said in frustration. Chung Hee oppa still stood there, not moving an inch.

“Kim So Young! Where are you going today? Why are you all dressed up?” Chung Hee oppa questioned. I looked up at him.

“I am going to some stupid concert with my friend. Now can you please move, oppa? This is my favorite TV show.”

“Who are you going with? A boy or a girl? And why are you even going to see a concert? Why don’t you stay home and study? Music will only distract you, and those so called ‘hot’ boys only want to trick you into buying their tickets and earning money,” said Chung Hee oppa, furious.

“It’s a girl, and I didn’t even want to go to the concert to begin with. I rather stay home, do some more school work, and help out around the house with chores.”

“Then why are you going? No one’s forcing you, are they? If they are, tell oppa, and I’ll beat them up.”

“Yes, yes, yes, oppa. Can you please move now?” I looked at the clock and it was 4:30 P.M. already.

I then stood up, ran to the front door, got my shoes, and yelled out, “Oppa, I need to go now, I’ll see you later, bye!”

“Be careful! Remember to look out for cars whenever you walk on the street, and remember to bring your phone with you, and—”

I cut off Chung Hee oppa’s words and said, “Yes, yes, yes I know. Don’t be such a worry wart oppa, lighten up. I’ll be right back. Bye!” I ran out the door and closed it.

I walked to the library, and I was just in time. It was 5 P.M. I looked around trying to find Cho Hee. Someone suddenly called out “So Young! I am here!” I turned around and Cho Hee was running towards me. We then started walking to the concert.

We arrived there 30 minutes early and no one could go in yet, so I told Cho Hee “Wait for me here, I’ll be right back. I need to go to the restroom,”

“Okay,” replied Cho Hee.

After I got out of the restroom, I walked and walked, but just couldn’t fine the place where Cho Hee and I were standing. I walked around looking for the place. Then, suddenly, without looking I bumped into someone.

“Oww, sorry, I wasn’t looking” I looked up and saw five guys standing in front of me.

“It’s okay, we weren’t looking either,” the guy I bumped into said.

“Umm...can I ask you where I can find the front entrance, I need to get back to my friend. She’s waiting for me,”

The five guys suddenly looked at each other in shock and in disbelief “You seriously don’t know who we are?” questioned the guy I bumped into.

I was confused and said “No, why should I? I am only here because my friend begged me to go. I didn’t even want to be here to begin with, and now I am lost and can’t find the way back to my friend, so can one of you guys please tell me the way to the front entrance?”

The guys continued to look at each other. I was impatient and said “Forget it, I am going to try and look for someone else to help me,” I then walked passed them.

Then, the guy I bumped into grabbed my arm and said, “Hang on, it’s not possible for someone not to know us. I mean, we’re the most popular group right now.”

“Uh huh, popular…. 'Wow, how conceited calling themselves popular.'" I thought to myself “So…can you please let go of my arm now? I really need to get back to my friend.”

“Well then, why don’t I tell you who we are, so that you know,” the guy I bumped into said.

“Hehehe...” I forced a laugh awkwardly. “You don’t have to waste your time and tell me.” I started walking passed them, but the guy I bumped into still did not let go of my arm. “Again, can you please let of my arm?”

“My name is Kim Kibum, my stage name is Key. I am also known as Almighty Key or Key umma, and I am the vocalist and rapper of the group,” the guy I bumped into said.

“YAH!” I screamed out. “Are you listening to me, I told you to please let go of my arm, and why are you introducing yourself? I never even asked for it.”

He ignored me and continued. “The guy on the far right is Lee Jinki, stage name Onew, he is our leader, and he loves chicken. He was also the person who invented Onew condition, and he is the main vocalist,”

"Onew condition? what's that?" I then looked over at Onew, and he smiled at me and waved.

“The guy in the middle right is Kim Jonghyun, also known as Bling Bling Jonghyun. He’s our main vocalist.”

I looked over at Jonghyun He also smiled sweetly and said, “Hey”

“The guy on the middle left is Choi Minho, also called Flaming Charisma Minho. He is a bit cold, and if you ever compete with him on a sport or anything, you are sure to lose. He is our rapper and sub-vocalist.” When I looked over at Minho, he just smiled.

“And last but not least, on the far left is our Maknae, Lee Taemin. He is famous for being cute, but don’t get fooled by his cuteness, because he is an amazing dancer and his expressions change on stage. He is also good at math and quite athletic, but still loses to Minho. He is our main dancer, sub-vocalist, and sub-rapper.”

I looked over at Taemin. He looked back at me, smiled sweetly, waved, and said “Hi, noona.” He was so cute that I smiled back at him.

"We are a K-Pop group called SHINee, and we are the most popular group right now," Key finished.

"Wow again conceited much. Wait, hang on, where did I hear this group called 'SHINee' again?’" i thought to myself. I realized that Cho Hee was still waiting for me, so I shook my head, came back to my senses, and yelled out at Key, “YAH, ARE YOU DONE?! CAN I GO NOW?!” I said furiously. I looked at all of them, and they were just standing there, speechless from shock. “Can you please now tell me where the front entrance is?”

Onew pointed on the left “Just go straight down there and you can find the front entrance.” I looked to the left and started walking then I said, “Thank you."

-Key’s POV-

“Oh, look, what is this? I think that weird girl dropped her school ID,” I picked it up, opened it and read, “Northwest High School, Kim So Young. Huh…so that’s her name. What an interesting girl.”

“I’d say that she’s a weird noona,” said Taemin.

“Hey, let’s go and eat chicken after the concert,” Onew said, changing the subject. We all looked at Onew.

“Oh, Hyung,” Jonghyun sighed.

Minho, who shook his head, said, “Let’s go”

We all started walking, and Onew yelled out confused, “Hey, guys wait up! Did I say anything wrong?” 




a/n: okay i hope this chapter was better than the first and although there were alot of introduction, and i am sure that most people who are reading this fanfic already know SHINee very well, or maybe not i don't know but eventhought i know SHINee very well, when i looked them up individually i found out a lot of new things about them, so that was fun. anyways maybe the introduction was long and boring for some people, if so then i apologize. but if it was fun then thank you. Anyways thank you for reading, subscribe and comment to this story if you like it. oh yeah Northwest High School is not really a real high school, i just made that up. 


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songseunghyunsarangh #1
This is so cute, I love it!
@s-elfish, LOL, but didn't you call HikariCharter a child, for complaining :P and now it's ur turn, and ur not just complaining in the fanfic, ur also complainging outside, i so knew u would haha
@HikariCharter, yep i remember, but he is still the second least competitive member in shinee
"i dont care if i lose or win" sure jonghyun >:P jonghyun cheats his way to winning LOL remember hello baby?
s-elfish #4
So you make the female guests help clean, but insist that the male guests don't have to do anything? Hm. >_>
just keep on waiting my friend, just keep on waiting, it's not gonna b any time soon XD XD XD
u updated~~~~~~<3 when is JongMin gonna happen DDDDDDDDDX
"big shawol" >.> u didnt know sherlock was out til i told u XDD ANYWAYS yo r right ;:D being busy is true this time =.= because even i DDX stayed up every night doing hw :\ n other stuff happen too ;DD i didnt update for like 3 weeks :DD i'm so cool ;D I"M SO CURIOUS for the next chapter :DD get it? XDD SHERLOCK~
Cant wait for next week >.<
SuJuniorLover99 #9
Yes! She got in, thank god! Update soon!
s-elfish #10
Ahhh sorry! I rushed. :(